Jill Kelley for better or worse was is Florida’s much adored socialite who inadvertently recently found herself going to hell in a handbasket and back, which if you think about it can be pretty awkward and frustrating when your precious self until then was living an amazingly smug life.
Unfortunately that smug life went upside down when the media decided to have a good solid look at what made Jill Kelley tick and what made her tick as it turned out was a kind of delusional farce propped by wanton lavish house parties from which she then was able to obtain the good graces of those whom she invited.
That said, belittled, dragged through the mud and made to look like the hawt mess she swore she’d never ever become after promising herself to become a socialite, Miss Kelley it has been opined has set about writing an amazing tell all book about the David Petraeus scandal and explaining how that bixch Paula Broadwell messed her game up when she started sending her mean, threatening and very unlady like ‘keep your dirty paws off my General letters.’ Which is to say Paula Broadwell means to get even and show the world who’s really the victim of this escapade and how she never ought to have been ridiculed the way she was. Except there’s a problem, Jill Kelley now reckons so such book is in the offing and better still she is not as broke as you all would like to think she is….which is why she doesn’t really need to write a tell all book after all. Or does she?
via jezebel.
Jill Kelley, Florida socialite has tacky painting of herself and husband. But do you care?
Paula Broadwell emails had Jill Kelley scared for her life. Death threats?
Jill Kelley’s twin sister Natalie Khawan gives useless emotional speech.
Paula Broadwell regrets her affair with David Petraeus. Will the public buy it?
Paula Broadwell, David Petraeus mistress returns home with her husband. Still together for now.
Paula Broadwell, David Petraeus mistress turns up in public with husband.
Jill Kelley would like to remind you that Paula Broadwell is a criminal.
Jill Kelley writes pleading emails to Tampa mayor claiming she is receiving threats all night.
Jill Kelley writes pleading emails to Tampa mayor claiming she is receiving threats all night.
So what’s Fred Humphries the shirtless FBI agent really hiding?
Paula Broadwell’s emails to Jill Kelley revealed. Very catty indeed…
David Petraeus affair scandal part of a White House cover up?
David Petraeus’ wife can’t believe the shame Paula Broadwell has caused.