Kristen Stewart is banned from Robert Pattinson’s NYC Cosmopolis premiere. Is this a joke?
Kristen Stewart photos released. Do they show her cheating? Bra strap, kissing and groping….
Kristen Stewart hiding in producer’s house crying hysterically. Hasn’t showered in days.
Kristen Stewart’s adulterer Rupert Sanders hasn’t seen his wife since news of affair.
Kristen Stewart is a fine actress. She is also a cheat and a liar.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to promote Twilight film together
Kristen Stewart is not pregnant. Source says 100% not true!
Robert Pattinson hiding from Kristen Stewart at Reese Witherspoon’s house.
Kristen Stewart photos. Are the photos really just part of publicity set up?
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in custody dispute over their dog.
Kristen Stewart never had an affair says Liberty Ross’ brother.
The diabolical night mare called Kristen ‘I really don’t know what’s going to happen next’ Stewart has moved into a new (illogical) chapter with reports that the actress may now be pregnant.
According to the upcoming Star magazine August 13 edition the actress could quite possibly be pregnant but worse she may not know who the father is.
celebritydirty: With a headline, “Kristen’s Pregnancy Nightmare”, I’m guessing this isn’t a planned pregnancy. But it goes on to wonder who the father could be so I guess Star’s source isn’t sure if it’s Sanders’ baby or not. Obviously with two children already, he has what it takes to get the job done, but Kristen was living with Robert Pattinson during the affair so it’s anyone’s guess who the lucky man is.
If Kristen does end up knocked up this could be the most sensational story of all time in the history of gossip.
Sensational story would be the under pit of it to be exact (we will all have to take straws guessing who the daddy is, when and what time of the year she was dating who) Of course this is all for conjecture and it could just be Star drumming up implications in order to sell magazines (then again it seems to be the order of the day as this drama keeps going to the next implausible level). Then again it could all just be true, no matter how unlikely (but to date no one has dared suggest that Stewart has been seeing Rupert Sanders longer than 9 months, so could it be Robert’s child?). Stranger things have happened in Greek tragedies….
Pictorial: Kristen Stewart cheating photos. How the paparazzi pulled it off.
Should Kristen Stewart have to apologize about having an affair or not?
Robert Pattinson is urged to give up Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson seeking comfort over Kristen Stewart affair with strangers
Robert Pattinson death hoax surfaces.
Robert Pattinson refuses to do any Twilight promo appearances with Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Stewart affair with Rupert Sanders went on for more than 6 months says Liberty Ross brother.
Did Robert Pattinson’s friendship with Emilie de Ravin inspire Kristen Stewart to cheat?
Twilight bosses are panicking now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have called it off.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson only communicating via heated texts.
Kristen Stewart’s lover Rupert Sanders is forgiven by his wife, Liberty Ross
Kristen Stewart receives death threats via twitter for being such a slut…
Did Kristen Stewart have sex with Rupert Sanders?
Kristen Stewart begs Robert Pattinson to have crises talks in NYC this week.
Kristen Stewart cheating scandal; Robert Pattinson wants man to man talk with Rupert Sanders.
Kristen Stewart parodied in Snow White cartoon after cheating on Robert Pattinson
Charlize Theron is furious with Kristen Stewart for having an affair with Rupert Sanders. Or is she?
Heartbroken Robert Pattinson was getting ready to propose to cheating Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart begs her boyfriend Robert Pattinson to take her back after cheating on him
This is a shame Liberty, has always had trouble with Rupert, other wise she would not have gotten rid of him so fast. Kristen, didn’t cheat these pictures are photo op, and if not we hear that their relationship was not real. WE can’t make our children believe this and my child can’t get over it. No matter what I TELL her she still believe Robert and Kristen are in love, and having ababy
I think it’s sad that someone may have been paid to write this. It’s not news, who would trust anyone with this cheesey mean spirited attitude to report anything real. I want the time back I spent reading it, it was a total waste. I think believing she only kissed him is much easier than believing there is any truth in this article.
I like both Kristen Stewart and Robert Patterson and i hope that their relationship can work out, these attacks against Kristen and robert ant starting to get a little out of hand, so Kristen may have cheated but she has paid for it now why is everyone ridiculing her for it. Rob and Kristen are two people just like all of us and i honestly don’t think they deserve it one bit. so lay the fuck off and get a life!
robstew should take her “back”, even though they were and are never going to always be a couple maybe. he’s from brittain, i mean what real choice does he have? is he going to not-break-up with his soon to be ex-fiance, possibly more than likely mother of his child? i think not definetly perhaps.he could always date twihards, he’s still brittish. he knows a good thing maybe, american movie star game changers aren’t exactly waiting around for him. he could do alot worse, goooo kristen!!! you rock!
Wow could you please go to grammar school and learn how to spell, punctuate, and use full complete sentences? If you are going to try and make an argument for yourself, at least make an intelligent one.
and I might be a dude…only I’m not…it’s this “might” shit that irks me…she could be but she’s not….the media says “might” cause it grabs attention and fuels the fire….ass holes
Calling someone you don’t know a tramp is pretty uncalled for! She cheated! She paid for it! Time to move past it!
so true!
This is getting ridiculous! We get it! None of them are going to get past this until they are left alone! Seriously how many times has she supposedly been pregnant this year? Leave her alone! she cheated we get it! Time to remove the scarlett letter! She’s paid dearly! Enough is enough!
how da fuck do u know dat she dint fuck him you know said it ur self she kissed him so how u know that coukd have ed to a lot more. and honestly just by looking at her u can tell that she is suck a big slut and god i bet she is regretting what she did so bad cuz Robert Pat is da best guy she could have found cuz u know i doug she’s gonna find another guy ilk him. and bout that family she is gonna had it in her head that she destroyed a family and that because of her Rupert’s kids rant gonna had their daddy anymore and that is the lowest thing that she could have done, not only did she break a good man’s heart but she also destroyed a family and the lives of two innocent children that ar gone have to grow up without their dad so u know what yea i think that she is a bidg slut and i honestly dont doubt that she is pregnant i just hop that it aint roberts so that he won’t had anything to do wit that big tramp
Wow this is just an all time low. I can’t believe I even read this I feel disgusted with myself because I read it. You scummy reporters are now just making crap up about this and throwing it out there. I think that people are going to lose interest cause there is no longer ANY truth to these stories.
if she might preganat by robert’s child its not rupert bec kristen and rupert never have sex
Okay, than why don’t you grow up and stop putting negative comments on here?
That really gone overboard this people have nothing to write so they find something to write to hurt them more they should shut the fuck up and leave them alone
Fake news. I never believe that this bullshit story is going further…love affair and now pregnancy….How ridiculous!!!! Shut the fuck up!
that still a lies what the hell wrong with you peoples you need to wake up yourself and grow up and leave kristen and Rob alone.
Wow u guys really need a story dont u haha why dint u try selling a story thats actually true u might make more money that way! Kristen NEVER slept with rupert!!!!
Fake fake that a lies it not true
She didn’t even sleep with Rupert, it didn’t go further than a kiss so get your facts right before you make stupid accusations
fuck you your mother should have had an abortion like scallys did, although he came out anyway. maybe thats why he runs from pussy and only likes mens hairy ass holes anyway suck a cock and fuck that bald loser on the pinterest link at the top of the site too. who the fuck would hire that dweeb when this site looks like total shit. go back to long island you fat broke loser and stare at your wifes fat ass. at least the dudes that scally tosses their salads are in shape
You know some of these attacks against K. Stewart are really overboard. Give me a break! She cheated on her man (who is a nice guy) and she put a family with small children in jeopardy of breaking up. This is pretty bad but stuff about her being pregnant and not knowing who the father is, is really needlessly rude. Stuff like this isn’t even a story; it’s just a rude attack. It’s totally inappropriate.