What terror! Real life Ken and Barbie, aka Justin Jedlica and Valeria Lukyanova meet.
Oh really?! Living Barbie doll Valeria Lukyanova meets her twin double, Dominica.
Valeria Lukyonova living Barbie doll is a fake according to new video.
Meet the human Ken Doll, has had 90 plastic surgeries to look perfect. But is he?
To say that Lhouraii Li of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK takes pride in her appearances would be an understatement of the year.
Inspired by her love of Japanese fashion and an affinity for a pink princess Barbie style, the 21 year old nail technical has come to transform her look to that of a living doll.
Using special contact lenses and false eyelashes to make her eyes look huge (naturally) and having learned how to contour her face, Lhouraii Li has rightly earned the moniker of the Bradford Barbie.
Going on to describe her doll like appearance Li tells the following recently : ‘I put circle lenses in so it makes your eyes appear larger – then I put eyeliner on and I extend it out way past my actual eye line and I stick together about fourteen pairs of eyelashes.
‘I’ve even shaved my eyebrows and draw them on higher, so it doesn’t look too weird when my eyes are big.’
So attached is Li to her look that she tells she never leaves her home without a full-face of make-up – even when she’s just popping to the local shops. Indeed!
‘It’s not a chore to do,’ she says. ‘People get up and watch television, I get up and do my makeup and I find it just as entertaining.’
Other points of inspiration include ‘unicorns’, ‘fairies’ and Disney princesses.
Reflects the living Barbie doll: ‘I was a goth at one point. And then that got a lot of stares and more hate than this.
‘I remember I actually tried to fit in at one point and I’d walk down the street and people would still stare at me and point at what I was wearing, so I was like screw it, I was going to dress even crazier.’
These days, Lhouraii tells the attention from locals i doesn’t bother her as much.
‘Obviously some people say bad things but I kind of switch off from it a lot – I’ll look around and everyone will just be staring at me.
‘People sing I’m a Barbie girl and I’ll finish it.’
The UK’s dailymail go on to note that Llhouraii’s transformation from goth to barbie princess began four years ago, when she started experimenting with makeup and researching Japanese culture.
Now, she’s even started uploading make-up tutorials on YouTube and has already attracted more than 6,000 followers and averages 20,000 views per video.
Told her biggest fan and boyfriend of four years, Nathan Kent, 24: ‘I really like the look. I think it would be better for her if she could go outside without so much makeup on every so often, but it makes her happy.
‘I’ve known her for the past eight years. When we first met, she was dressed kind of gothic and so was I, but when we met up again after a few years, that’s when she dressed like this and it has changed since we’ve been together.
‘Most people are more positive about it than negative and just interested.
‘It upsets me when it upsets her – it’s irritating.’
Despite the stares and comments, Lhouraii is happy with her look and won’t be changing it anytime soon.
‘If I do want to look like this when I’m fifty or something then I’ll still look like this because it won’t matter.’
We should hope so indeed….
above image found here