Home Scandal and Gossip Oh really! Lindsay Lohan’s victim, Tiffany Eve Mitchell just wanted to give...

Oh really! Lindsay Lohan’s victim, Tiffany Eve Mitchell just wanted to give her a free psychic reading.

Tiffany Eve Mitchell, Wayne Stevens and Lindsay Lohan.
Tiffany Eve Mitchell, Wayne Stevens and Lindsay Lohan. Image via tmz.
Tiffany Eve Mitchell, Wayne Stevens and Lindsay Lohan.
Tiffany Eve Mitchell, Wayne Stevens and Lindsay Lohan. Image via tmz.

Lindsay Lohan has been drinking 2 litters of vodka a day and sniffing coke for months.

Lindsay Lohan said to have been drinking and binging for days after TV bomb.

And this is what Lindsay Lohan’s mum, Dina Lohan said after she was arrested…

Oh really! Lindsay Lohan kicks out her assistant Gavin Doyle from car after he collects her from jail.

Lindsay Lohan was doing mounds of cocaine before she punched and spat on Tiffany Eve Mitchell.

Lindsay Lohan arrested for punching blonde psychic at NYC nightclub. Jail?

If only Lilo could have just agreed to some miserable wench’s free offer of a psychic reading.

In the latest episode of ‘everything keeps getting weirder, stranger and scarier in my life,’ starring our collective hero, Lindsay Lohan, tmz reveals that the fracas all began because Lilo wanted her space and didn’t want some freeloader psychic trying to give her a free reading. Or something like that….blah!

tmz: Tiffany tells us … she had a premonition about Lohan and approached her inside the club to offer her a free reading … but Lohan turned her down saying, “Give me my space.”

As she walked away, Tiffany’s friend says she heard Lohan call her a “f**king Gypsy” … and it set her off. 

We’re told the friend went ballistic — unloading a bunch of insults back at Lohan … calling her a “whore” and telling her “Liz & Dick sucked.”

At that point, Lohan lost her cool and socked the psychic in the eye … and all hell broke loose inside the club.

What of course sucks is that Tiffany was just trying to ingratiate herself with our collective media whore and when Lilo turned her down, Tiffany just skulked away, except her friend had to run back to Lilo and explain to her how much of a failure she was which of course earned poor Tiffany a stupid punch in the face. Ouch! That’s why I never bring my friends out with me, it’s hard toilet training my own mouth, let alone someone else’s.

Of course there’s a positive flip to all of this: Tiffany Eve Mitchell has now become a household name and now everyone in America will want to fly down to Florida where Tiffany owns several psychic whatever businesses that will tell you all about your future.

And for those of you who say Tiffany should have had a premonition that she would have got a beating, you got it all wrong, cause according to Tiffany she just knew something good would come of speaking to Lilo, and of course a swollen cheek bone aside something has- she’s also now a national treasure.

But since we’re talking about how bad people treat each other, here’s Tiffany’s husband, Wayne Stevens, hawt bixch himself, explain how offended his ass was when he heard Lilo called his Tiffany, let’s all gasp together, a  “f**king Gypsy”:

Tiffany’s husband tells TMZ, “We are not Gypsies. That has nothing to do with our religion … it was a racist comment.”

He adds, “Just because your career went down the drain and your new movie sucks, you can’t go around beating people up.”

Oh poor Lilo, you were just minding your own business, getting merrily trashed in your own abyss and some free loading fan had to try and suck away your fame into her own corner of the world. Well at least you socked her good….blah!