Ann Curry: Now reckons she was fired cause of her flat shoes, gray hair and too multi colored style.
Ann Curry Today show: At last NBC Today show gets a rating boost with Olympics.
Ann Curry fired. Reckons that The Today show are not living up to promises made to her.
Ann Curry fired: Feels vindicated as NBC ratings falter at the London Olympics
Ann Curry returns to The Today show after Batman Dark Knight shooting
Ann Curry replacement Savannah Guthrie said to be having debilitating migraines.
Ann Curry fired. Pundits anxiously await new Nielsen ratings.
Ann Curry video interview with Ladies Home Journal released.
Ann Curry fired: Today show loses with Savannah Guthrie week one.
Ann Curry is not missed as NBC insists that they are thrilled with the new anchor team.
Ann Curry Fired, NBC Dismal ratings and viewer contempt.
Ann Curry Fired: Savannah Guthrie’s ‘Today’ Debut tanks.
Ann Curry’s replacement Savannah Guthrie waxes girlish charm with giggly Matt Lauer.
Anne Curry fired: Today show fighting for its life against Good Morning America.
Ann Curry fired: Surfaces with new tweets, inspires more controversy.
Ann Curry Fired: Matt Lauer was 100 % behind her ouster from Today show.
Now that she’s gone NBC reveal how they really felt about Ann Curry.
Being a talented journalist these days when you’re expected to be a kind of rock star too…
Sensing the potential backlash from Today loyalists, NBC news president Steve Capus has come out a day after Ms Curry’s final showing on the Today show to say that Ann Curry, the co anchor of the eponymous show ‘wasn’t right for the job and had hit her peak.
Hollywood Reporter: ‘I think it was not where her real passion was,’ he said. ‘In her heart of hearts, I think she would admit that.’
What though is most interesting about the exclusive that Capus gave with the Hollywood Reporter is his insistence that the NBC wasn’t behind the leaks that had led to rampant media speculation as to the fate of Ann Curry. Something that this author finds hard to believe given the recent chain of events.
“You can go crazy trying to figure out where the leaks come from,” said Capus. “It’s like punching at ghosts. At the end of the day, we know the real story of this news division. Often the leak that we’re asked to respond to is completely off base. Yet, if we comment on it, suddenly it becomes a story.”

Asked to reflect on why Ms Curry wasn’t ultimately right for the job Mr Capus offered the following:
“I think it was not where her real passion was,” he said. “In her heart of hearts, I think she would admit that. I think her real passion is built around reporting on international stories. It’s tough to convey a sincere interest in something if you don’t possess it. We live in a HD world. Dan Rather used to say the camera never blinks. Well, this is an HD world now, and the camera picks up everything. And you could tell with her, you can tell with any anchor, whether they’re into it or not. And I think we’ve now come up with a role that will play to her strengths.”
Which might be a backhanded way of saying now that the Today show has become more of a tabloid formula with more focus given on celebrities and fluff pieces, Ms Curry may have not necessarily connoted the ‘correct’ aura when it came time for such attention to what most serious journalists would perhaps consider disengaging.
Then he offers the following:
“We gave her a year to prove herself, and ultimately we came to the conclusion that she had played at the highest level she could,” said Capus. “When you’re in the major leagues of our profession, you’ve got to continue to be at peak performance in order to stay there.”
Perhaps then this is what it has come down to. Ratings and making advertising dollars is the catch phrase these days in the current media paradigm and despite how qualified a journalist is these days, if it is assessed that they may not have enough star power behind them they may end up finding themselves being asked to move along, something that Ms Curry found out brutally and to her amazement.
Which is to say behind a talented journalist may eventually mean little if at the same time you’re not perceived to be a kind of rock star that so many journalists are asked to give attention to these days…
Ann Curry fired and the capitulation of the Today show.
Ann Curry Fired: Matt Lauer and his crocodile tears.
Ann Curry Fired. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t carry the ball over the finish line…
Matt Lauer’s wife threatened to divorce him if Natalie Morales became Today co anchor.
Ann Curry fired: Officially leaving Today, to make farewell speech imminently.
Ann Curry fired. Lap dances, grumpy fits and behind the scenes back stabbing…
Ann Curry Fired: More upheaval as passed over Natalie Morales set to leave Today show.
Ann Curry Fired: Ann haggling for $20 million exit money and NBC confirms Savannah Guthrie.
Ann Curry Fired. Backstabbed by NBC.
Ann Curry Fired. Refuses to take the hint now fed up NBC will go public.
Ann Curry doesn’t care that she’s fired. “I’m here to stay!’
Ann Curry Fired: ‘Am I not good enough?’
Ann Curry turns up to Today show, acting as if she hasn’t been fired.
Ann Curry fired cause NBC hates her.
Matt Lauer re-signs with the Today show whilst Ann Curry is a goner.
Ann Curry rumored to be fired because her co host Matt Lauer hates her guts.
for the first time in over 35 yeas I won’t tune to NBC for my morning news & views.
I know why it surprises me that major stations make huge mistakes.
This guy is a jerk. I always thought Ann Curry was a soothing voice in the morning, and loved her style. Hmm…maybe his job is next!
Steve Capus more than likely found himself between a rock and a hard place, and Matt. Yes we all loved Ann because she told us the news forever. Then NBC gave her a shot at the Big Time. I believe if Matt would have showned Ann more respect than Hands Off she would still be there. Her replacement didn’t have a Dog in this Fight except she was their second choice. There’s something to be said for someone that takes a job because another person didn’t want it, and Ann should have look in that direction before she also took the position. Steve Capus should have worked this out a different way, say over time. ABC is now a little better than the Today Show, but the Today show is still good program there just not as good as ABC. Steve Should put Ann back on the Today Show somehow as a Co-Co-Anchor, and tell Mr. “Older” Matt to hold on or just go somethere else. Matt was good, but with all this Ann talk he should now take his game to another park and play there and NBC should encourage him to leave.
To Steve Capus: Ever consider firing Hoda and Kathy Lee? They are idiots. At least Ann Curry wasn’t a bimbo and has what you and the others lack- class.
NBC’s Steve Capus has peaked.. what a looser.. I am sure in his heart of hearts he would agree.