Home Pop Culture Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian as well 2DayFM staff now...

Aussie dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian as well 2DayFM staff now receive death threats.

Michael Christian and Mel Greig
Michael Christian and Mel Greig
Michael Christian and Mel Greig
Michael Christian and Mel Greig

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Bad news continues to haunt suspended radio dj’s Mel Greig and Michael Christian and now 2DayFM staff as news that the dj’s and the outlet’s employees have become the target of an unidentified death threats which the outlet’s owner’s Southern Cross Austero are taking very seriously, having now moved key employees in hotels and hiring security which has set back Austero at least $75 000 a week.

The death threats come almost a week after Kate Middleton nurse, Jacintha Saldanha was found deceased, thought to be hung at her own hands (although there is increasing speculation her death may also have been orchestrated via outside forces). It is believed that the nurse’s death came about after she unwittingly gave into the radio outlet’s ‘royal prank’ believing the duo dj’s to be legitimately the Queen of England and her husband, the Duke of Edingburgh. Since her death, public outrage has led to the dj’s been suspended indefinitely, a loss of advertiser accounts as well the two going on to publicly apologize.

Nevertheless it seems some are not too particularly sanguine with the dj’s apology and many individuals have publicly begun wondering aloud whether the dj’s should be legally held accountable for Jacintha Saldanha’s death.

Continuing the dissent against the media outlet is also the following via the UK’s dailymail: The MP, who is chairman of the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, conceded there had been a public apology for the incident and its consequences through the media.

But he wrote: ‘I am concerned and disappointed that Southern Cross Austereo appears to have not taken any steps to assist the family.

‘There has been no written apology, no request for a meeting with the family and no attempt to travel to the United Kingdom to express contrition.’

At present it is understood dj Michael Christian has received death threats with following explicit death threat: ‘bullets out there with your name on’ and further threats involving a shotgun.