Lindsay Lohan has been drinking 2 litters of vodka a day and sniffing coke for months.
Lindsay Lohan said to have been drinking and binging for days after TV bomb.
And this is what Lindsay Lohan’s mum, Dina Lohan said after she was arrested…
Lindsay Lohan was doing mounds of cocaine before she punched and spat on Tiffany Eve Mitchell.
Lindsay Lohan arrested for punching blonde psychic at NYC nightclub. Jail?
Seems the Lindsay ‘I want to entertain you forever and ever drama’ Lohan hit a new bump (no, not that white one, that was last night) this morning as our collective hero found herself in a new scrap (yes people are expendable in Lilo’s life just like that) when her former assistant and soon to be ex friend Gavin Doyle arrived at the local police precinct to collect Lilo after her ass was hauled in for smashing a club goers face.
As Lilo descends from the tenth precinct police station and begins to make her way into an awaiting vehicle she suddenly catches sight of friend and former assistant Gavin Doyle sitting in the front seat which then leads to her severely regaling him whilst bemused paparazzi listen in.
A transcript of the hawt mess went something like this:
Lohan: [inaudible]…just like you did with Sam.
Doyle: No, I didn’t!
Lohan: GAVIN, GET OUT OF THE CAR! GET OUT OF THE CAR, GAVIN! Get him out of the car! Get him out of the car, NOW!
Gavin, get out! Gavin, get out of the fucking car. NOW.
Doyle: Okay. Never speak to me again.
And just like that our collective hero pulls away to her next impending disaster leaving poor Gavin to walk the dirty back streets of NYC all by himself, suddenly mobbed by mankind’s worst best friend, the paparazzi who are now slithering besides him, desperate to find out what just happened. As you watch the video below, courtesy of the nypost, a forlorn Doyle continues walking into the abyss with his jacket over his head.
But it now gets better. Thinking about the humiliation he was subjected to, Doyle later this afternoon headed off to twitter where he tweeted the following:

Of course now everyone in tabloid land is trying to figure out who exactly Sam is (Sam Magid whose jewelry was ripped off over the summer?) and what exactly set Lilo off (did he offer contradictory testimony this summer when she crashed her Porsche into a rig thus implicating her and leading to today’s other charges?).
Either way one thing is for sure, our collective hero is due for another outburst and a major tabloid headline by the time you return from the bathroom.
Don’t you wish you were constant trash news fodder to the masses too?
It’s Samantha Ronson.