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10 places you definitely can’t smoke (but you can vape)

An article written in The Daily Mail in 2013 states that for the first time in a century the number of cigarette smokers will...
Teaching confidence

Teaching Yourself To Be More Confident

Teaching Yourself Confidence: How to look inside yourself to rise to life's challenges & occasions- what to keep in mind and what to focus...
Talents that impress women

Top 10 talents that impress women

Talents that impress women: Meeting and seducing women is more than where and how but often what skills, utilities, attributes you bring to the...

James Holmes the Joker killer was a loner and recluse. Left for death scene...

James Holmes said to have sent notebook to psychiatrist with plans before massacre. It sat unopened. James Holmes snapped after failing key university exam. Couldn’t...

Play-To-Earn Games: The New Trend In Gaming

Play-to-earn games: Crypto, Volatility, and Scholarships. The new trend in gaming where players take on added speculation in emerging digital technologies.  In the past decade,...
Ed Thorp the man who beat the casinos

The man who beat the casinos

How Ed Thorp became the man who beat the casinos: A studying of numbers and the probabilities led to one gambler beating the odds. Many...

Disgruntled Natural History Museum volunteer launches into a disillusioned tirade after he is told...

It must be hunting season, because in our mail box we’ve received the disgruntled musings of one San Diego Natural History Museum volunteer, a...

Male Swedish train drivers turn up to work in skirts after being forbidden to...

Try telling a Swedish fella that he can't wear shorts to work and you're likely to get a bizarre reaction but then again what's...
Adam Lanza

Adam Lanza’s mother took him to psychiatrist which then led to his sudden breakdown.

  Adam Lanza carried a chilling cache of arsenal search warrant reveals. Adam Lanza chose Sandy Hook because it offered more targets and more sensation says...

Miss Universe pageant relents and has agreed to change rules to allow transgender women...

The Miss Universe pageant has succumbed to a battle cry from transgender and gay and lesbian groups, GLAAD,  that have assuaged that the notion...
River Nile Cruises

Touristic Attractions to See during your Nile Cruise in Egypt

River Nile Cruises Tourist Attractions to take in for travelers wishing to revel in natural beauty and architectural gems in Egypt. Of late, Egypt has...

Self Dealing: The New Social Media-ites Self Obsession

Self Obsession. These are the words that immediately come to mind when I contemplate the pervasive media scene currently on display. Instead of...

Kristen Stewart apology thought to be career suicide.

Robert Pattinson accusing Kristin Stewart of having a new affair. Called at 4am begging him to end it. Kristen Stewart is banned from Robert Pattinson’s...
Golf Player Problems

Top 6 Problems Every Golfer Will Understand

Golf Player Problems and what to do about them? Issues & challenges all players are forced to reckon with: the hole itself, right golfing...
Alekesey Vayner

Aleksey Vayner said to have died from a drug overdose. Was he an addict?

Hoax? Is Aleksey Vayner, the man behind Impossible is Nothing video resume really dead? Alekesey Vayner the former Yale student caught out on a retinue...