In the aftermath of the heinous killing of Kim Pham, the young woman’s father has told in a revealing interview he is struggling to come to terms with his daughter’s death.
Tells Dung Pham, a 60 year old Vietnamese immigrant to the losangeles times: ‘All I can do is practice to forget,’
‘Forget the memories. Forget the big moments. Forget everything. Only then would we suffer less.’
To date cops have arrested two individuals in relation to the Kim Pham’s beating whilst having released a photo of another suspect who has yet to have been found. The only suspect, currently in custody who has been named is single mother of a 5 year old, Vanesa Tapia Zavala.
Despite the many witnesses who were present during the melee, few if any have bothered to step forward to help investigators.
One theory circulating as to how Kim Pham ended up getting beaten to death by a mob include her accidentally walking into another group’s photos as she sought entry into the Santa Ana, California Crosby Bar. Others though have told that in fact the altercation came to escalate after Kim Pham threw the first punch.
Reflects Dung Pham: ‘I can’t imagine it starts with someone interrupting a photo,’
‘I don’t know what to think.’
Pham goes on to tell the following:
‘I called her home last Wednesday,’ two days before the attacks so I could help change the oil in her car. When you have children, no matter how old, you always want to make sure all is well, even the little things.’
Kim Pham had just gotten a job at Nordstrom and wanted to celebrate. Her father said he hoped to hear all about her new job, but when two police officers, wearing suits, knocked on his door after dawn on Jan. 18, he braced himself instead.
‘I knew it involved a family member,’ he said. ‘Who would come to your house at a time like that?’
And then there is this revealing revelation:
She worried about how I worried for her safety, and she would often say to me, ”There’s no need. I have to have the chance to grow,” her father said. ‘She has always lived with me. Only recently did she save enough money to move out.’
Dung Pham, a security guard, said he wants to know more about the police investigation.
He likens his pain to that of veterans returning from war. ‘People come back. Shoot themselves. Shoot each other. They can go crazy all because they cannot hide from their memories,’
‘We would live a freer life if we can forget.’
Which posits the question will Dung Pham ever learn to forget the injustices that so often befall us in society?
Kim Pham funeral. 3 days before her wedding anniversary.
Why didn’t anyone help Kim Pham? Are bystanders guilty?
Candace Marie Brito charged over Kim Pham death: ‘This is a witch hunt!’
Cops must decide today whether to charge second Kim Pham suspect.
Kim Pham investigation stalled. No one wants to come forward.
New Kim Pham murder suspect identified. Picture released.
Vanesa Tapia Zavala insists Kim Pham threw the first punch.
Vanessa Tapia Zavala charged with the murder of Kim Pham. ‘I’m not guilty.’
Kim Pham was killed because she cut line.
Kim Pham blog last entry: Be bold go forward and live like hell.
Kim Pham attacker arrested after nightclub argument. Too beautiful to be killed?