In a bid to deflect attention and stem the overriding hate and dissent Dr Walter Palmer has come to face in the space of 24 hours since being outed as the culprit hunter that callously killed iconic Zimbabwe lion, Cecil, the Minnesota dentist this morning has hired a public relations outlet to represent him.
Reputation management experts say Palmer’s PR company will have to act fast to stop a crisis from becoming a catastrophe.
Zimbabwe demands Walter Palmer’s extradition: Goes into hiding
Walter Palmer: I panicked when I discovered Cecil’s collar and hid it in a tree
Tammy Brevik: ‘Walter Palmer sexually harassed me.’
Gutless: Mia Farrow tweets Walter Palmer’s address
Walter Palmer hunter dilemma: Has the internet gone too far in punishing him?
Cecil the lion hunting dilemma: Is the Zimbabwe government to blame?
Cecil the Lion poachers free on bail: ‘We didn’t do anything illegal’
Walter Palmer protesters lock off dentist office: ‘You are a coward and killer’
Walter Palmer extradition: Will he be charged with poaching?
Walter Palmer sexual harassment suit: ‘I paid $127K fine’
Walter Palmer dentist: ‘I regret killing Cecil but it’s not my fault’
Walter Palmer Cecil lion hunter on the run. Closes dentist as internet explodes
NSFW: Walter Palmer Minnesota dentist hunting photos.
Walter Palmer, dentist bribed gamekeepers to kill Cecil iconic lion
Offered Emily Dent, PR director at crisis comms agency Rampart PR via prweek: ‘In order to salvage and rebuild his reputation, Palmer needs to tackle this head on, apologise and make amends – and if he doesn’t want to sound contrived, he needs to make himself ‘human’. His most effective way of doing this should be through a gesture, such as offering to sponsor the wildlife reserve, or by calling for a debate on the moral issues surrounding hunting and animal welfare.’
Likewise, Simon Maule, director of reputation management firm Linstock Communications, said Palmer had to have ‘a frank’ conversation with his PR firm and decide whether to save his own reputation or his business.
Offered Maule: ‘There could be value in speaking directly to his clients in the hope of separating his role as both dentist and game hunter. Similarly, the PR firm needs to work hard to prevent Palmer from becoming the long-term embodiment of hunting.’
The hiring of the unnamed pr firm comes after the dentist found himself being ballyhooed after releasing a statement yesterday afternoon whilst regretting having killed the lion, it was not his fault and had acted in good faith, believing the hunt to be legal.
Told the dentist: ‘In early July, I was in Zimbabwe on a bow hunting trip for big game. I hired several professional guides and they secured all proper permits. To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted,’
‘I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt,’
‘I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt.’
Nevertheless netizens have dismissed the dentist’s claims arguing that he was fully aware that he was in fact ‘bribing’ guides and simply not merely paying for the paid use of guides. A practice often overlooked in Zimbabwe by the government as a result of the large fees usually paid out.
Arraigned and set to appear in a Zimbabwe court today are professional hunter, Theo Bronkhorst and land owner Honest Ndlovu whose grounds Cecil was lured onto outside Hwange National Park, who Palmer believed himself to be legally paying.
Assuming even for a moment the hunt was legal, the dentist faces stiff headwind after it was revealed that the lion was forced to endure 40 hours of torture before being finally gunned down, decapitated and skinned, it’s collar revealing that the animal was part of a research program, something the dentist denies knowledge of.

He’s a gutless, spineless POS, and should be dealt with mob justice, and if he dies in the process, SO BE IT.
Wow, I am impressed with your post. my only objection is that human life is NOT valued by this world any more than Cecil’s life was by this jerk. Otherwise, I agree 100% with everything else that you said.
What a con artist this guy is. He’s been an ardent trophy hunter (killer) for years, been in trouble with game and fish for a previous hunt, settled a sexual harassment case for 127,000 dollars with a female employee who he fired after she filed complaints, admitted luring, wounding and then killing an African lion with protective status. These are just a few things we recently learned. And now he hires a public relations agency to help clean up his image so he can get back to his previous life. Nothing is ever his fault! No, the internet has not gone too far in vilifying him. Quite the contrary. Let’s hope he doesn’t get away with his disgusting, sociopathic behavior
What a POS, is he trying to make up for having a small dick???
I don’t have a problem with hunting or hunters per say. However This guy does not hunt he has an animal brought out before him then shoots it. If you want to hunt an animal go into the forest or jungle with a bow and arrow and let’s see what you got. This loser has no skill, just money from over charging people to clean their teeth.
He didnt just kill one lion that day… he killed all the lions cubs and likely his mates who will die or be injured defending their young. All because he has an empty space on his wall and clearly a void where his soul would be. True justice would never be permitted because human life is valued by the world above all else, leaving animals relegated to the rank of existing purely for our own amusement. I hope this “thing” suffers in the very least where it hurts him most, in the pocket. Without his money, he can’t go on these safari hunts any longer. Although I would prefer to drop him and his family in the jungle with nothing more than what god gave them at birth to let them see what it is like on the other side of the bow… I know such true justice would never be levied. My hope for now is that this shines a glaring light on the futility of big game hunting and brings it to an abrupt halt. If these wealthy sub humans feel the need to murder something to stimulate their primitive manhood… they should try a video game on for size. This world does not belong to them and they should have no right to pillage it as they please.
It is a horrible act from a horrible cowardly sociopath which has lead to the death of one of natures most majestic creatures. Palmer has killed before. Many times. He stalks from the shadows and kills for sport and conquest. He dismembers his victims and proudly collects and displays his trophies. By our standards, we would call him a serial killer, and he is. With Cecil’s terrible death, there is hope that the end of Dr. Palmer’s killing spree. Put him in jail, put him to death – it doesn’t matter what happens to him – as long as he pays somehow for the tragedies he did and the lives he ended… all so he could feel like a man. The truth being, is that this is not a man – this is a coward.