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Byron Janis: Pianist gone Novelist, a Poet.

Byron Janis: Exhibits the Victorian romanticism, of Lord Byron—a poet, hero—enmeshed, delicately with the desperation, power and charisma of Janis Joplin. Music infused with the...

Taylor Swift Apple backdown: ‘You humiliated us, we will pay artists’

It seems standing up to well funded behemoth platforms does sometimes work after all. Case in point, Apple’s about turn in policy when they...

Tribeca Film Festival After Party: Did Producer Marty Bregman invite the mob?

It’s about this time of year if one has the option to make a quick dash to Paris or stick around for the milieu...

How “Indie” Are Independent Musicians, Really?

Independent musicians have always been around but over the last decade or so, they’ve really come into their own. Just ten years ago, independent...

NYC-World Premiere of The Vice Guide to Everything.

Teaser: VICE MAG and MTV team up to deliver a series devoted to the most bizarre, dangerous and shocking stories around the world. NYC-The...

Max Bronfman- The New Label Pioneer.

I’m sitting directly across from Max Bronfman, a conscientious young man who is currently taking in the sweeping Penthouse views around...

Tea and a Chat: Roger Daltrey at Times Square.

It's not all that often you get to see a legend in action, but Roger Daltrey definitely fits that bill and he was most...

Boundless Enthusiasm: An Evening with Jimmy Fallon and Brian Williams

Within minutes of arriving on stage at the Paley Center for Media, Jimmy Fallon lead the audience in a sing-a-long of...
Tips Toward Becoming a Modern-Day Rockstar

6 Essential Tips Toward Becoming a Modern-Day Rockstar and Musician

Tips Toward Becoming a Modern-Day Rockstar: Becoming a popular music purveyor is more than one's art, how the industry has necessitated new demands and...

Olamide Nigerian rapper life story and path to success

Olamide Nigerian rapper life story: The rise of pop culture hero Olamide Badoo, from his career, music, label and personal life. This young Nigerian rapper...

‘Closer’ is Close to Perfect

Let me be clear. I hated the movie of this script. I am using the word ‘hate’. This should be...

Jermaine Browne: Feline to the Stars.

Jermaine Browne, artistic director and choreographer, whose client list includes J.Lo, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Mary J. Blige, Victoria Secret, Toyota and Nike thinks...

Alexandra Alexis: ‘May Cause Shortness of Breath.’ High Tea at Lady Mendl’s.

Pop star, icon, socialite, girl about town, fab persona, princess, or just spoiled glamour girl? All of the above, some of the above or...

At the Inside B’way Beacon Awards- theater worth fighting for.

If there’s no business like show business, then there’s no place like the Player’s Club in Gramercy to celebrate its merits.  A veritable shrine...

Led Zeppelin reunion; Why did Robert Plant refuse Richard Branson’s $800 million 35 concert...

Shock and awe has come to the fore with reports that Led Zeppelin front man Robert Plant tore up a contract courtesy of Virgin's Sir Richard...