Jill Kelley, Florida socialite has tacky painting of herself and husband. But do you care?
Jill Kelley’s twin sister Natalie Khawan hires celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred. But why?
Paula Broadwell emails had Jill Kelley scared for her life. Death threats?
Paula Broadwell regrets her affair with David Petraeus. Will the public buy it?
Paula Broadwell, David Petraeus mistress returns home with her husband. Still together for now.
Jill Kelley would like to remind you that Paula Broadwell is a criminal.
Jill Kelley writes pleading emails to Tampa mayor claiming she is receiving threats all night.
So what’s Fred Humphries the shirtless FBI agent really hiding?
Paula Broadwell’s emails to Jill Kelley revealed. Very catty indeed…
David Petraeus affair scandal part of a White House cover up?
David Petraeus’ wife can’t believe the shame Paula Broadwell has caused.
Perhaps in a sign that she wont be fenced in by the media who has gone into rampant frenzy mode pursuant to Paula Broadwell‘s illicit affair that toppled CIA chief David Petraeus, Paula Broadwell yesterday chose to turn up in public with her husband, Dr Scott Broadwell.
Since revelations of the affair, speculation was rampant as to how Paula Broadwell’s husband, a radiologist would handle news of the affair, whilst he and her abandoned their Charlotte, North Carolina home to instead stay at Paula Broadwel brother’s plush Washington DC abode.
That said the Broadwell’s chose to make a public outing yesterday, the first time since news of the affair where the couple have been publicly seen together.
Reports radaronline: Early Saturday evening, the two drove together to her brother’s home in the Washington, DC suburbs, and then walked arm-in-arm from the car to the front gate, as seen on CBS Evening News.
It is understood the affair between Paula Broadwell and former CIA chief David Petraeus began whilst Mrs Broadwell began working on a biography on Petraeus, which was only later exposed when Florida socialite Jill Kelley complained of disparaging emails sent to her. The emails investigated by FBI agent Fred Humphriesled to the revelation that the secret sender was Paula Broadwell which in turn led to the FBI coming across sexually charged emails going back and forth between herself and Petraeus.
Since news of the affair broke, Jill Kelley has gone on to call Paula Broadwell a criminal and stalker, whilst the media to her deep chagrin remains camped outside her Tampa, Florida mansion as developments materialize.
Petraeus in turn has now resigned as the head of the CIA, whilst Paula Broadwell is under continuing investigation by the FBI and the intelligence community whilst socialite Jill Kelley has been banned from MacDill AFB in Tampa where she met Petraeus.
Ultimately one can only speculate what repercussions Paula Broadwell will suffer as her rising star quality has been battered and whether she can ever ascend the privileged perch that both she and Jill Kelley both once enjoyed before their very private cat and mouse game became a very public one….
November 26 – Update: Paula Broadwell has now retained both an Attorney and a Public Relations firm in Washington DC. So far, she is the only member in the entire
cast of characters in the David Petraeus Sex Scandal to do so. Her need for an Attorney is obvious .. she’s facing some potentially very serious charges, both military and civilian. But a PR expert? It is reported she has hopes of reviving her career. And just what career might that be? … Consultant to Terrorists, Fiction Writer, Con Man, or Escort (Outcall Only). The more we learn about her, the less qualified she appears to be for any other line of work. Someone really needs to evaluate the curriculum for graduation from West Point.
Thus far, the only characters in the play to make public statements are Petraeus and Natalie Khawam, the sister of Jill Kelley. There has been nothing from either Paula or her husband Scott or their “hired mouth.” And they are conspicuous by their absence. Speculating … it may be because there’s just not a lot she can say in the way of defending herself; that she knows she’s been caught and to deny it only invites public condemnation. Thus, her silence is an admission of guilt.
At the risk of sounding sexist, Scott Broadwell was interviewed some time back; and he stated that in order to draw the two of them closer together in their marriage, that he literally turned wife Paula loose to pursue whatever professional goals she
had. I am reminded of an old adage usually found carved on wooden wall-hangers in gift and craft shops, to wit …
“If you love something, turn it loose.
If it comes back to you it’s yours.
If it doesn’t, it never was.”
Uh … Scott, old man: You really need to re-define the entire nature of your association with Paula Kranz (Broadwell). She has physically demonstrated by her own
behavior that you are the only person in your household who is married. Do you really want your sons to be raised by a person who is so totally amoral?
Scott, how do you deal with knowing that you, yourself, created the situation where you would stay at home and play Mr. Mom while your wife was halfway around the world having the time of her life … banging a Four-Star General? Do you feel stupid? Do you feel like you’ve been played like the same cheap violin as David Petraeus? Have you realized that marrying her was the biggest mistake you ever made … and
that it’s a mistake you can rectify? That woman living in your house that you thought was your wife already has a Lawyer … it’s time you got your own.
He’s a sucker!!