Home Scandal and Gossip Shocking: Holly Briley aka Ameliasobel the Casey Anthony leak now begins a...

Shocking: Holly Briley aka Ameliasobel the Casey Anthony leak now begins a campaign of threats.

Casey Anthony
Casey Anthony


Busted: Evidence shows up that Casey Anthony herself is complicit in recent video leaks.

‘Source: Casey Anthony making multiple visits to family home, tensions sky high.’

Leads point to Casey Anthony back door deal.

It’s come to my attention that the twitter handle user ameliasobel who first released images and videos of Casey Anthony has all but admitted her real identity and has begun a campaign of threats against Ms Brianne Patterson pursuant to articles we have published under her name on our site. Effectively insisting that Ms Patterson is the real Casey Anthony and handing out her number for anyone who wanted it.

Which leads to the immediate question- why is Holly Briley (otherwise known as ameliasobel on twitter who until now has been very careful to not once disclose their real identity) threatening this young woman, what is she hiding and what is it that she doesn’t want us to know? But most importantly who really is Holly Briley and what is her involvement with the Casey Anthony case and why is she taking great steps to deter one young woman who has being able to piece together a few things, something most media outlets have been struggling to do given the bizarre and surreal nature of non disclosed identities appearing, disappearing and then re appearing with sensitive information, images and videos relating to Ms Casey Anthony?

Screenshot of ameliasobel's twitter account at 3.36pm EST Friday Jan 20

The fracas it seems reached fever pitch yesterday evening when Ms Brianne Patterson conveyed to me that her phone had been ringing off the hook minute after minute all day long with people seeking to speak to her after they had been tipped off by ameliasobel that she was the real Casey Anthony. Something that must have held validity in most people’s minds considering that up to now it has always been through Ameliasobel twitter account that leaked images of Ms Casey Anthony have been appearing through.

In fact celebrity gossip site TMZ had contacted Ms Patterson earlier that afternoon to let her know that twitter handle user ameliasobel had just publicly doled out her number asserting that she was Casey Anthony.

Here is what Ms Patterson had to say in her blog:briannechantal.wordpress.com


Apparently Amelia Sobel decided it would be funny to post my phone number all over Twitter and Facebook this afternoon under various different accounts that she operates online. Aside from media, there are only three other people who have my phone number, so aside from those people I do not know how else Amelia would have obtained my number.

I’ve since been receiving non-stop calls with people leaving me messages saying things like, “you’re a baby killer,” etc.

I am NOT Casey and MY number is NOT Casey’s number so please STOPcalling me.

I will be filing a police report this afternoon so all numbers that have contacted me will be handed over to the authorities as well as the names of the individuals who had my number prior to this happening.

Screen shot of incoming phone calls all day long by people seeking to speak who they think is Casey Anthony.

Yet things got a little ugly this lunchtime when an incredulous Ms Patterson forwarded the following correspondence to my desk, sealing as matter of fact that the real identity of ameliasobel as Holly Briley:

Reflects Ms Patterson in her blog:

OOPS! Looks like Holly B. just inadvertently admitted to being the woman behind “Amelia Sobel”, the same user who was posting my telephone number all over Twitter yesterday …and made a lovely little threat while doing so. She ought to choose her words more carefully. Although I do think Holly Briley is simply one of many individuals behind the Amelia Sobel account. I don’t think it was ever a one-woman army. It was all, in my opinion, well planned and calculated. However, just like with everything else, Holly will deny this as well. So what will her excuse be this time? I look forward to see how she’s going to spin this.

Ultimately this raises more questions than it answers. Why is a woman who purportedly runs a website (nomoneyformurder.com along with her husband Jon Briley dedicated to the annilihation of Casey Anthony threatening a woman who has been seeking answers to Ms Casey Anthony’s possibly complicity in leaked videos and images. Shouldn’t they be working together?

Well perhaps not especially if Holly Briley is really in cahoots with Casey Anthony and is using collateral collected through her group to support Ms Anthony (the ultimate irony- to be supported unwittingly by someone who publicly hates you) and garner a blood money payday. Perhaps then Holly Briley is very concerned that diligent research has linked back to her which could put her in grave danger amongst her followers who by now must be wondering why Holly Briley has quite possibly teamed up with Ms Casey Anthony.

Then again for a slice of a  million dollar blood money payday maybe you would cut a devil too….

Then again for a slice of a  million dollar blood money payday maybe you would cut a devil too….
Posted today on http://nomoneyformurder.com/?p=77


Breaking: Casey Anthony said to receive police escort off church grounds as angry residents gather.

Team Casey Anthony comes hitting after twitter handler. Are they hiding something?

Casey Anthony offered $1 million blood money interview.

Breaking: Casey Anthony could be going back to jail.

Local strip club offers Casey Anthony a job as a stripper

Mystery leaks continue anew with fresh photos 4 days after Casey Anthony lawyer resigned. Suspicious?

Breaking: New photos of Casey Anthony leaked on twitter. Mystery leaker intensifies.

Casey Anthony claims Caylee was conceived after she passed out drunk.

Baez & Sims to Casey: “We QUIT!”

Casey Anthony is now set to dump her lawyer big cheese Jose Baez.

Breaking: Paul Francisco, mystery Florida record producer comes forward to insinuate that he knows who leaked Casey Anthony tapes.

Casey Anthony reportedly offered $350 000 for blood money interview.

Are these topless photos of Casey Anthony real?

Breaking: Leaks of Casey Anthony’s supposed new boyfriend rampant on twitter.

Casey Anthony video. Did the bixch leak it or was she hacked? Dating new lover.

Would you pay $25,100 for a Casey Anthony latex rubber mask? The things they’re bidding for EBAY right now.

Media outlets said to be bidding up to $1.5 million for Casey Anthony’s story. Kiss goodbye to ethical journalism.


Looking like Casey Anthony this weekend just might get you killed. One woman’s near death experience.

How the Casey Anthony case came to expose the trauma of living in modern day America.

Casey Anthony pulls off the impossible: NOT GUILTY.





  1. I went to high school with Casey Anthony and we’re all laughing at her at every party. We know she’s been stalking our facebook accounts. She’s soooo lonely. She creates fake screen names on facebook and tries to talk to her ex boy friends. Casey Anthony all your ex high school friends are laughing at you… WE SURE DID LAST NIGHT. HAHA YOU BABY KILLER YOU’LL NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE….

  2. I went to high school with Casey Anthony and we’re all laughing at her at every party. We know she’s been stalking our facebook accounts. She’s soooo lonely. She creates fake screen names on facebook and tries to talk to her ex boy friends. Casey Anthony all your ex high school friends are laughing at you… WE SURE DID LAST NIGHT. HAHA YOU BABY KILLER YOU’LL NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE….

  3. I went to high school with Casey Anthony and we’re all laughing at her at every party. We know she’s been stalking our facebook accounts. She’s soooo lonely. She creates fake screen names on facebook and tries to talk to her ex boy friends. Casey Anthony all your ex high school friends are laughing at you… WE SURE DID LAST NIGHT. HAHA YOU BABY KILLER YOU’LL NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE….

  4. I went to high school with Casey Anthony and we’re all laughing at her at every party. We know she’s been stalking our facebook accounts. She’s soooo lonely. She creates fake screen names on facebook and tries to talk to her ex boy friends. Casey Anthony all your ex high school friends are laughing at you… WE SURE DID LAST NIGHT. HAHA YOU BABY KILLER YOU’LL NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE….

  5. I went to high school with Casey Anthony and we’re all laughing at her at every party. We know she’s been stalking our facebook accounts. She’s soooo lonely. She creates fake screen names on facebook and tries to talk to her ex boy friends. Casey Anthony all your ex high school friends are laughing at you… WE SURE DID LAST NIGHT. HAHA YOU BABY KILLER YOU’LL NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE….

  6. I went to high school with Casey Anthony and we’re all laughing at her at every party. We know she’s been stalking our facebook accounts. She’s soooo lonely. She creates fake screen names on facebook and tries to talk to her ex boy friends. Casey Anthony all your ex high school friends are laughing at you… WE SURE DID LAST NIGHT. HAHA YOU BABY KILLER YOU’LL NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE….

  7. Brianne Chantal at Her WordPress Blog Page at its best – is Worthless.
    Looks Like She’s Done Sketched Out and Shut Down Dawgs.

  8. Brianne has only gotten 4 unique commentors off of this fabulous fable, I mean fibble. ADD ME
    and it makes a whopping 5. Its no wonder the Elderly and Orphans go without. People like Bri, are like WAR MONGERS. Spend all their time tearing down, rather than building up. If they could learn how to redirect their efforts, the world might be a better place. … Matthew 24:12 : “Because of an increasing of Lawlessness (GODS LAWS), the Love of the Greater number (majority of people) has cooled off (Love has grown cold).” … Take your stand Bri, and follow the True GOD. 

  9. The opposite of truth. Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person. A lie need not always be verbal. It can also be expressed in action, that is, a person may be living a lie. The Hebrew verb that conveys the idea of speaking that which is untrue is ka‧zav′. (Pr 14:5) Another Hebrew verb sha‧qar′ means “deal or act falsely,” and the noun form is rendered “lie; deception; falsehood.” (Le 19:11; Ps 44:17; Le 19:12; Ps 33:17; Isa 57:4) Hebrew shaw’, at times rendered “untruth; falsehood,” basically refers to something worthless, vain, valueless. (Ps 12:2; De 5:20; Ps 60:11; 89:47; Zec 10:2) The Hebrew verb ka‧chash′ (deceive) evidently has the basic meaning “prove disappointing.” (Le 19:11; Ho 9:2) The Greek term pseu′dos and related words have to do with lying and falsehood.

    The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men.


  11. What better way for casey to *get money* from her haters than to set up an account that is AGAINST casey then take those people for a wild ride…..you know, take money from them casey style….by STEALING & LYING…..in order to *get even*?

    I always thought Jon & Holly Briley were behind those videos…..they could only have obtained them by getting them from the *horses mouth* errr, hands. 

    What low down people these two are.  Right on the same level with that weird gal & her husband that said she was a spy or something like for the CIA or FBI sitting in a tree or something like that.   It was just a story TOO WEIRD to remember.   

    I forget her name but maybe that’s who Holly really is?  Just made me wonder about that for a few seconds.

  12. This is the modern equivalent of schoolyard banter.. it’s certainly not news.. “so and so said bad words about me and posted my number on-line and is pretending to be so and so when really she/he is really so and so.. I know because I got a screen shot”.. wow, I never thought that would ever happen on-line.. is this the first time this has ever happened? (sarcastic tone).. Someone posted my number on a bathroom wall and I suppose that is newsworthy as well.. pfft…

  13. Is Scally now writing for Brianne? Is Brianne really Amelia Sobel? Wouldn’t surprise me. Bri is doing everything she can to make a name for Herself. Is she doing the same as Bob Dylan told Ed Bradley in the 60 minutes interview … Bob Said: “I made a Pact with Satan The Devil.” … Does she also concur with this same Partnership? Huh Bri? … Heres the real Brianne: … http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52802456/BriPiggy.pdf  …Read below Bri. … Learn TRUTH.

  14. The opposite of truth. Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person. A lie need not always be verbal. It can also be expressed in action, that is, a person may be living a lie. The Hebrew verb that conveys the idea of speaking that which is untrue is ka‧zav′. (Pr 14:5) Another Hebrew verb sha‧qar′ means “deal or act falsely,” and the noun form is rendered “lie; deception; falsehood.” (Le 19:11; Ps 44:17; Le 19:12; Ps 33:17; Isa 57:4) Hebrew shaw’, at times rendered “untruth; falsehood,” basically refers to something worthless, vain, valueless. (Ps 12:2; De 5:20; Ps 60:11; 89:47; Zec 10:2) The Hebrew verb ka‧chash′ (deceive) evidently has the basic meaning “prove disappointing.” (Le 19:11; Ho 9:2) The Greek term pseu′dos and related words have to do with lying and falsehood.

    The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men.

  15. I had no doubt in my mind that Amelia was Holly, or vice versa. Especially with what Brianna pointed out in her blog about the “3’s” connection. All of this just confirms it. The Briley’s are even duping the media.

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