Home Scandal and Gossip Julia Laureano, Florida idiot dragged by train while taking ‘artistic’ photos survives

Julia Laureano, Florida idiot dragged by train while taking ‘artistic’ photos survives

Julia Laureano
Pictured, Florida teen, Julia Laureano who was struck by a locomotive train trying to take the perfect photo.
Julia Laureano
Pictured, Florida teen, Julia Laureano who was struck by a locomotive train trying to take the perfect photo.

Julia Laureano a Florida freshman has survived being hit by a locomotive train while attempting to take artistic photos of herself by railroad tracks. 

Julia Laureano an 18 year old Florida teen has survived being hit by a train while standing along the side of railroad tracks and taking ‘artistic’ photos of herself.

The incident which occurred 5pm, Thursday afternoon along a cliff at Bluffs Park North in the 3400 block of Scenic Highway in Pensacola led to Laureano being dragged several feet before falling down a shallow ravine, onto a pile of rocks.

A report via the Northwest Florida Daily News told of the locomotive which hit the freshman at the University of West Florida, traveling at 40 miles per hour.

At the time, the college student’s 20 year old friend, Leah Bateman was taking photos of the freshman

While Laureno cheated death, the woman was hospitalized in critical condition, with Pensacola Police saying the ‘victim’ incurred non life threatening injuries reported WEARTV

Julia Laureano
Pictured, Julia Laureano

The incident comes after a Del Mar man in September was hit and killed by a train while taking photos on his phone according to the Los Angeles Times

The phenomenon of trying to take the perfect selfie/photo often to then be shared on social media posts for the sakes of jealous and wanderlust followers has been a rising trend of late. A trend that has in various instances led to a variety of deaths as pundits seek to flabbergast followers…. and then some.

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