Home Scandal and Gossip Sitora Yusufiy Omar Mateen ex wife: ‘He abused me’

Sitora Yusufiy Omar Mateen ex wife: ‘He abused me’

Sitora Yusufiy
Sitora Yusufiy
Pictured Sitora Yusufiy via social media.

Sitora Yusufiy a former ex wife of Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen describes of the domestic abuse she suffered at her ex husband’s hands.

The former father in law of Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen has told Sunday afternoon that his daughter, once married to the gunman was the victim of abuse at the hands of the shooter.

In a report via the nypost, the Edison, NJ father told how his cosmetologist trained daughter, Sitora Yusufly met Mateen online, where after a brief romance married Mateen.

Yet their marriage was short lived.

Told the father, a Muslim immigrant from Uzbekistan who refused to give his name: ‘They were only together three or four months,’

‘She moved down to Fort Pierce, Fla., but within three or four months she called us to get away from him.’

Adding: ‘She was suffering physical and mental abuse from him. The cops were called on him.’

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Sitora Yusufiy
Pictured Omar Mateen. Images via social media.

Sitora Yusufiy

Florida records show that the couple’s marriage license was filed on April 16, 2009. Shortly after, Mateen obtained a divorce judgment against her that was filed July 27, 2011.

The announcement for the couple’s wedding disclosed the pair at the living in Port St. Lucie, Florida.

Sitora Yusufiy’s father said he never liked Mateen and was opposed to his daughter’s relationship with him because they had met online.

He said his daughter was currently living in Boulder, Colo., and was happily engaged to Brazilian man, Marcio Dias, the founder and CEO of Rainforest Awareness Worldwide.

Yusufiy’s linkedn profile shows her now working as a Creative Marketing Director at RAW – Rainforest Awareness Worldwide next to her fiance.

Sitora Yusufiy
Pictured, Sitora Yusufiy and fiance, Marcio Dias.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Yusufiy told that Mateen ‘was not a stable person‘ and that she feared for her safety in the wake of his attack.

Reiterated the former ex wife of Omar Mateen on condition of anonymity:

‘He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.’

Of note, in an interview with Heavy.com, Sitora Yusufiy said she lived in Florida with Mateen between April 2009 and August 2009. The former wife said that her parents then ‘rescued’ her from the relationship and she never saw Mateen again.

Images via facebook.

Sitora Yusufiy

Sitora Yusufiy

Sitora Yusufiy

Sitora Yusufiy