Jill Kelley, Florida socialite has tacky painting of herself and husband. But do you care?
Paula Broadwell emails had Jill Kelley scared for her life. Death threats?
Jill Kelley’s twin sister Natalie Khawan gives useless emotional speech.
Paula Broadwell regrets her affair with David Petraeus. Will the public buy it?
Paula Broadwell, David Petraeus mistress returns home with her husband. Still together for now.
Paula Broadwell, David Petraeus mistress turns up in public with husband.
Jill Kelley would like to remind you that Paula Broadwell is a criminal.
Jill Kelley writes pleading emails to Tampa mayor claiming she is receiving threats all night.
So what’s Fred Humphries the shirtless FBI agent really hiding?
Paula Broadwell’s emails to Jill Kelley revealed. Very catty indeed…
David Petraeus affair scandal part of a White House cover up?
David Petraeus’ wife can’t believe the shame Paula Broadwell has caused.
It has been asserted that David Petraeus‘ wife of 38 years, Holly Petraeus has threatened to divorce her husband, pursuant to revelations of a purported affair he had with his biographer Paula Broadwell.
Tells a source to the National Enquirer:
“Holly is furious. David humiliated her in front of the whole world.”
‘She can’t turn on a television, go online or open a newspaper without being bombarded by the latest revelations about his cheating,’
‘No wonder she’s angry.’
‘David has been falling all over himself, apologising and begging Holly to forgive him, but she isn’t listening. After all his lies, she doesn’t believe anything he says anymore, and she’s thinking about consulting a divorce attorney.’
To date both David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell have denied ever having had an affair with each other, instead arguing they were just friends, this despite emails unearthed by the CIA which portend otherwise.
Nevertheless despite her husband’s assertions that an affair ever took place Holly Petraeus is unwilling to believe him and suspects that not only did he have an affair with Broadwell but now with other women as well.
Reports the dailybeast: To be sure, there has been no official confirmation from any quarter that the extramarital affair Petraeus wrote about in his resignation was with Paula Broadwell. To be sure, there has been no denial of that widely reported supposition either. There is also no telling how long an affair it might have been.
What makes the threats of divorce even more disarming is how the couple are said to have been a picture of unity a little more than a month ago as they jovially greeted family and friends at their daughter’s wedding.
Told U.S. Army Col. Steve Boylan to the UK’s dailymail:
‘His children may be grown up, but he still has to regain their trust. Holly is disappointed, upset and furious… but they have been married for 37 years and I hope they can get through this.’
Boylan also goes on to reveal that Petraeus is still living at home with his wife despite the scandal although he has admitted to having reached out to Paula Broadwell in recent weeks despite him said to have ended their affair four months ago.
Asked whether Boylon thought whether the marriage could survive he offered the following: ‘I hope so, they are a strong couple, but every day is a challenge. All David is focused on now is saving his family.’
Despite news of the purported affair questions still remain as to what led to David Petraeus straying and despite the outwardly appearances of unity and happiness between himself and his wife what other dynamics may have been at play which may have led to Petraeus seeking the company of another woman?
Reiterates one reader: Why is it that when someone has an affair the spouse is canonized? We don’t know the first thing about either one of these people or what their life together is like. It may be a complete misery for all we know, so why express opinions based on absolutely no knowledge of the situation?
She’s got a 1968 hairstyle, is overweight (frumpy) and no makeup – and then these women wonder why their trim, good-looking husbands wander.
Get a makeover Holly !!
He slept with at least two guys I know of, in addition to a number of women. This guy is a sex maniac!
Well hope she has a mirror in her bedroom to give her an answer why he slept somewhere else.
Perfect decision at all….
The two have not denied having an affair. they both confirmed to investigators that they were having an affair. So the story is partially not accurate.
She let herself go to the point where she looked more like his mom than his wife.
What is the number of affairs by General David Petraeus that will send Holly Petraeus to divorce court. For sure, it isn’t one.
This article is garbage. No. 1, he did admit to an affair when he resigned and 2. Holly Robinson?! Really?! You should be embarrassed. Complete garbage.