Since the capricious murders at the hands of Elliot Rodger, calls have been made to paint Elliot Rodger as a misogynist under the duress of men’s rights movements. As beguiling as that notion is there’s actually more going on than meets the eye than simply another opportunity from various feminists groups, sympathizers to show how once again (note trending hashtag #yesallwomen on social media) they are saddled with the inequitable treatment at the hands of men and society in general.
Various examples in the last 24 hours have elicited these passages that made me wonder, admittedly in stupor and horror:
dailykos: To men’s rights activists everywhere: when you stand right next to rape apologists, to men who call women animals, and when you allow groups like reddit’s “The Red Pill” to stand with you, when you scream about false rape claims as if all claims of rape are false, it invalidates everything you might be trying to accomplish. I have a laundry list of my own regarding the ways that men and boys are discriminated against in this country. The prime example is the way that our shelter system rips homeless families apart. Because there are so few family shelters, and so many shelters for single mothers, men often choose to be homeless so that their families can have a roof over their heads. This is an issue I’ve worked on, and that I care about. But I’ve never seen you folks mention it. Probably because it has to do with socialism, poor people, and people who might not be right. Instead, you yell about false claims of rape. Even if this is an issue you care about, it’s being drowned out by all the rape jokes you’ve been posting on your cute little forums.
time: Initial reports note that Rodger stabbed to death three roommates before beginning his shooting spree, but his anger appears to have been particularly directed at women. This has led some to speculate that cultural misogyny has contributed to this shooting. For instance, Jessica Valenti, writing in The Guardian states that “Rodger, like most young American men, was taught that he was entitled to sex and female attention.” And Valenti isn’t the only writer to see cultural misogyny at the core of this shooting. Some reports suggest Rodger may have associated with “men’s rights” groups that view women as hostile.
policymic: We live in a society where being white and male affords one with countless privileges and, for some, a toxic sense of entitlement. As Michael Kimmel explains, “righteous retaliation is a deeply held, almost sacred, tenant of masculinity: if you are aggrieved, you are entitled to retribution. American men don’t just get mad, we get even.”
huffpo: This is what the Men’s Rights Movement teaches its members. Especially vulnerable, lonely young men who have a hard time relating to women. It teaches them that women, and especially feminist women, are to blame for their unhappiness. It teaches them that women lie, that they cheat, trick and manipulate. It teaches them that men as a social class are dominant over women and that they are entitled to women’s bodies. It teaches them that women who won’t give them what they want deserve some kind of punishment. This is what the Men’s Rights Movement teaches its members. Especially vulnerable, lonely young men who have a hard time relating to women. It teaches them that women, and especially feminist women, are to blame for their unhappiness. It teaches them that women lie, and that women are naturally predisposed to cheat, trick and manipulate. It teaches them that men as a social class are dominant over women and that they are entitled to women’s bodies. It teaches them that women who won’t give them what they want deserve some kind of punishment.
What might perhaps be a more plausible consideration of Elliot Rodger’s behavior is his feeling of entitlement and the negation of that entitlement and the subsequent frustration he felt. An attitude, a condition that has nothing to do with men’s right’s groups but the conflicted sense of a young man who perceives himself to be worth less than other men who are able to find female companionship.
The son of a prosperous and successful film director, Elliot Rodgers had it more easy than many of us. He got to live in luxury, was never denied any material resource he wanted and after a while came to identify success and being with the accumulation of wealth and possessions. Except there was one problem- he had yet to come to possess women or acquire them which he had come to believe given our rampant culture which exudes the notion one can possess or have anything in the world once they acquire status, wealth. Never mind the fact that acquiring friends, compassion, integrity and love often comes as the result of showing such things to others, something which was not afforded to Elliot Rodgers on a regular basis and hence had him believing that he was now owed it because he at least possessed the trappings of success, and desirability: good looks money, an apartment, a luxury car and his families status.
And yet we are told at the same time that the reason Elliot Rodger went on a killing rampage was because he hated women. I think it would perhaps be fairer to say that Elliot Rodger hated humanity and women were an incidental desire given the rise of his puberty and his feelings of sexual inadequacy, rather than an abject loathing of women simply because of their very gender.
Thoughtful members of Men’s rights group do not aspire to denigrate women but to challenge instances where they perceive inequity between men and women, in the same way feminists or women’s rights groups like to point out the inequity in a society that puts them at a disadvantage to men. Like it or not there are instances of unjust and inequity with respect to both genders and not to just one gender and it would behoove the media and journalists in general to keep this in mind rather than writing essays decrying the omnipresent existence of hate towards women. That is simply not the case.
If degrees of injustice or inequity does exist it is often at the hand of institutional coercion, be it in education, legally enshrined or just cultural, which by proxy forces many of us to accept the view that the woman must stay at home and have the babies whilst the man must go out and assert his power and will and bring back the bacon. A view and semblance that is not readily too absorbed and lived by most of us in the modern era, nevertheless disingenuous views towards both men and women still run rampant and abuse will happen.
But let us be clear, the case of Elliot Rodger is not an excuse to point the finger at all men and say that somehow we have allowed a culture to persist where disorientated men like Elliot Rodger can come to believe and expect that women will behave as he wishes because they are objects. That has I believe more to do with the circumstances of his upbringing and inability to express compassion, love and integrity, something one wonders the young man necessarily was able to feel or accept in his immediate surroundings and by puberty had come to believe women were the perpetrators of his pain when it is painfully obvious this young man’s pain comes as a result of low self esteem, trust issues and self hate.
Yes men and women have problems and yes there are some men and some women who readily abuse the other gender but let us stop and think to ourselves, the root cause of misanthropy, misandry and misogyny isn’t the result of a willful desire to usurp the other but rather the inability of some individuals to see through the guises of entrenches cultural norms that has for better or worse informed the way some of us react to rejection from the other gender as in Elliot Rodger’s case.
Elliot Rodger planned to kill his 6 year old step brother and step mother
Will Peter Rodger agree to meet Richard Martinez? Demands meeting.
Philip Bloeser: ‘Elliot Rodger wanted to rape women,’ avoids being murdered too
Elliot Rodger gay says Fox news psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig
Mahbod Moghadam fired for saying Elliot Rodger’s sister is ‘smoking hot.’
Monette Moio is the model that teased Elliot Rodger that made him hate women.
Elliot Rodger hailed a hero on PUAHate, women hating pick up artist site.
Elliot Rodger’s parents read manifesto and rushed to call cops
Elliot Rodgers murdered roommates identified. George Chen, Weihan Wang, Chen Yuan Hong.
The priviliged life of Elliot Rodger: Private first class flights and $40K BMW coupe gift
Elliot Rodger friends thought he was a serial maker in the making
Are cops to blame for missing Elliot Rodger plot? Found him polite…
Who were Katie Cooper and Veronika Weiss victims of Elliot Rodger?
Elliot Rodger tried storming sorority, mutilated 3 roommates and had 410 rounds of ammo left
Elliot Rodger three bodies found in his apartment. Lured and stabbed.
Elliot Rodger manifesto, ‘My twisted world’ found. 140 pages
Elliot Rodger posted on male virgin site of plans. Users begged him to stop.
Elliot Rodger was so mentally ill his father called the cops on him
Elliot Rodger posted ‘Why do girls hate me so much video’ before shoot out.
Elliot Rodger hated women, belonged to ‘Anti Pickup Artist Movement.’
Elliot Rodger Isla Vista shoot out. Kills 6 cause women rebuffed him.
Your blog specializing in going above the certain lacking a apprehension contemptuous along on their possess released constrains
i refuse to post at SPLP but I do read…
There is one person that I despise above all others at SPL, and that is Clinton Wilcox. He is a woman hating fundie, who expresses his hatred for women with his love for zygotes. In a debate with Matt Dillahunty, he stated that a rape victim, should she become 100pct paralyzed by pregnancy, should still be forced to gestate against her will. Matt asked him if a father, upon passing fatal kidney disease to his child, should be obligated to donate a kidney to save the child’s life, and Clinton replied ‘no’. Clinton also believes that a woman should be denied abortion unless she is suffering ‘imminent death’ – which I would guess he means literally flatlining.
So ask him about rape. His entire argument collapses, because he would condemn a rape victim to death and disability for his precious ‘rational’ zygote.
“Testosterone, and this need to feel like a man, is basically at the root of every conflict we’ve ever had. Why do men like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini hold onto their power so desperately? Why did WW1 even emerge? Why did colonization even happen? I’ll tell you why. Power. All the other reasons come afterwards. And who between men and women feels the greater need to acquire power? That’s right. Men.”
That’s an overly simplistic and biased take. Consider the human baby: one of the most powerless things on earth. Parents give up everything to nurture it for over 1 decade or more while the baby is hardly aware of the control it has. THAT is power too.
The race for colonies and resources and subsequent wars are manifest in the increasing material and consumer products available in shopping malls, packed with that half of the population that john lennon called “the nigger of the world.”
You mean how sorry people would feel for her and how the rad femmes would declare her a hero? Hell they see a woman known as mary daly who said men should be killed off down less than 10% of the worlds population as a hero.
You mean the same culture women promote as well? We all know who does the grand majority of shaming when it comes to sex. Some women love using lack of sex as a weapon against men to make them feel small.
“Some men cannot accept that equality, and yes feminism, have let women realize that we don’t *need* men anymore just to survive.”
Yeah until the baby factories pump out multiple kids just to drink from the tax well.
No one is calling this guy a hero yet femmes calling Valerie Solanas is still seen as ok. So with the 6 killed and 4 of them being male this still equals misogyny? Too bad you don’t even grasp what MRAs and MGTOW even want. As you were saying women don’t need men, we’ll the reverse is the same as well. The problem is men who try to live like that get compared to guys like Rodger.
I have yet to hear MRAs or any other types like that claim that they will destroy the female gender if they do not get sex BUT I have heard feminists praise Mary daly for her idea of killing off the male gender to less than 10 percent of the worlds population. Funny how that’s always overlooked.
The only reason I ‘come across as an asshole’ is that you didn’t bother to read the words I said. You are projecting your own biases onto my words so that you can ‘get off’ on some self-righteous diatribe against a community of people you have a problem with (and I have no association, or sympathy with).
Why don’t you check your biases and come back and contribute in a meaningful way.
You are mistaking symptoms for root causes.
Elliot Rodger’s rants are textbook misogyny, I have never argued against that. In less extreme cases such as rape, domestic violence etc. we would be on the same side; but this is a mass shooting. Since 1987 the overwhelming majority of mass shootings in the United States have been perpetrated by individuals with indications of mental illness.
I strongly believe that EVERY mass shooting that occurs in the US is PREVENTABLE. I am NOT interested in discussing misogyny in society because Elliot Rodgers did not abuse an ex girlfriend or rape a college student or murder an ex’s boyfriend; he went on a violent shooting rampage.
My goal has been to encourage HONEST discussion of root causes so that we may prevent MASS SHOOTINGS from happening in the future.
You and everyone like you are too wrapped up in your righteous indignation to actually address the central issues here, and your selfishness and lack of empathy and compassion for other human beings will ensure that more innocent people will die in a tragedy exactly like this one and I find that incredibly distasteful…
1.Oh yeah males are so privileged, they have the advantage of being forced to sign in for selective service.
2. Then why did he kill more men then?
oh my god, you’re hilarious.
“push button simplicity of …sexual attraction cues” my partner (or anyone who has had sex with a woman before) can tell you that its not that as simple as pushing a button.
“turn them back into women”
OMG ladies and gentlemen, your sex organs disappear when you become a feminist, so you better get date raped by a misogynistic asshat so your tits come home!!
i’m not disagreeing that being manipulated into sex with someone isn’t the same as rape, becasue it is.
it’s just that you’re so hilarious.
your use of the word ownership implies that you are also a misogynist. Your made up statistics imply that you have no idea what you are talking about.
Maybe a little less time spent on Men’s Rights webpages (because y’all are so fucking oppressed, you need internet activism about it. LAWL), and a little more time spent searching the internet for actual facts and maybe how to check your privilege would be more rewarding.
“many closeted men are like this”
spoken like a true expert. all you were missing are a few scathing statistics, and then everyone will believe you, because as a woman, you obviously know what its like to be a homosexual man … oh no. wait. that doesn’t make any sense.
maybe you should think about making sense before you try to speak for an entire group of people you are not a part of?
(aka, just check your privilege. it’s alright though we all gotta do it sometime, and when we do, it can help us realise that the only people we can truly speak for are ourselves, or a group that we are a part of and can represent properly)
no one is saying he didnt hate men.
but his ACTUAL CONFESSIONS OF WANTING TO BE VIOLENT AGAINST WOMEN, AND THEN FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH IT are what all us “loud walking vaginaboobs” are so upset about.
I fail to see what about this is causing such strong cognitive dissonace among privileged males.
you’re a fucking idiot.
your parents must be so proud of their little misogynist. awww.
you are clearly misguided.
violence against women (and the men too, in this particular case!) has everything to do with rape culture.
i highly suggest you invest in a quick trip to the google homepage, and search for “how to check your privilege”
you might come across as less of an asshole in the future
oh my goodness. you’ve linked to a return of kings article?
nevermind. disengage from contact with blatant misogynist, because as a walking tits and vagina, I am clearly not capable of having a sane conversation with such a higher being of greater importance than this man” (and by man, i obviously mean whiny baby child)
MANY people see him as a closet gay pretending to like women, because he couldn’t bear what he really liked: men. Many closeted men are like this. They go on and on about women, but don’t talk or approach them when given the chance, but they will tell you all about the guys who were getting the girls.
But that’s not the case: he explicitly stated in his manifesto and videos that the reason for his rampage was because he hated women for rejecting him, and men for having what he couldn’t. This is what’s known as “entitlement”. And the facts are that this entitlement is what caused his subsequent resentment. It’s a problem with culture that needs to be fixed, not only for women but for the men who (as you keep pointing out) were killed as well.
A huge point you MRAs don’t acknowledge is that most of the violence perpetrated against men is by ex-partners of their current partner, for similar reasons as Rodger killed these men. Jealousy, resentment, entitlement. Look it up.
Wilful ignorance and stupidity.
thats just ridiculous. If he was gay then it would never bother him that he couldn’t get women. do you realize how dumb you sound?? thsi guy was on the site pua hate all the time talking about hsi troubles with girls. It makes zero sense that he was a closeted gay.
Typical shaming tactic from an ignorant fool. The kid said he hated women for not being with him when he was “nice” and he hated men for getting women before him. But of course, thanks to feminists’ mastery of selective hearing, all they got out of it was “I hate women”. The guy hated both genders. Besides, if he hated only women, why would he kill more men? How does that make any sense?
Feminism was made in direct response to the mistreatment of women. Times have changed and so has feminism.
The MRM was made in direct response to feminism,
In other words, feminism was because women were being treated unfairly, the MRM was because men were no longer ten steps ahead. Picture a baby with ten cookies crying because someone else has one.
HE probably hated women because he did not know how to become one. His rants were filled with the descriptions of men with the women being secondary. He always talked about how attractive he was. Perhaps he was closeted gay.
I have a BMW for sale. It needs touching up
The existence of involuntary male virgins unsettles people because it challenges the mythology that we live in a democracy of sexual relationships. Instead we really live in an unacknowledged aristocracy, where sexual access follows a Pareto distribution: Twenty percent of the men get 80 percent of the sex, while 80 percent of the men have to fight over the scraps, leftovers and leavings. Given this reality, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a nontrivial number of men in every generation can’t push their way through the crowd to claim ownership of a pittance.
When taken to that level of extremism, yes. His motivations had very little to do with rape culture.
While it is completely understandable why so many like you have reacted so strongly, please know that it is counterproductive. I know that this is a subject that is intensely personal because every woman experiences it in one way or another. I recognize that many people can draw similarities between Elliot’s warped perspective and the behaviors and actions of men in their lives.
But the simple fact is this: If this idea of masculinity in society didn’t exist, he would have co-opted some other worldview/religion/perspective that allowed him to demonize the people that he hated (which was pretty much everybody else of both sexes).
As an example, there are clear links between this kid and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Both were intensely lonely and had difficulty assimilating and making friends. Both gravitated toward a worldview that explained their isolation and helped define their identity in a way that they had control over. Both became so extreme in their worldview that they were criticized and rejected by the very community they had adopted, further driving them to exile and extremism. Without any checks from real world experience their perspective mutates and their illness deepens until they feel they have no choice but to strike back against the infidels/heathens/hypocrites, etc.
It would be more productive to be able to recognize the danger signs of someone who is slipping in this way, because the next mass shooter just might have delusions of an alien abduction, or may just really hate the IRS.
there is no feminist gun control conspiracy
its just that this probably should never happen again, and wouldnt have if rape culture wasnt an issue.
i don’t understand how people can deny its existence.
do you think that white privilege is a myth too? jesus christ …
oh no.
i just feel so bad for you, for not getting it.
are you lonely?
yeah, rape culture and a man wanting to enslave the women of the world are obviously unrelated. thanks for clearing that up for us all. you’re a real great guy.
well, it’s nice to see we’ve transitioned smoothly from rape culture to murder culture. all those vocal man hating feminists, they dont even care when men get murdered.
“Thoughtful members of Men’s rights group do not aspire to denigrate women but to challenge instances where they perceive inequity between men and women, in the same way feminists or women’s rights groups like to point out the inequity in a society …”
Holy shit, a bunch of thoughtful assholes all turned out to be feminists after all. Awesome.
“I want sex, either you give me sex or I will destroy you and your entire gender”
uh no. if an entire gender was destroyed, then there would definitely not be any sex going on any more.
you’re quoting elliot rogers and then attributing it to others and you should stop.
so get this. a young man with affluenza is materialistic. in this materialist society he finds himself isolated. he felt entitled and jealous when his BMW and expensive glasses didn’t get him laid. on the surface, that’s what it looks like.
despite his narcissism, it looks as if even some sociopaths need human contact.
babies that are not given human contact die. studies show this.
children who are not around other human beings end up feral and have great difficulty speaking and reading for the rest of their lives. studies show this.
it can be argued that not have sex, or human contact, or a loving relationship can lead to anger and isolation.
no one is justifying what he did. rationalizing can play a part in this discussion. the fact of the matter is that 3rd wave feminists as well as gun control authoritarians are using political grandstanding to promote their agendas from this tragedy.
just because someone is critical of 3rd wave feminism does not automatically make them a rape apologist, which is what the 3rd wave feminist platform is not so tacitly implying.
Game is infuriating. How dare men reveal the push-button simplicity of women’s sexual attraction queues and turn them back onto the women! Its no wonder that women are so upset a few days later having discovered the dupe. Its tantamount to rape and trivializes women’s sexual power.
He doesnt “deserve” a girlfiend for fuck’s sake! A woman is not something you need to gain by beeing nice, is a human being who is entitled to make her own decisions and has every right to choose not to date you. The sense of entitlement in this guy is just sickening
Hmm edtastic…either you’ve been living under a rock or you’re just plain fucking stupid. Women are the minority of victims? Do you not see reports and reports of female abuse. Do you know how many of my close female friends suffer on a DAILY basis because of the pervasive misogyny that exists in our society? Whereas I can freely roam the streets at night without being rudely catcalled, my friends are always denigrated, catcalled and threatened. And it pisses me off that my own gender stops me from defending these poor creatures by calling me less of a man for doing so. Of course this never stops me. But really? We blame women for being driven by hormones but in my experience it’s men. Testosterone, and this need to feel like a man, is basically at the root of every conflict we’ve ever had. Why do men like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini hold onto their power so desperately? Why did WW1 even emerge? Why did colonization even happen? I’ll tell you why. Power. All the other reasons come afterwards. And who between men and women feels the greater need to acquire power? That’s right. Men.
“Men are still 80% of all homicide and suicide victims” It is beyond me how there are men SO STUPID as to bring this up to invalidate feminism. How the fuck is that feminism’s fault? Do you also realize that MEN COMMIT MORE CRIMES (and are therefore responsible for most homicides)? Do you realize that suicide is SELF-INFLICTED BY ITS VERY DEFINITION? And people have been taught to sympathize more with MEN. Just consider the alternate scenario. HAD IT BEEN A WOMAN IN PLACE OF ELLIOT ROGERS. JUST THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND. An even take male celebrities vs female celebrities. The former’s scandals are always condoned and sympathized with while the latter is always dismissed as crazy and hard to understand (just think of all those memes we have to invalidate women’s emotions).
People like you make me feel awful about being male. That you can be so selfish and stubbornly remain blissfully unaware of a grave injustice that our half of civilization has inflicted upon the other (a grave injustice that has become a double-edged sword since it plagues us as well) annoys me beyond reason.
He was not shy and awkward. He was a deluded psychopath with a god complex and an expectation that he deserved sex and that women were obligated to give it to him. He was not the poor lonely “nice guy” left out in the cold while girls went for the “bad boys”. He WAS the bad boy too busy glaring at happy couples to try to be part of one, and girls avoided him because of the way he acted and the way he would outright attack people out of petty jealousy. He threw coffee at a guy just because this complete stranger went to a coffee shop with a girl while he was there. He attempted to push people off a 10 foot balcony because they wouldn’t let him insult them. These are not the actions of a healthy person, and would not in any way provide for anything even close to a healthy relationship. And people like you defending him are only proving all those “femnazis” right. Don’t think he was doing you or the world any favors. He was only in it for himself, and he wanted to burn the world down around him.
What about “shy and awkward” women? Hell just last night I asked a guy out who I have liked for a long time and he said “no”. Should I play the victim and blame society for this? You must be insane as he is to think that being felt sorry for over not getting a damn date is more important that the topic of rape.
Please stop with the personal crusades, this is not the appropriate situation to talk about misogyny in society. Six innocent people are dead because we as a society don’t know how to treat mental illness (clearly two shrinks wasn’t enough).
This guy had fantasies about being dictator of the world and putting women in concentration camps, forcing them to live underground. That’s taking misogyny to a whole different stratosphere. This has very little to do with ‘rape’ culture or masculinity in society and everything to do with a seriously unwell mind.
“But let us be clear, the case of Elliot Rodger is not an excuse to point the finger at all men and say that somehow we have allowed a culture to persist where disorientated men like Elliot Rodger can come to believe and expect that women will behave as he wishes because they are objects. That has I believe more to do with the circumstances of his upbringing and inability to express compassion, love and integrity, something one wonders the young man necessarily was able to feel or accept in his immediate surroundings and by puberty had come to believe women were the perpetrators of his pain when it is painfully obvious this young man’s pain comes as a result of low self esteem, trust issues and self hate.”
We have let this culture persist to the pint where men like Elliot Rodger can come to believe that women will just act as he wants because he’s a man, because he’s a “nice guy”. Those feelings of low self esteem, trust issues and self hate. Those are a separate problem for him. The part where society comes in is when men are allowed to feel like it’s a women’s fault for those feelings of low self esteem because this is a masculinist society. Where it’s a women’s responsibility to take those away. When in reality it’s not. And because he couldn’t comprehend that, he went insane. And apparently you can’t comprehend that either
It doesn’t matter that he was lonely or shy or awkward. That isn’t anyone’s problem but his own. He absolutely did not deserve a girlfriend. He was monster who not only hated women, but other races as well. His sense of entitlement that you talk about. He felt that just because he was a “gentlemen” which he clearly wasn’t, he was entitled to a woman. He was not. He expected women to just come to him. It is not a woman’s or society’s responsibility to satisfy anyone. BTW Rape culture is certainly a serious thing
what a trash rag you’re running. get a fucking dictionary, losers.
Men are still 80% of all homicide and suicide victims but we ignore that reality to focus on women whining about misogyny so they can keep their privileged place as the greatest victim the world has ever known. The emotional manipulation that plays on our sympathies only works because people have been taught to care more for women than they do men.
Oh no the mass murderer uses ‘sexist terms’. I can think of some other sexist terms like ‘DudeBro’ or ‘Mansplaining’ or ‘creep’ used to shame and bully men without end for not abiding by the ideological dictates of women whose deep resentment of the male gender has taken over their minds.
“But he didn’t care about killing men. He cared about “annihilating blonde sluts” for not sucking his cock.”
Oh he killed men he just didn’t care about them. So he his total indifference to the value of male life is a non issue because he was driven mad by a powerful desire for women’s love and sex.
Quit shoveling the crap. This man hated humanity and the motives were nothing but the rantings of a mad man who if he were not mad wouldn’t be hating or killing anyone.
Naturally you have no idea what MRA’s stand for but that’s just the tip of te ice berg in terms of the level of deception you’re employing to protect your ideology which relies in a constant stream of misandry to keep it alive. There would not be a Men’s Rights Movement if feminist were not so persistent and vocal about their hatred of men. Men’s rights represents the few brave MEN AND WOMEN who choose to brave the feminist hate machine to bring light to the issues of men and boys. That same hatred would have us ignore the 4 men killed to only focus on the 2 women. This kind of sexism from supposed gender equality activist needs to stop along with their opportunistic bullying of anyone who calls out their antics through their massive institutional power.
“Some men cannot accept that equality, and yes feminism, have let women realize that we don’t *need* men anymore just to survive.”
Feminist are deeply hostile to real equality because it would give equal compassion to men and boys. That’s the reality people are living with today and your bullying of those who reject your false equality is indicative of a pattern of abuse that spans the decades used to silence critics and consolidate power in the hands of stridently sexist idealogues hiding behind our sympathy for women.
“He is being widely lauded by those other awful psychopaths on misogyny sites such as Return of Kings.”
This is not a Men’s Rights site. They in fact hate MRA’s and mock them as wimps for doing the whole equality thing.
“Return of King MRAs are deathly afraid of failing at what was once a guarantee: getting a woman.”
It was never guaranteed and if you listen to them the problem is they feel women and society have become hostile to men after decades of persistent male bashing by feminists claiming to be fighting for equality. You show no compassion for men and shame them with the usual abusive gender policing language. This isn’t fighting for equality, its emotionally and psychologically abusing men for daring to care about their own feelings.
Considering he was vocal about his hatred of humanity you sound like a ideologue trying to keep the spot light on women who are in fact the minority of victims.
“You can’t comment on anything about women because you’re not one, but I can make sweeping generalizations about men.”
No “shy & awkward boy” has a Facebook page that is nothing more than a cascade of preening selfies w/captions like “Damnm, I look good!”
No, seven people are dead because society decides that manhood is only measured in how many sluts you can get. It is the SAME PATRIARCHY the feminists decry that promotes reactions & behaviors like this & MRAs like you are the problem! You REFUSE to take responsibility for your own actions in promoting this culture. Or do you need all the unmarried women over thirty to open fire for you to get the message as to just whose fault it is…?
Considering that his entire “manifesto” was a whine about being “owed” women’s attention/bodies, this article is what’s a fallacy.
So… the fact that he talked about slaughtering women, he used horrific sexist terms to describe those women who wouldn’t pay him attention, etc somehow are less important than ~men’s rights~?
Yes, he killed men. Yes, every single life lost in this instance is a tragedy. But he didn’t care about killing men. He cared about “annihilating blonde sluts” for not sucking his cock.
You’re an MRA. That explains it. He wasn’t “shy and awkward”, he was a creepy asshole – for example, he couldn’t keep a roommate for very long because his behaviour was terrifying and sociopathic.
To ignore this misogynist’s blatant misogyny takes some immense acrobatics. We can say that some Klan members aren’t about racism or hatred of other colors, but it would take as much stupidity and purposeful blindness to do so.
This poor psychopath stood for the same things that other MRAs stood for: “I want sex, either you give me sex or I will destroy you and your entire gender”. He is being widely lauded by those other awful psychopaths on misogyny sites such as Return of Kings. That is because the other misogynists agree with his opinions (if not his actions). The frequent name-calling, denigration, threats of violence and trivialization of rape (plus outright JOKES of rape) rife on the hate-speech sites like Return of Kings only lend an air of authenticity validating the evil hatred aimed at women who only want to “go their OWN way”.
Some men cannot accept that equality, and yes feminism, have let women realize that we don’t *need* men anymore just to survive. Men and husbands and boyfriends are great to have — time permitting — but not all women today see them as a necessary part of our lives. My husband is phenomenal and I am happy to have him, but life would still be just as possible without him today, unlike it would have been two generations ago. I couldn’t have made it without a husband.
Men only started “going their own way” after women went the heck our own way. “Normal” men — those who do not subscribe to the juvenile, selfish baby way of thinking everything is owed to them — are quite happy with life. But the MGTOW and Return of King MRAs are deathly afraid of failing at what was once a guarantee: getting a woman.
This kid was standard in his Return of Kings/MGTOW thinking. And he is being lauded as a hero by them.
Seven people are dead (mostly men by the way) because society has decided that shy and awkward men like Elliot Rodger do not deserve a girlfriend and that there is absolutely no way to improve his loneliness and loserdom through learning game or any other social behavior. At the same time men like him are ostracized, there is no legal means for him to solicit prostitution (in California) to release his biological and very pressing urge for fornication. Current cultural dogma wants to sweep the millions of lonely men like Rodger under the rug while instead focusing on gay marriage, “street harassment,” lack of empowered girls in video games, “rape culture,” and the horrors of letting young girls wear pink and play with dolls.
The dude killed men he KNEW first, and everyone’s up in arms about men’s rights and chauvinism that has nothing to do with violence. We’re talking about someone who lived a life where money wasn’t an issue. He could have easily gone somewhere where prostitution was legal.
Guess who’s using a tragedy to promote an agenda. 3rd wave feminists aren’t even correlating his statement about “if i can’t have them, i’ll destroy them” with the historical precedences of gender ownership and women being used as a resource. How broad a brush do today’s 3rd wavers need, to cover men who are critical of times when men are denigrated in order to uplift women with an Elliot Rogers stereotype?
Having never experienced a day in the body of a woman, how do you think you are in any place to comment on the state of “omnipresent” misogyny in the world-or rather the lack thereof? Oh yeah. It’s probably because as a man, you were raised to think that your opinion is inherently valuable. That much be nice 😉