Scandal and Gossip

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Dash Snow is dead, so too is SACE.

The people we love to care about now that they are dead. Dash Snow is dead. So, too, is SACE. One was a drunken, faux-celebrity,...

“Cyrano de Bulgerac” – The letters aspiring writers sometimes write to Editors in Chief.

A live by live account of a young author in heat.   We’re always inspired by the talented and those creatures who call themselves artists, gutsy...

Dick (head) Cheney; The secrets he likes to keep from you…

What are some of the fun secrets Dick likes to keep from you? Let’s find out…   Well, is it a surprise that we just found...

Chad Johnson- The new breed of Sporty Hot Tweeter.

Why jocks want to be loved just as much by you too… And you thoughts sports were dead or really meant what young socialites...

The 5 things you’re probably doing now that it’s a summer Friday afternoon.

The fun things you get up to when life becomes more than bearable at the office. It’s that time of day, two- three p.m...

AIG- We’re glad AIG finally discovered how real capitalism works.

The fun things you can get away with while everybody is looking. There used to be a time that behaving mischievously or irresponsibly used...

The five most guaranteed ways to make sure you never go lonely ever again.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where the loneliness is unbearable and you cry for the ex that you let get away. That...

Why did Lindsay Lohan turn down an opportunity to play the perfect role?

Is Lindsay secretly holding out for a more meaningful role when one is waiting for her right now? We read with intrigue in gutter...

What is it with weddings that take too long to finish?

How to mastermind quick exits even if it’s one of your best friend’s weddings… There comes a point in everybody’s life that as much...

Gary Coleman and Shannon Price plan on annoying you this 4th of July.

More disorderly conduct from a former child star and current full time loser. We know it’s mean to pick apart the disingenuous relationships of misfits...

Which top 5 stars could reignite their career if they actually died or at...

Has it become trendy to become a star on their deathbed? It’s certainly been a sordid week in ‘Tinsel’ town, and now that the greats...

Adrian Alicea; Deep in Vogue.

The first time I came across Adrian Alicea back in 1989 I was stationed out in Milan, Italy. When I say ‘came across’ what...

‘Gawker,’- Trying to Understand why Gutter sells.

If one pays enough attention to what they read and see in the mainstream they will  inevitably come to the conclusion that they are...

An Unemployed Stuff checklist things to do…now that you are unemployed.

Well, here you are finally unemployed, supposedly feeling down on yourself and bored and broke. Never mind here are Scallywag’s top ten suggestions. One- Now...

Respect me in the morning or I won’t be back for my next bottle...

Mom always said "it's important to show manners and even more important to be polite!".... But the Kid's nagging insisitence "why," is our bubbling...