Kristen Stewart is banned from Robert Pattinson’s NYC Cosmopolis premiere. Is this a joke?
Kristen Stewart photos released. Do they show her cheating? Bra strap, kissing and groping….
Kristen Stewart hiding in producer’s house crying hysterically. Hasn’t showered in days.
Kristen Stewart’s adulterer Rupert Sanders hasn’t seen his wife since news of affair.
Kristen Stewart is not pregnant. Source says 100% not true!
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are back to talking. Studio heads are now pressuring the couple to find resolution.
Kristen Stewart’s parents take her back in whilst agreeing Robert Pattinson has every right not to take her back.
Robert Pattinson wants to talk to Liberty Ross to find out if Kristen Stewart actually had an affair.
Robert Pattinson hiding from Kristen Stewart at Reese Witherspoon’s house.
Kristen Stewart might be pregnant but she doesn’t who the father is….
Kristen Stewart photos. Are the photos really just part of publicity set up?
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in custody dispute over their dog.
And the plot thickens…
Sources close to Rupert Sanders‘s wife, Liberty Ross are now denying that Ross’ brother, Leopold Ross ever went to the press to discuss whether his brother in law ever had an affair with the actress, Kristen Stewart, this despite the UK publication in question, The People, standing firm on its assertion that Mr Leopold Ross had offered that his brother in law and Kristen Stewart were deep in the throngs of a relationship greater than 6 months old.
huffpo: Although The People is standing by its story, a source close to Ross and her family told People magazine that all quotes in the article are false.
“Contrary to inaccurate reports, neither Liberty Ross nor any member of her family has spoken to the media,” the source told People magazine. “Quotes that are being attributed to the Ross family have been completely fabricated.”
People also maintains that the fling between Stewart and Sanders was short-lived and began only recently.
Which posits the question why the sudden turn around and why for that matter if we are to believe The People magazine is Leopold Ross having an about change of face?
But then perhaps the following comment can elucidate the increasing preposterousness of the situation:
I think it’s funny, no one has a clue..lol…. one report says on thing the next says something different… plz, get the crap straight! I just read an arcticle that said HE moved out of their home.. so who really moved out??? No one will ever know the truth and really it’s no ones buisness…. No one is perfect, WE all make mistakes.. they will be just fine and everyone will live happily ever after… Til the next report the media gets their greedy lil hands on….
No one knows what happened, no one lived with them, maybe he treated her like crap maybe he didn’t who knows, just I think calling this girl names is totally uncalled for..REGARDLESS!!
So what do you think, did Leopold Ross say what the journal stands by or is this just an attempt to button down the hatches and guard oneself for the increasing negative public sentiment?
Pictorial: Kristen Stewart cheating photos. How the paparazzi pulled it off.
Should Kristen Stewart have to apologize about having an affair or not?
Robert Pattinson is urged to give up Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson seeking comfort over Kristen Stewart affair with strangers
Robert Pattinson death hoax surfaces.
Robert Pattinson refuses to do any Twilight promo appearances with Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Stewart affair with Rupert Sanders went on for more than 6 months says Liberty Ross brother.
Did Robert Pattinson’s friendship with Emilie de Ravin inspire Kristen Stewart to cheat?
Twilight bosses are panicking now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have called it off.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson only communicating via heated texts.
Kristen Stewart’s lover Rupert Sanders is forgiven by his wife, Liberty Ross
Kristen Stewart receives death threats via twitter for being such a slut…
Did Kristen Stewart have sex with Rupert Sanders?
Kristen Stewart begs Robert Pattinson to have crises talks in NYC this week.
Kristen Stewart cheating scandal; Robert Pattinson wants man to man talk with Rupert Sanders.
Kristen Stewart parodied in Snow White cartoon after cheating on Robert Pattinson
Charlize Theron is furious with Kristen Stewart for having an affair with Rupert Sanders. Or is she?
Heartbroken Robert Pattinson was getting ready to propose to cheating Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart begs her boyfriend Robert Pattinson to take her back after cheating on him
Perhaps Leopold is trying to protect his sister’s public image. Remember, his sister (Liberty) forgave Rupert and it’s more understandable for her to forgive him if it was a short “silly flirtation” than if it was a long drawn out sexual affair. If it was a long drawn out sexual affair then that would make Liberty look weak for forgiving Rupert so perhaps Leopold is changing his tune to protect Liberty’s public image.
if that is the case, what Liberty does not understand is that her decision to forgive Rupert would be understandable even if it was a long drawn out sexual affair between K. Stewart and Rupert Sandy. Even if the fling was actually a long affair and Liberty forgives Rupert the general public would give her high marks for making the tough decision for the sake of the kids. Liberty’s in a no-lose situation from a public relations perspective.