Home Scandal and Gossip Aussie dj’s radio show that pranked Kate Middleton’s nurse terminated.

Aussie dj’s radio show that pranked Kate Middleton’s nurse terminated.

2DAY FM Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian are scumbags
2DAY FM Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian are scumbags
2DAY FM Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian are scumbags
2DAY FM Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian are scumbags

Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian as well 2DayFM staff now receive death threats.

Kate Middleton nurse Jacintha Saldanha hung herself with scarf say police. Left 3 suicide notes.

Did Kate Middleton nurse really leave a suicide note? Mystery deepens….

Kate Middleton nurse suicide suspicious. Are others involved?

Aussie dj’s express public grief and shock that their royal prank worked.

Kate Middleton nurse suicide leads to 2DayFm radio advertiser boycotts.

Despite Kate Middleton Nurse suicide 2DayFm refuses to fire dj’s. Says they are the real victims!

Kate Middleton Nurse suicide leads to Aussie Dj’s suspended.

Kate Middleton Nurse suicide leads to outrage on twitter.

Kate Middleton nurse who received prank phone call found dead, suicide suspected.

Aussie Djs prank call Kate Middleton’s hospital. Pretend to be the Queen and Prince Charles.

Bad news for all of you out there who had become giddily acclimated to the chutzpah behavior of 2DayFm radio dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian. The outlet’s owner, Southern Cross Austero has decided to can the show all together because being in possession of a badly mushed banana is never very tasty no matter how many times you try to batter it back to shape and publicly atone for your scumbag behavior.

via gawker: In a statement, 2Day FM’s parent company said that its employees “take the events of the last few days very seriously” and announced it had taken the following actions:

  • Cancelling 2Day FM’s Hot 30 show
  • Suspending all advertising on 2Day FM “until further notice”
  • Instituting a company-wide suspension of prank phone calls
  • Ordering a “comprehensive review of relevant company policies and processes”

SCA added that “several attempts” were made by the production team to discuss the segment with the hospital prior to airing, but that these were unsuccessful.

Of course by unsuccessful one really ought to wonder what the media outlet really means, as anyone with half a brain ought to realize the hospital would never have agreed to such a prank in the first place. So what discussion is the media outlet talking about? Or is that just another attempt to save face on top of the crocodile tears of Greig and Christian (they’d been laughing and mouthing off right until news of Kate Middleton  nurse suicide) who have been sent out to mop up the family disaster?

The media outlet has also gone on to add that all prank calls will be banned going forward, which is a shame, as most are actually quite funny and hilarious and never in the slightest inflammatory. Then in again in a culture of mass media dissection and swaying public opinion and desperate attempts to bed the ad man, it seems the media outlet has no choice, even if most of us wonder over the incredulity of a seasoned nurse, Jacintha Saldanha taking her own life over such an insignificant and badly referenced prank. Assuming of course it really wasn’t a prank but something else all together?