The battle of the hot dogs.

The strange things that go on in hot dog competitions. In one corner you had the reigning champion- Joey Chestnut, the ex champion...

Why did Dave Chappelle ‘bug’ out on a private plane?

The curse of Dave Chappelle... Dave Chappelle this weekend has decided to grace us with the latest installment of anti social behavior. One...

Will you be competing at the Nathan’s Hot Dog eating competition?

Who will manage to eat the most hot dogs now that favorite Takeru Kobayashi bows out? There seems to be more drama this year...

Lindsay Lohan gets socked in the face!

Happy Birthday bitch! According to Lilo's tweeter- Lilo just got socked in the face and if you must know all the interns are doing...

A few observations for the 4th of July.

So here we are once again celebrating the 4th of July long weekend and all that comes with it- mad dashes to the...

2010 does not look like a good year for Mel Gibson.

Can a racist get a break? Already the rumors, insinuations have being flying rampant regarding Mel Gibson and of late Mr Gibson has...

Best Frenemies for Life: Modern Women and the Difficulty of Making Friends

College students live in the same manner as rats in a science lab. In tiny little dorm room cells, an endless stream...

Salvatore Ferragamo and Dree Hemingway give you GLAM and ATTIMO.

Oh the glamor. Last's night worldwide launch of the new Salvatore Ferragamo fragrance (or should I say parfum) ATTIMO at the Standard...

Where are the all the teenage Vampires at?

Although I may sound like the vintage Dana Carvey Grumpy Old Man character on Saturday Night Live, in my day we didn’t have sexy...

Are you ready to masturbate? Pee Wee Herman is coming out with a new...

One day Pee Wee will die and the world will be free. Pee Wee must have received a love letter from his fairy god...

Do dudes hate shopping?

Trying to understand why shopping makes us guys impotent. According to a study just released there's a reason why guys hate shopping. Should...

Now bus drivers are getting beat up.

The fun some bus passengers are having with bus drivers. Have you ever thought about pursuing a career as a bus driver? Gilberto ...

Cops confuse Lilo’s Coco Pops for Breath mints.

Is it possible to crush breathmints and snuff them up your nose? Sometime in the future the world will be thanking Lilo for...

British rugby player Gareth Thomas wins a 40 000 pound award for homophobic taunts.

The things rugby players endure these days. To his credit Gareth Thomas has set an exemplary record as one of Britain's most astute rugby...

Have you been stuck up by Manhattan’s cat woman yet?

The wonderful stick ups that are now taking place... Some things are stranger than fiction or perhaps a take on fiction. You be...