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Gender roles: How to Please your Man and other Myths
Who' really calling the shots between the sexes?
What’s in gender role? Who’s exploiting who? And is acting like a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ just...
So Cliché, It’s Not. What is the American Wedding Fantasy? We go to Brides...
In a world of hyphenated last names and bulletproof prenups, it’s totally amazing that the traditional wedding is still a female fantasy. Do brides-to-be...
Hidden Gem: The Male Libido.
“So, whatever happened to shagging madly in an elevator on whim?”
These are the important questions that keep me awake at night. I have found...
Looking for Guevara on Canal st.
Traveling to Canal Street, I descend from the Botoxed, done-up face of Time Square capitalism into the bowels of the American economy. For if...
It’s not right. But it’s OK!
Like all good things we sometimes wonder how they come to us, that said we here at Scallywag and Vagabond decided to share Fixx...
Bright Lights. Big City.
Time Square isn’t a square at all, but a triangle, with its two main avenues like a lady’s legs spread wide. Coming up in...
Celebrities Gone Wild; ‘Do you Really want to Hurt Me?’
What’s in a scandal? What is a scandal? Coked up, cracked up, or hung up? Or just the center of attention? It seems today’s...
Doomed to be Cliche.
There comes a time in a woman's life, around the quarter century mark, that she has a quarter century crisis. Mine happened about a...
The Celebrated life of a Paparazzo coming to your nearest TV..
So here’s an idea. A reality show about the lives of celebrities. Seen it all before? So have we. Then how about a reality...
Let’s Get Physical. The Girl in the Video is more than meets the Eye.
What's in beauty? What's in vanity, and when is it okay to be the rock star in bed and should one wear make up...
Tits, Lips and the Life of Glitz: How Perfect Works until it Doesn’t.
A Christmas visit to the Ritz Carlton on the Mexican Riviera doesn't leave a girl much to think about. Surrounded by very big rocks...
How to Misplace Friends and Rehash the Past.
Arkady’s New Year’s Eve in Williamsburg.
Speaking of el crème de Bailey’s, Ambien, flasks of whiskey, Daft Punk, and a hornet’s nest, I went to...
Custom made Cigarettes and a Prelude to New Year’s.
We don’t pretend to be divas, but already an hour late for this evenings new year’s eve revelry we’re playing the role that we...
This New Year’s Eve you’ll be smashed. Then again so will we.
As we approach the countdown to the new year we here at Scallywag and Vagabond are watching with giddy delight as the town goes...
So you say you want a Revolution…
As the year comes to a close we here at Scallywag and Vagabond have been wondering about the degree of discord that we’ve all...