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The continued misbehavior of NYC publicists.

For those of you who are regular readers of my (mis)adventures of carousing the NYC society set- you've probably gone away with the impression that...

Extra Marital Affairs website: Women can’t be loved if they’re overweight.

A dating site designed for extra marital affairs, Ashley Madison, has struck outrage after having released not one but two back to back disparaging...

Hank Skinnner insists he’s innocent but Texas is going to execute him this Wednesday...

  Hypervocal offers the following update: Reason reports that “A spokesperson in Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s office has confirmed that a stay of execution has been granted...

Legend Andy Rooney passes away at the age of 92. What will happen to...

Who will make us laugh and cry now? It's been reported this morning that veteran journalist,most famous for his seething commentaries on the absurdity of...

Dossier on Keith Richards drug bust revealed. Quite the junkie…

Sealed police records released by the National Archives this week of the infamous Keith Richards 1973 drug bust portray Keith Richards and his then...

Can it actually be true? Hipsters are now attending church in South Williamsburg.

photo via Brett Jordan/Flickr When I first arrived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn it was in 2002 where if one was lucky they could find a 1000 square...

Being a college graduate is putting the damn lot of you in big time...

College student debt headaches? Here's some alarming news: getting an education is starting to cost the average student more than ever, this in the...

The rise of the male narcissist and how women are making us men comply.

It was bound to happen, something women have grappled with for eons, the objectification of the male body. No longer is it enough for a...

Coroner rules that our hero Amy Winehouse drank herself to death.

Tabloids are awash with the news this morning that our collective tragic hero, Amy Winehouse drank herself to death. According to the Guardian, England's upscale...

‘Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to change the world.’- How that statement...

Kids, the occupywallstreet movement now enters week 6 and it seems it shows no signs of letting up just yet. That said, the movement...

China searches its soul as two year old toddler is run over by a...

It couldn't happen anywhere else or could it? China in the last few days has been sent into an emotional turbulent soul searching mission as...

Citibank would like to blame the NYPD for having 23 of their ‘customers’ arrested...

What to think, who to believe and whom to trust are some of the questions that 23 individuals whom were arrested this past Saturday...


The following article arrives via christopherlondonblog as a partial edited version. What follows knocked my socks off, I'm guessing it will do the...

Paul McCartney marries American heiress Nancy Shevell. Say you love me do…

One presupposes there's nothing better than the giddy feeling of watching your classic rock idol tying the knot in a fairly tale wedding on...

Occupation Wall St: Week 4. What they don’t want you to find out…

What they did not want you to ever find out is that your generation, the generation born between 1980-1995, actually outnumbers the baby boomers....