Home Fashion Kate Upton slams detractors for calling her fat. “I’ll eat when I...

Kate Upton slams detractors for calling her fat. “I’ll eat when I want to!’

Kate Upton



Kate Upton

Kate Upton will eat what she wants and when she wants thank you very much bixches!

Kate Upton has come out swinging at detractors who have labeled the cover girl as fat, vulgar and lardy amongst other names.

Unrepentant the 20 year old self made model who first gained attention through an aggressive social media campaign as opposed to being championed by a typical model agency and who is carving a nice paycheck strictly cause she’s not a stick figure like most fashion girls has gone on the offensive as denigrating statements about her physical appearance continue unabated.

‘It was hard when I was first in the industry and people were like: “No, you are fat.” she says.

‘But my body is something that you have to work out and eat healthily for. 

‘I’m not doing drugs or not eating. I want to enjoy life and I can’t be enjoying life if I’m not eating and miserable.

‘Young models – these agents are horrible to them they treat them so badly. I went to Australia and my agent there said don’t call me if you need anything, just show up on these castings.

‘Some models don’t say anything [about being sleazed] on but I’m very verbal I always said something.”

Ironically it was a scathing interview with Victoria’s Secret booker Sophia Neophitou with the NYT’s earlier this year that helped propel the model’s career when Ms Neophitou went on to say:

“She is too obvious. She’s like a page 3 girl.’ she said

‘She’s like a footballer’s wife, with the too-blond hair and the kind of face that anyone with enough money can go out and buy.’

In fact the criticism has hardly stopped with thinspiration site skinnygossip receiving unrepentant flack for its portrayal and assessment of Ms Upton, calling her excessively overweight by 30 pounds. All of this has hardly stopped Sports Illustrated for booking her for their cover which resulted in huge sales for the outlet.

Kate Upton: jiggly, could use some toning, curvaceous, omnipresent, yes all of the above but what is fashion anyway than an idealized depiction that one can turn around on its head. Nice to see Ms Upton challenge some over zealous and sometimes misguided notions of what counts as beautiful. Then again despite her purported limitations she is a knock out that would have any red blooded male look twice at her as she walked down the street, something that isn’t lost to those who are booking her by the droves…including Guess who just named Ms Upton as their new cover girl. Not bad work for a ‘fat’ model.

Email chain reveals Skinnygossip blogger relents after calling Kate Upton fat.

Kate Upton gets dissing from pro thinspiration website: Huge thighs, no waist, big fat floppy boobs, terrible body definition

Video: Oh look! Courtney Stodden challenges Kate Upton in a bikini dance off…

Kate Upton’s breasts star in new Terry Richardson video.

Video: Kate Upton’s breast land on the cover of GQ’s July issue.

Kate Upton



  1. She has a boxy mid section and chicken legs and no a$$.there is no symmetry to her shape.the skinny legs doesn’t match the boxy top..just like brooklyn decker when they were trying to shove her”beautiful”body down our throats.wide hips usually go well with thin waist and legs that correspond with the shape.

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