James Holmes is being evicted. Explosives and murders violated lease.
James Holmes trial. Lawyers say he is mentally ill. Will he avoid the death penalty?
James Holmes snapped after failing key university exam. Couldn’t live up to his brilliant father.
James Holmes may have intended NYC premiere as his initial target. Wanted to kill Dark Knight stars?
A missed opportunity?
It’s been revealed that James Holmes, the suspected shooter behind the Aurora, Colorado killing spree had sent a notebook filled with details of how he intended to kill people to his university psychiatrist one week before the shooting. Unfortunately the notebook sat unopened in the campus mail room.
dailymail.co.uk: A law enforcement source told Fox News that the package was only discovered on Monday but they suspect it had lain there undetected since July 12.
James Holmes’ name was written in the return address box. The package was turned up after an extensive search of the campus’ mail room. It is not known why it was not delivered to its intended recipient.
Authorities then obtained a warrant from a district judge to open the package, which is when its chilling contents were discovered.
The notebook now in the possession of authorities has fueled speculation that the massacre may have been averted had it gotten to the person Holmes had intended it for. This of course raises the question why did Holmes send the notebook in the first place? Was it a cry for help, a way to see if anyone really actually cared, to assuage his foreboding sense of guilt or just a way to find someone to convince him that there had to be a better way to deal with the crises that he was almost certainly aware he was living.
On the flip one could wonder if it may have been a capricious attempt to unsettle and taunt those at the school of what he had in mind….
James Holmes said to have had dalliances with prostitutes. ‘He was really nice….’
Women are now going to twitter and saying how sexy James Holmes really is.
James Holmes spitting at guards. Forced to wear face mask. Is he literally going crazy?
James Holmes aka Joker villain had no social media presence. Said to be a loner.
James Holmes is just a Joker and he’s deemed mentally insane. But what if he were Black or a Muslim?
James Holmes reached out to multitude of women on adult friend finder. Was rejected.
Dark Knight Rider pulls in $160.8 million weekend. But will sales stay buoyant?
James Holmes mugshot has finally arrived for your viewing pleasure.
James Holmes was facing eviction prior to the Batman shooting. Days from being kicked out.
James Holmes to make his first court appearance today. Could be facing death penalty.
James Holmes lived in gangster rife apartment complex. Littered with crack dens.
James Holmes rejected from gun club cause his answering machine was too freaky.
Officials confirm James Holmes Adult friend finder sex profile is real. Open to swinging both ways.
James Holmes aka the Joker thinks he is in a movie. Spitting at prison guards.
James Holmes was high on prescription drugs hours before shooting.
James Holmes said he was the Joker. Fake reality vs real reality
Ann Curry returns to The Today show after Batman Dark Knight shooting.
James Holmes mother was not surprised her son was the shooter. Had a hunch!
Batman Dark Knight shooter James Holmes was a PHd drop out. Described as quiet and easy going.
Now’s your chance to shoot at him..! Go to eBay and search “shooting target, James Holmes”. All profits go to the victims and their families.