Home Scandal and Gossip Kristen Stewart parodied in Snow White cartoon after cheating on Robert Pattinson

Kristen Stewart parodied in Snow White cartoon after cheating on Robert Pattinson

Liberty Ross takes to instagram



Liberty Ross takes to instagram

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Kristen Stewart will learn not to mess with a man that has a wife and two kids waiting back home thank you very much!

In a sign of how banal and acrimonious things have become since the disclosure that actress Kristen Stewart was having an affair (publicists maintain that it was a one off indiscretion meeting….) with ‘Snow White and the Huntsman,’ director Rupert Sanders, Ruperts’ wife, Liberty Ross has now gone public with her own jabs at the actress, never mind the death threats her (ex) fans have been sending her.

telegraph.co.ukUsing the picture sharing app Instagram, a user with the name libertyross reportedly uploaded a picture of Disney’s Snow White in tears drinking from a bottle.

It was captioned: “Not so pretty or pure afterall” in an apparent reference to Stewart’s part in the fairytale remake.

What makes this all so ironic (assuming that Ms Ross’ account hasn’t been hacked into and is legitimately her) are statements she made earlier a few weeks ago at the London premiere of the Snow White film where she called Stewart: transfixing and ‘my number one choice.’

Hmm, it seems Rupert has been calling Stewart his number one choice too but one hardly hears how bad of a chap he’s suppose to be, but then again, it’s no secret- it’s always the woman’s fault cause she’s the slut, never mind the bloke with the wife at home and two kids. Just saying…

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