The Weekend in Celebrity Profiling: Paris and The Jersey Set Under Attack

In all the ecstasy of astounding glee with which the media has attacked a coke-addled Paris Hilton along with so many stars ...

Parasite Hilton now suspects she was set up.

The lies are growing bolder and desperate by the day. As 98 percent of the Western world knows by now, Parasite Hilton was busted...

Nicole John, young socialite plunges to her death.

I’m sure 17-year-old Nicole John, daughter of the U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Eric John, was having the time of her life the...

Khuram Sher Canadian Idol Contestant is now a terrorist suspect.

One can perhaps hardly be surprised that former Canadian Idol contest Khuram Sher, was eventually rounded up for terror related activities: after...

The Day in Public Perverts: Judge James Gibbons and Professor Oliver Collins

Oh the joy: we've finally caught a judge looking at stuff that's NSFW. Let the spectacle begin. Here, I'll spearhead it after regurgitating...

Ties to the Future: The new Breed of Gentlemen.

If one were to announce the imminent arrival of the sons of privileged families at your dinner table one would not...

Lilo pledges to turn her life from a carnival to a slow merry go...

I'll believe it when I see it. Only two days out of purgatory and our collective princess has $150 000 pay pal stubs ...

How you became a modern day celebrity.

The word ‘celebrity,’ in and of itself has become ubiquitous in our culture. Trying to define it isn’t what many...

Josh Eastman is shocked over his ‘swearing kid’ video arrest.

Maybe it's not a good idea to use minors in your morally depraved schemes... Josh Eastman is having a terrible day today. Why? ...

Facebook Hit List Creates Panic and Terror in the Colombian Town of Puerto Asis,...

If the ebbing paranoia still somehow pulsing through the blogosphere (and Stalker Gawker) after Stephen Colbert's data-mining rant wasn't enough to send...

Heidi Montag is now Desperate to Have Her G-Sized Breast Implants Removed

Few celebrity plastic surgery disasters press statements have seemed as meticulously conspired as the one Heidi Montag released recently. In this week's...

14 year old Sophie Watson wants to show you her new semi permanent tattoos...

Fourteen-year-old English pageant queen, Sophie Watson, who already holds twenty two beauty pageant titles, and has dreams of being a singer and...

Mattia Filippazo has her body stolen.

Gone are the days, when you were respectfully called by bell and holler, to “bring out yer dead,” a la the farcical...

Michael Enright decides to slash a Muslim cabby…

What would you expect from a promising film student, bravely documenting, first hand, the terror in Afghanistan, filming from the front lines...

Pee Wee Herman is now a Huffpo blogger. Will the children cry?

Pee Wee Herman, pop culture’s most lovable man-boy, has entered the digital age; and he has taken to the internet, writing blog...