How a Music Marketing Agency Amplifies Success
Why collaborating with a music marketing agency is a must for performers and artists seeking to get their brand out there and build sales...
Overcome Stage Fright And Sing Better Live
How to overcome stage fright and sing better live. How a performer can find their confidence, overcome their nerves and improve their skill set.
How to Plan for Music Tours in 2022
How recording artists should plan for music tours in 2022. Harnessing the internet, hybrid concerts, ticketing options, contract negotiations and calculated travel.
With Covid vaccination...
Music Trends to Look Out for This Summer
Music Trends 2021. How COVID-19 forced musicians and artists to re-think being creative and monetizing their content as technology, consumption, services and changing costs...
3 Reasons The Performing Arts Can Improve Your Mental Health
How The Performing Arts Can Improve Your Mental Health, Encourage Creative Expression, build Self Esteem & Confidence & Bring People together.
Music, theater, dance are...
Best practices to promote HIP HOP music on YouTube
How to best promote HIP HOP music on YouTube. Getting your music out there, played and shared requires inclusive strategy, including audio and video.
5 Ways to Art Up Your Life in 2020
Bringing art into your life in 2020: Creative ideas you might want to think about & explore whether in the visual or performing kind....
How to Become a POP Singer: Best Steps to Singing Like A Pro
Becoming a Pop Singer is more than just having talent! Persevere and practice along with some technical know how and discipline is just the...
Trash Heap Records America single debut starring All Day Willis & Eva Bublick
Trash Heap Records America single debut starring All Day Willis & Eva Bublick as an ingenue music producer and his recording artist muse seek...
Olamide Nigerian rapper life story and path to success
Olamide Nigerian rapper life story: The rise of pop culture hero Olamide Badoo, from his career, music, label and personal life.
This young Nigerian rapper...
6 Essential Tips Toward Becoming a Modern-Day Rockstar and Musician
Tips Toward Becoming a Modern-Day Rockstar: Becoming a popular music purveyor is more than one's art, how the industry has necessitated new demands and...
The Best Dance Recital Costumes
The Best Dance Recital Costumes complement the performance at hand, from quality of clothes, variety and accessories that serve the show. A checklist.
What is...
UK Film Festivals 2016 You Have To Visit
UK Film Festivals 2016: There's no shortage of film festivals where one can apply to have their film seen or to attend and marvel...
Lil Poopy, Cocaine Cowboy: 13 year old rapper lands Sony deal
Luis Rivera Jr aka Lil Poopy signs on with Sony-Epic. But is the entertainment company treading a slippery slope given the youth's risky subject...
Kourtney Kelly on Solid Ground
The dizzy ascent of actress/singer Kourtney Kelly examined.
Making her foray in the entertainment world is actress/singer Kourtney Kelly, an Ottawa, Ontario, Canada emigre who has made...