Home Pop Culture The top ten hottest guys of NYC: 2010.

The top ten hottest guys of NYC: 2010.


David Grunning, Roy Kean

Coming at number 9 is iconoclastic dandy and socialite Robert Kean.

For those of you who make attending social fetes your preferred past time as does our dear Roy then it should come as no surprise that you have probably stopped and said hello to Roy, remarked over banal decor over various martinis with him, smiled tediously as PMC snapped you away, all the while as you were being watched as men and women alike (just the way he likes it) gorge themselves over Roy.

Heralding from one of the oldest families in society- the Kean family (and money in real estate) Roy is one of the most affable bon vivants one can ever have the pleasure of making his company. Over the summer he likes to wheel them in (we know we were there) and forage innocent souls to his backyard bbq’s which have a matter of pretty and artsy types running to his door step and somehow managing to stay the night.

A perennial mainstay on the social circuit, wonderful eye candy, chivalrous and benevolent of old world charm and elan- chat him before some one else does.

CeCe Cord and Roy Kean.



  1. If I were a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marines and serving in a forward area. I would hesitate to call on any of them to give a weapon to and confront the enemy.

  2. Is this just a coincidence but is everyone gay or just happens to look like a girl. Is this what is supposed to turn guys on or and girls too. Maybe the article should’ve been called – ‘what turns gay guys on?’ – Just a thought…

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