Kristen Stewart is banned from Robert Pattinson’s NYC Cosmopolis premiere. Is this a joke?
Kristen Stewart photos released. Do they show her cheating? Bra strap, kissing and groping….
Kristen Stewart hiding in producer’s house crying hysterically. Hasn’t showered in days.
Kristen Stewart’s adulterer Rupert Sanders hasn’t seen his wife since news of affair.
Kristen Stewart is a fine actress. She is also a cheat and a liar.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to promote Twilight film together
Kristen Stewart is not pregnant. Source says 100% not true!
Robert Pattinson hiding from Kristen Stewart at Reese Witherspoon’s house.
Kristen Stewart might be pregnant but she doesn’t who the father is….
Kristen Stewart photos. Are the photos really just part of publicity set up?
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in custody dispute over their dog.
Kristen Stewart never had an affair says Liberty Ross’ brother.
Kristen Stewart cheating photos with Rupert Sanders. How the paparazzi pulled it off.
Kristen Stewart apology thought to be career suicide reckon insiders.
Kristen Stewart did not have sex with Rupert Sanders insists producer Giovanni Agnelli.
Robert Pattinson is urged to give up Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson seeking comfort over Kristen Stewart affair with strangers
Robert Pattinson death hoax surfaces.
Robert Pattinson refuses to do any Twilight promo appearances with Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Stewart may have simply sought to bring composure to the ensuing fracas around her but by apologizing for her purported transgressions she ended up exposing herself to a new unforeseen dangers….
As commentators race to offer their thoughts on one of the most high profile public break ups in recent times (well there was the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes only recently and that too received tremendous attention), Canadian journal, theglobeandmail has come out with a convincing line of thought that posits whether Kristen Stewart had sex or not is not any one’s concern except that whom she may have had sex with or whom she may have possibly betrayed. In short this is a private affair and not a public incident that warranted the actress having to go out and apologize for her perceived indiscretions.
globeandmail: In a quickly issued mea culpa, the 22-year-old Twilight star apologized for causing “hurt and embarrassment” and “jeopardizing the most important thing in [her] life.” Strange: Her career seems just fine. What she meant, ostensibly at least, was her relationship with fictional vampire lover and boyfriend Rob Pattinson. Only, she didn’t say this over the phone to Rob. She said it, via press release, to whom it might concern. That’s a lot of people.
Didn’t say it over the phone because one gets the impression that Robert Pattinson only found out about the affair the way we all did. By reading about it in the press. Could you imagine the horror and the sense of dread the young man must have felt? Nevertheless in some perverse way it is some what fitting (as if this off screen drama where it’s own mini tele movie that we are watching scene by scene unfold) that Kristen Stewart did choose to apologize publicly. Not that she was ever obliged to. Then again even Ms Stewart is all too cognizant at what is at stake and as so much as she was apologizing to Robert Pattinson, she was really apologizing to diehard Twilight fans who see her as their ultimate spiritual leader and role model, a role that Ms Stewart has been somewhat reluctant to completely embrace, understandably so.
Whom Stewart is having sex with should concern whom she is having sex with and whom those people are having sex with – and nobody else. Stewart is not a Mormon running for public office on higher moral ground. She is not your sex-addiction swami. She’s an actor and a human and 22 years old. Her celebrity makes her a role model to tweenybopper know-nothings, but only insofar as she chooses and plays her roles, then promotes them in public. Twilight’s scare-tactical orthodoxy about sex and abstinence is as punishing as the Old Testament.
Yes she’s an actress, but she is also at the age of 22 one of the world’s highest paid actresses and with that comes the implied passage that one’s life is open for complete inspection, not that we should wish that on Ms Stewart but that unfortunately is the reality of her position and situation.
But here’s where it gets real meaty:
I have yet to see a Hollywood tartlet apologize for weighing 95 pounds, or for playing dumb to stay popular, or for always being the sidekick when there’s action. I’ve not heard one sorry from one girl who gets banked by Maybelline to make my kid sisters feel bad about themselves. I’m not saying they should be sorry. But if we are going to have girlpologies, let’s have them for the whole host of patriarchy-enabled behaviours that, at least in my own baby-femme experience, had far stickier and more perturbing effects than any bedroom scandal.
True, I haven’t seen a starlet apologizing for weighing 95 pounds or for relentlessly appearing in photo ops when one senses they resent it, but once again we go back to the bitter reality that Hollywood is a merciless business which seeks to milk as much profits as possible and with attrition high and many desperate to take falling actors place one often finds themselves obliged to play lip service to the whole charade that Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general imposes on its members. To speak out, to apologize, to criticize is frankly folly, then again in some instances, as in Ms Stewart’s it might also be a clever ploy to save herself from self damnation and to find some sort of catharsis, as much as we the audience seek catharsis….
Kristen Stewart affair with Rupert Sanders went on for more than 6 months says Liberty Ross brother.
Did Robert Pattinson’s friendship with Emilie de Ravin inspire Kristen Stewart to cheat?
Twilight bosses are panicking now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have called it off.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson only communicating via heated texts.
Kristen Stewart’s lover Rupert Sanders is forgiven by his wife, Liberty Ross
Kristen Stewart receives death threats via twitter for being such a slut…
Did Kristen Stewart have sex with Rupert Sanders?
Kristen Stewart begs Robert Pattinson to have crises talks in NYC this week.
Kristen Stewart cheating scandal; Robert Pattinson wants man to man talk with Rupert Sanders.
Kristen Stewart parodied in Snow White cartoon after cheating on Robert Pattinson
Charlize Theron is furious with Kristen Stewart for having an affair with Rupert Sanders. Or is she?
Heartbroken Robert Pattinson was getting ready to propose to cheating Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart begs her boyfriend Robert Pattinson to take her back after cheating on him
I feel sorry.
I feel sorry for her. All you people who don’t should be violated.