Home Pop Culture The lynching of American media and Keith Olbermann.

The lynching of American media and Keith Olbermann.


balance sanity to cable. No doubt there is now a little bit more of a wobble as the Earth spins on its axis.

At least in this viewers eyes- TV news has always been a football game to take a side on. But then again can we blame them for thinking that the news has now morphed into different cheer squad teams throwing dog poo at each other- it’s become the preferred mea culpa of cable TV and advertisers.

It’s amazing how, if you don’t write something sweet and nice about Keith, the moderators remove your comment. I can’t even voice my opinion on HP.

Hmm- interesting- they do the same thing over at Gawker- so much for balanced and nuanced reporting.

In the end the media and its pundits will continue their game, beef up their cheering squad team and come up with the occasional human interest story while a comatose America sits home and wonders to itself why the country is going to the dogs and there is no one left to offer a subjective discussion, irrespective of idealogical dogma of what is actually going on in this nation, what it means and how we arrived at that moment. Instead we will all be resigned to pointing fingers, applauding Hollywood stars who resemble action heroes with perfect haircuts and jawlines and the commiserating the continued liberties of this nation and those brave enough to inspire and engender said discussions. What a bloody shame.

Why I will Miss Keith Olbermann, The Progressive Paul Revere

Our top 5 predictions for 2011: The rise of media whoredom, social networking and the haves vs the have me nots but wishful fame and money.

Is Gawker afraid of free speech?

What’s wrong with media today?

Dilemma of a paperback writer.

Tabloid Sleaze and the players that make it!

‘Gawker,’- Trying to Understand why Gutter sells. 

Observations of a Sleep Deprived Blogger.



  1. fox news had Beck with a chain saw and a live rabbit and he’s STILL on TV????? WOW, Keith PLEASE come back.

  2. Keith was the only one I ever watched. Hey,Paul Ryan maybe you can get one of those phony Vouchers to shop around for some MEDICARE,what ‘d say .

  3. I started watching Jerry Nachman, Hardball, and Donahue back then because they were the ONLY station & (jouralists) aside from a quiet few in print media and ALL KINDS OF VOICES FROM Great Britain & Canada that were asking questions. While Faux and CNN posted banners (like March to War – (so did MSNBC) but at least they were arguing about the merits and predicted what would become QUAGMIRE 2 – the revisiting of War.

    No WMD, No legitimate rationale for invading, LIES and more LIES from Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, and Bush all so they could complete what they lobbied Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr from day one…. over throw of Saddam.

    Imagine what we could have spent those 2 Trillion on? Oh that’s right – we borrowed it all on China’s – U.S. Credit line How spectacular. Friends, bothers, fathers, and sons along with daughters, mothers, and grandchildren all used as pawns so CEO’s and companies can WAR PROFITEER.

    Please Faux Noise you won’t you ever be patriotic enough to call out the evil do’ers right here at home? Pretty please?

  4. Great Article.

    Keith from day one – advocated strongly for the powerless without a voice: immigrants­, gays, veterans, the disenfranc­hised from healthcare­, social security recipient, medicare recipients­…

    Keiths warmth and humor touched us as humans, his wonderful vocabulary respected our intelligen­ce (yes I needed to look up words on occasion). I would much rather be spoken to in language that is never dumbed down.


    Propaganda won the day Keith left MSNBC; now we are moving toward a RIGHT WING IDIOTOCRACY! – no referee, no one to directly cross swords and call out the lies by citing fact.

  5. The first 2 letters of program stand for Micro Soft, one of the Wall Street wellfare bums who are not too proud to accept the people’s hard earned tax money. Then kill their livelyhood by shipping their jobs to 3rd world countries who do their dirty work for peanuts. the people of America should wake up and boycott these bastards by not buying their products. The governmet should tax the crap out of them untill they get enough and go to to those countries to live, just where they belong. But I guess that won’t happen, because the stupid republicans will support their destruction of the people, and lie about it to the poor stupid people who are stupid enough to keep voting these criminals back into office. the United States Of America will be a pile of rubble inside of 20 years because of these greedy bastard. This will only be averted if the people wake up vote against republican greed.

  6. The author of this blog really needs to learn how to write comprehensibly. Sheesh! I was interested in the topic, but this is little more than unintelligible blather.

  7. Keith Olberman might have been biased but he never lied. He backed his words woth facts. Why is it ok that we be subject to people like Beck & Limbaugh but K O is a blowhard. Might I mention that he brought awareness to the health care issue & help get several free clinics in different states he was more than a journalist. He cared and tried to make a difference for the common people not for the Corporations now the corps are shutting a voice down that stood for the common people Let’s see who else they shut down next. You, me, we will see.

  8. Two things. I don’t write comments that often, so I apologize for following what I understood to be standard protocol which is to imply that the author of the post is stupid and attack his English skills while at the same time conducting a master class on how to shit all over the English language.

    Secondly, Schmaengell, let us suppose what you say is correct ( debating the particulars will go nowhere) and KO’s leaves were necessary to deal with his father. Having a father who is currently deteriorating into paralysis with sudden onset parkinson’s going into cancer related surgery next week, perhaps I should be more compassionate and allow that under the circumstances, unwinding at a baseball game is not the worst thing to do in the middle of what must have been a period of great anguish for KO.

    Did the training / brainwashing I received in the GOP lab from Sean Hannity himself make any of the other behaviors I have suggested less clownish or any more appropriate for a professional journalist ?

  9. Nice distortion, Random Reader.

    And criticizing someone who was, in fact, on a leave of absence to tend to his father who was very ill indeed (and died, btw) is beyond reprehensible. We all need to unwind sometimes. Perhaps you’ve never had to care for someone with a long-term terminal illness or are just an uncaring prick. But that comment is way out of bounds.

    You’ve been well trained/brainwashed in fox newspeak. Well done.

  10. My hat to you random reader- the author. Hopefully myself and my fellow journalists get round to matriculating from senior college next fall…it’s obvious we have so much to learn…

  11. To describe Gawker as hustlers of cheap vitriol while referring to Keith Olbermann as a journalist demonstrates that the author had to forego learning the definitions of words like “context”, “objectivity”, “journalist”, “vitriol”, and “lynching” because he waited until the last minute to cram for his junior college remedial English exam.

    The author is right, however, in suggesting that Journalists ought to be concerned and will find it valuable to observe the situation closely if only to learn to avoid the following bad habits:

    Challenging your immediate superiors by saying that you wield more power in the organization than they do while indicating your contempt for them and the institution they represent and the company you work for.

    Making sure that none of your guests ever disagree with you and making sure to squelch out any remaining suspicion of objectivity by banning anyone who disagrees with you or dares to offer a differing opinion from communicating with you on twitter.

    Referring to figures in the public eye as Nazis, fascists, racists, and hypocrites while accusing those same public figures of cheapening the Holocaust when they use world war II terminology to describe regimes that have and do, in fact, engage in mass murder and maintain concentration camps.

    Taking a broadcast day off to go to a ball game and then saying that attending to your ailing father was what prevented you from keeping a normal work schedule.

    Demonstrating your priorities by consistently reminding your audience that what another media outlet with a far larger audience is an issue of earth shattering importance especially when it concerns the content being aired on that network during the time slot in which you happen to compete without the self-realization that you might seem petty.

    Doing all of the above while lamenting the uncivil tone of our national dialog without explaining how suggestions that people kill themselves and name calling are, in fact, part of your well-thought out campaign to reintroduce civility.

    Criticizing fellow network journalists while they are on the air without offering a meaningful argument as to why they are wrong and why your behavior is justified.

    Reading out loud from the works of a comic author as a regular part of a news broadcast because your task as a journalist who informs his audience by drawing attention to significant news of the day is not as important as reading humorous fiction aloud.

  12. Wingers and TeaBaggers never give up whining about KO and the other intellectuals in the MSNBC stable, do they? Sure looks like Faux News’s Blog Squad found this site right off!! Al and Al2 indeed!

  13. I read in Mediate it was office politics as GBShaw’s Eliza Doolittle would say that done him in.
    I will miss him. I’m currently reading his “Truth and Consequences” He writes like he talks.
    He does sound pompous, a blowhard but he’s passionate, caring, intelligent.
    How people feel regarding his opinions depend on their politics. I bet Al and Al2 are rightwing.

  14. Good riddance, far as I’m concerned. The guy was an opinionated blowhard who was usually on the wrong side of the issue. Maybe he’ll land in some backwater tv station where he belongs.

  15. I like watching Keith’s show it is very informative and is very straight forward unlike Fox News which many of you foolishly watch even though you know you are being lied to makes me think of the war in Iraq a war started basically on lies and was proven so yet we continue to fight there JUST DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE.

    I respect Keith’s journalism so much that I got hooked onto his show i was flipping through the channels a year and a half ago seeing what all the major news networks are talking about off course Fox news just made me switch the channel right away then same thing happened with CNN but not as swift as fox I then turned to MSNBC watched the whole episode of “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” and was immediately hooked not only can I see the true sense of journalism from this guy I can also see what he was bringing to the show was the Truth something foxnews is the opposite of.

    I am very disappointed with Keith’s decision cause hes one of the last few real journalists around that will tell it like it is much less so with Jon Stewart who although chooses the satirical route with his show yet he tell you the news without covering up the truth like foxnews yes foxnews. One thing that comes to mind that may be the reason for his sudden unfortunate departure might be the Gabrielle Gifford’s shooting and the not surprising post response from our very patriotic politicians. I couldn’t be more disgusted when Sarah Palin and the likes thereof acted like they had no accountability for what happened even though she proudly used terms like RELOAD! I can see why Keith might not want to be any part of such a corrupt and atrocious system of government where blame is passed onto each other instead of claiming accountability like Keith did and surprisingly John McCain. Although they are not directly responsible for the Arizona shooting they stood up and said something out of their hearts instead of their behinds like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have been doing.

    I wish Keith all the best kind of like how i did the same with Dan Rather who was also a journalist I had huge respects for its a shame how we just keep sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss where the truth is very hard to come by its all up to Jon Stewart Now.

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