Kristen Stewart might be pregnant but she doesn’t who the father is….
Kristen Stewart photos. Are the photos really just part of publicity set up?
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in custody dispute over their dog.
Kristen Stewart never had an affair says Liberty Ross’ brother.
Should Kristen Stewart have to apologize about having sex or not?
Robert Pattinson is urged to give up Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson seeking comfort over Kristen Stewart affair with strangers
Robert Pattinson death hoax surfaces.
Robert Pattinson refuses to do any Twilight promo appearances with Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Stewart affair with Rupert Sanders went on for more than 6 months says Liberty Ross brother.
Did Robert Pattinson’s friendship with Emilie de Ravin inspire Kristen Stewart to cheat?
Twilight bosses are panicking now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have called it off.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson only communicating via heated texts.
Kristen Stewart’s lover Rupert Sanders is forgiven by his wife, Liberty Ross
Kristen Stewart begs Robert Pattinson to have crises talks in NYC this week.
Kristen Stewart receives death threats via twitter for being such a slut…
Kristen Stewart cheating scandal; Robert Pattinson wants man to man talk with Rupert Sanders.
Kristen Stewart parodied in Snow White cartoon after cheating on Robert Pattinson
Did Kristen Stewart actually have sex with Rupert Sanders?
Charlize Theron is furious with Kristen Stewart for having an affair with Rupert Sanders. Or is she
Kristen Stewart begs her boyfriend Robert Pattinson to take her back after cheating on him
Did Kristen Stewart cheat on boyfriend Robert Pattinson with married director Rupert Sanders?
The world looks on and wonders will Hollywood’s golden couple find a way….?
He has yet to have publicly spoken about his heartbreak but word out is that a betrayed Robert Pattinson was on the verge of proposing to his girlfriend of 4 years Kristen Stewart before news of her dalliance (Stewart insists that she never slept with the ‘Snow White and Huntsman’ director) with Rupert Sanders broke.
According to Us Weekly the actor sought to ‘spend the rest of his life with her, with sources insisting that the actor had reproached the actress and had beseeched her to talk more openly about their relationship. In fact she was overheard gushing at a June 23 wedding in New Jersey that she was ready to have a baby with Pattinson.
Since news of the dalliance and the release of images of Kristen Stewart making out with Sanders (apparently paparazzi played a careful game of spy as they tailgated the couple on their secret rendezvous) a repentant Stewart has been publicly seen wiping away tears. Perhaps a good portion of America is weeping too….
How interesting then that in a matter of days In a matter of days one of the world’s highest paid actresses/celebrities has gone from demi god status to that of untouchabele floozy. From idolized can’t do no wrong, to everything that is wrong, from virtuous beauty that we could not take our eyes from to little tramp who would do whatever she needed to get hers. Whether she actually had sex with Rupert or not doesn’t even matter anymore, she’s the tarnished ‘village slut’ that’s all, which in some sad way says a lot about how we value our women: perfect, flawless, gorgeous, loyal or completely damned!

Here are some comments below I came across the web that might shed some light how Ms Stewart is currently being perceived and what in part this suggests about Hollywood heroes who take on acting roles beyond those assigned to them by the public:
What actually matters here is her lack of integrity and self absorption that translates more into a faulty character and less about age or how young she is. Kristen Stewart presents herself publicly as a self-centered and moderately talented actress who, in this case, has intentionally chosen to self indulge in a way that was and is emotionally and professionally hurtful to her boyfriend, friends, co-workers and industry folks tied to the 2 films: SWATH & the Twilight Saga.
Kristen Stewart is limited in her range as an actress and she hasn’t yet learned how to tap into the wealth of human emotion and experience that many actors her age already have. Yes, we can sight her young age as a major factor in her “lapse” of judgement. I say that’s crap-Kristen Stewart simply doesn’t deserve all this hype as she hasn’t contributed anything that major culturally or artistically. Kristen Stewart played herself, playing Bella in Twilight. Kristen Stewart is stuck in mediocrity, lapses in judgement and hurtful self-absorbed behavior. There are so many talented young actors in this country that deserve our attention and Kristen Stewart is clearly not among them.
As far as I’m concerned, this entire media frenzy is nothing more than an attempt to use anything which comes to hand to vilify and smear Ms. Stewart, whom the media has cordially despised almost from the beginning of her acting career, notwithstanding the observable fact that she is clearly one of the finest actors of her generation. The media has always hated her, and made their hatred plain, because she has consistently refused to fit herself, and her private life most of all, into some kind of pre-packaged Hollywood mold, and has been consistently outspoken even to the point of being blunt when she does choose to speak out. She has refused to protray herself, or to allow herself to be portrayed, as the kind of brainless bimbo type of Hollywood personality which the media expects and is comfortable with, especially where young women are concerned, for which I applaud her.
they did not had sex. just kissing. ok it was wrong and a mistake. we agree with that. but seriously the tabloid are a bunch of hypocrite because so much more has happened, than a young naive girl making out with another man in hollywood. her case is worst peanuts compared the other juicy scandals that had already happened in hollywood. but most of all she shows a lot of strenght by apologizing publicly and coming clear. a lot of hollywood stars would have denyed or said nothing or even lied to protect themself from the public opinion. she do not deserves the lashing out against her, she was really brave to face the situation and try to fix things up. but what i really did not understand is the director has escaped the blame. he was the one who was married with kids, he has not even been mentioned. he is the one who the public opinion should lash out. kstew is just the scapegoat of the tabloids who are trying to build a scandal on a making out session to sell more paper.
I just don’t understand why she keeps getting parts. Half the girls in my high school were better looking than her, and most were obese. Every actress in my intro to theater class in college was better than her. She’s only where she is because of her parents connections. She’s like the W. Bush of acting.
The only reason Kristen is getting most of the heat is because she’s famous and he (Rupert Sanders) is not. Personally, they are equally guilty for what they did. Some people say that Rupert is more guilty because he’s married with kids, but Kristen made the choice to sleep with a married man with kids. She’s not innocent here, nor should she be “left alone”. Should her career suffer from this? No, but then again I don’t care that much for her career at all because I think she’s a terrible actress, but that’s a different story. Also, can we please stop excusing her behavior because she’s young? There are plenty of young people who would not do what Kristen did. To lump 20 somethings all together like this is insulting. Kristen did this not because she is young but because she’s immature and selfish. Same goes for Rupert.
It’s pretty funny all the chatter about something that’s as normal as traffic in Hollywood. I mean come on folks every attractive starlet darn well knows what a casting couch is. The name in Hollywood for girls who don’t understand: UNEMPLOYED! That’s why the directors are called the “Prince’s” in the business. He was just collecting what’s his……………Like Ceasar
Slow news day…
The next Lindsay Lohan…….

Mas vocês são um bando de idotas mesmo. A coitada da kristen, levou toda a culpa. Não sei se vocês sabem, mas ela também foi traida e pelo que sei ele foi quem mais traiu,se é que me entendem. É ai que vemos o preconceito com a mulher, quando foi com robert, cadê que fizeram um escandalo ? Nem mesmo falaram?Ela errou,mas não merece todo isso. Acho que ele que devia ter vergonha por ela sofrer tudo isso,deveria tentar defendê-la. Ele fez copisa bem PIOR!
tradução para inglês:But you are a bunch of idotas same. The poor of kristen, took all the blame. Do not know if you know, but she was betrayed and I hear he was the one who betrayed more, if I understand. This is where we see the prejudice against the woman when he was with Robert, where are they made a scandal? Not even talk about? She was wrong, but does not deserve all this. I think that he should be ashamed for her to suffer all this, should try to defend it. He did well copisa WORST!
Does this surprise anyone? She left a long term committed boyfriend for Pattinson on the set of Twilight. Now, she dallies with director Sanders from another film. She is only 22 and had been in two long-term relationships. She needs time to be herself, by herself. Leave her alone and let her grow up. The fantasy world of film is different from reality. Fans of both actors need to chill. Far better that they deal with these issues now, rather than later. Samders…he’s another story. He is a cheating scumbag with two small children and a wife, manipulating a young actress whom he has power over as director of a film she is starring in. He needs to be tarred and feathered.
girl and you know very, very stupid indiguinada I’m so stupid …. the guy you cheated on him with gorgeous one that not even the feet of Robert Pattinson, the Brazilian the world (women) would give anything to have him as a boyfriend, husband and my god you have no one eared skinny body and betrayed the wonderful guy desse.voce should be banished from the world I had to comment on this fame will fall for it!
garota voce e muito mas muito idiota sabe eu fico indiguinada com tanta burrice ….o cara lindo voce traiu ele com um que nem chega aos pes de Robert Pattinson, as brasileiras os mundo(mulheres) daria tudo pra ter ele como namorado ,marido meu deus voce e uma orelhuda magrela nem tem corpo e traiu o cara maravilhoso desse.voce deveria ser banida do mundo eu tinha que comenta essa sua fama vai cai por causa disso!