Scandal and Gossip

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Reality Star owns up that they are a failure.

The things we are forced to confess on national television. Welcome to the very public life of John and Kate Gosselin, a typical couple...

Confirmed- Women in NY prefer dating investment bankers as opposed to pharmaceutical salesmen.

The myth that money can’t buy love and other necessary must knows in NY.   Out of the 'preeminent' NYT’s Weekend Fashion and Styles section comes...

Meet Brogan Mackay, we’ve already spent a hundred fifty thousand pounds on her.

When eleven year girls want to grow up to become like their idols Paris Hilton… Brogan Mackay lives life large, very very large, and that’s...

What Billy May sniffs won’t kill him until it does…

The report that’s ruining Billy’s image…   Here comes another tale of a life lived to gung ho excess, a public screaming for answers, a wife...

How rich people watch football in the rain…

Things you could learn to get away with if only you were rich. A cursory glance at TMZ today had us chaffing at the image...

Guest of a Guest wonder what your favorite bro/ho gesture is.

The cultural significance of things we do now that it’s safe for us to do it too...   From Guest of a Guest comes the study...

Is that just a smile or is he happy to see me?

The things women have to contend with when being hit on...   Being observers of the human condition we decided to wonder out aloud if the...

Should you get arrested this summer? The quality of life dilemmas of fame seekers.

When turning to crime sometimes pays.   We’ve been giving serious thought on the issue of crime and how you like the celebrities that we all...

What should you be wearing to court this summer?

How to look fashionable and guilty free just like the celebrities.   It’s no secret that learning the rules of life requires one to pay scrupulous...

Lou Dobbs- When a talking head goes off the beaten path.

When a talking head can’t seem to stop embarrassing himself and annoy the network he works for.   In lieu of the current controversy and embarrassment...

The perfect room mate ad.

The best of what we’ve seen on Craigslist.   There comes a point in one’s lifetime that they have to seek a room mate or become...

Should you care that Annie Leibovitz is going broke?

Why is the NYT’s crying over a photographer who gets paid millions? The lopsided affections of the media.   In the opening lines in this weekend’s...

Nacho Figueras- Can a pretty boy make you like Polo after all?

Using pretty boys to turn you into a diehard fan.   In this weekend’s style section of the NYT’s the lads and lasses at the Times...

Alaska’ s finest, Sarah Palin and Todd Palin to divorce?

Celebrity divorces and how will you survive? It’s no doubt by now but the Palin entourage has long ceased being a political platform and steadfastly...

The true but incredible story of Mohamed on Facebook.

When friendships no longer work out. You be the judge… Megan Mohamed-“Sorry to know girl like you. I am conservative, muslim, and religious man. From your...