Reflections On An Affair To Forget.

Our comrades in gossip over at Jezebel have posited some thoughts on the nature of the Mistress, and its ongoing allure in the zeitgeist. Movies are made...

Endangered Tree Octopus shows that anything can be true once it’s posted on the...

"If I say something is true enough times, can I eventually get you to believe it's true?" University of Connecticut Professor Donald Leu recently set about...

The Paparazzi Photo that Set Police on LiLo

It seems the paparazzi finally have their favorite target by the throat: here's the photo of LiLo that allegedly led police to investigate her for felony grand...

The Ember Room Impresses…Hell’s Kitchen does not.

    I rarely drink alcohol and eat meat... last night I left full of pork belly and Bombay. What was last night? It was the Grand...

In search of a revolution. The shifting tides of democracy.

    Well it was bound to happen. You draft an article on a swiftly moving uprising in another land and circumstances make it obsolete before...

The joie de vivre of Lou Doillon.

In today's 'models' section of the Huffington Post, the journal decided to pay a photo retrospective of Lou Doilon who it calls the French model-slash-actress. In its evocation...

Love is a Battleground…

Jezebel’s tag line used to be “Celebrity, Sex, Fashion. Without Airbrushing.” Now, it’s “Celebrity Sex, Fashion for Women.” After their latest relationship post, “Twelve Anti-Rule for Love,” I can see why....

The top 10 most likely suspects you can expect to see sitting front row...

As we approach the upcoming 2011 IMG Mercedes Benz fall fashion shows speculation is rife as whom will get to sit the coveted front...

Lindsay Lohan accused of stealing a $5000 necklace.

What can I get away with now? Good morning America. Just when you thought the travesty known as America's favorite bowl of oatmeal was beginning...

Now Circulating the Internet: These Forgeries of Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate

The shameless tabloid drivel not even Snopes would give you! Those of you brave depraved enough to frequent the darkest corners of the internet for 'truthy' amusement...


The following piece comes courtesy of Christopher London, whose blog is a must read. New York City’s ‘gay and fashionable elite’ came to pay homage and...

Did you know PTA stood for Petty Thieves Association?

Should you be trusting the local school treasurer? NY Daily News:  Parents at a Brooklyn elementary school where the treasurer is suspected of looting the PTA coffers are...

Vanessa Riccio is arrested after fleeing her $170 Applebee’s tab.

Have you ever thought about running out on your bill? Ladies and gentleman it's time to introduce you to Vanessa Riccio. Vanessa as much as...

Michael Lohan feared to have a heart attack.

Has Milo finally hit a wall? It was bound to happen and in fact it has. Reports are making their way round that Michael Lohan,...

Socialite Karen Cord wants to tell you being a divorced socialite is hard work.

If your ex husband refuses or is unable to pay for your lifestyle does that still make you a socialite? Oh dear, time for the...