Home Scandal and Gossip Mitchelle Blair, Detroit freezer mom sentenced to life: ‘My kids deserved to...

Mitchelle Blair, Detroit freezer mom sentenced to life: ‘My kids deserved to die’

Mitchelle Blair sentenced
How one mother remained unrepentant during sentencing. Pictured the home freezer in which the mother ‘stored’ the bodies of her two deceased kids…

Mitchelle Blair since come to be known as the Detroit freezer mother was today sentenced to life in jail without parole after murdering two of her four children and stuffing their bodies in a home freezer.

Leading into today’s sentencing the unrepentant mother showed little remorse, claiming that her 13 year old daughter, Stoni whom she killed in 2013 and her 9 year old son Steven whom she killed in 2012 both deserved to die after purportedly molesting one of the other children.

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Why did Mitchelle Blair, mother keep bodies of two children inside freezer?

Leading into last month’s guilty verdict, Prosecutor Carin Goldfarb said no proof of sexual assault was ever established.

During trial proceedings, Goldfarb told how Blair had poured scalding water on her victims, beat them with sticks and put trash bags over their heads.

Asked Judge Dana Hathaway: ‘So this was your way of inflicting punishment?’

‘Definitely,‘ replied Blair, 36.

‘I don’t regret none of this. … I don’t feel no remorse for the death of them demons,‘ she said.

The mother underlined that sentiment at her sentencing hearing.

‘As horrendous as everybody thinks I am — that’s fine,’ Blair told Hathaway.

In deliberating her sentence today, Judge Hathaway admonished the mother for failing to protect her children and for having failed to make ‘adult decisions’ regardless of what Blair herself may have been subjected to growing up.

‘There’s nothing that can be done, at this point, to change what happened,‘ Hathaway said.

‘True,’ Blair responded. ‘That’s why I’m asking for life.’

In a statement to the court pursuant to her sentencing, addressing one of the surviving children’s fathers, Alexander Dorsy, whom now seeks custody of his child, Blair told how her child had not seen her father since 2006.

Friends and neighbors said they didn’t know there was trouble in the home and rarely saw Blair’s four children. Two surviving children, ages 17 and 8, have been placed with an aunt as pending custody actions are deliberated. 

Mitchelle Blair sentenced
Victims: The bodies of Blair’s daughter, Stoni (left), and son, Stephen Berry (right), were discovered in a home freezer during an eviction in March
Mitchelle Blair sentenced
Stoni was strangled with a T-shirt and suffocated with a plastic bag nine months after Stephen was beaten to death
Mitchelle Blair sentenced
The Detroit neighbourhood where the frozen bodies of the children were found