Home Scandal and Gossip Victoria Wilcher’s family shut down facebook and gofundme page.

Victoria Wilcher’s family shut down facebook and gofundme page.

Victoria Wilcher's family shut down facebook and gofundme page.
What will become of Victoria Wilcher now?

Since the open outcry of  Victoria Wilcher purportedly suffering at the hands of KFC staff and being asked to leave for presumably offending customer sentiment, Victoria Wicher’s family have come to face great scrutiny with new revelations telling that in the end, the incident that Wilcher family so ardently claimed came to happen actually never happened.

Kentucky Fried Chicken hoax: How Victoria Wilcher’s family pulled a fast one 

Victoria Wilcher receives $30 000 from KFC. Did Grandmother lie? 

Victoria’s Victories: Three year old Victoria Wilcher’s eye scar get her thrown out of KFC. 

The since revealed Victoria Wilcher hoax has in effect taken the goodwill that the family had been able to muster via social media and the currying of media into quite the opposite, with the family now the subject of disgust and scorn, and disbelief that someone could use the affliction of a 3 year old girl for mercurial gain.

Nevermind the fact that the family has since been able to secure (for the time being) $30K from KFC and another $135K from a gofundme page from well wishers who simply dared to care about another human being they never met before. A gofundme page which mysteriously as of this afternoon has no longer come to exist.

Explains wtvr: The CEO of the fund-raising webpage GoFundMe, Brad Damphousse, issued a statement Tuesday suspending the campaign and offering to refund donations.

“In lieu of the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the ‘Victoria’s Victories’ online fundraising effort, GoFundMe has temporarily suspended the campaign until the full truth is made clear,” the statement said.

The mayhem came after a regional media outlet, Lauren Leader Call came out with an article quoting a source which told that an investigation by KFC has revealed that none of the claims that the girl’s grandmother, Kelly Mullins had come to make were actually true, that her story was riddled with inconsistencies and unsubstantiated ennui (which is to suggest little did Kelly Mullins realize there were cameras running every moment at the venues and times she claimed).

In fact by the time one came to the conclusion of the article it was sorely apparent that the public and KFC had been treated to an awesome hoax of dizzy proportions.

Except that is not the way Victoria Wilcher’s family saw it, choosing instead to believe that public sentiment would sway with them (it had so far after all despite prior misgivings) and they would simply be able to shrug off another media nuisance report. Until by late morning they couldn’t.

Nevertheless the family chose to run a posting (see screen shot below) pleading that they had not orchestrated a hoax and everything was fun and dandy in lalaland. Except it really wasn’t.

Refusing to take calls from the media, the family has this afternoon taken to hiding under the very dark recesses of the universe as they have now conspicuously retreated to the oblique world that they came from. Victoria’s Victories facebook fan page gone along with the gofundme page, also gone. What will happen to the money and mostly sadly of all, what will happen to a young girl whose family may have at one stage meant well will be yet to seen.

Victoria Wilcher's family shut down facebook and gofundme page.

Victoria Wilcher's shut down facebook and fund page



  1. I don’t give two shits about anyone in the family or what they have done. I cannot change any of that. The only thing i am concerned with is the well-being of this child that has been to hell and back. I hope people can look past the drama and see the little girl that needs help. There is so much she needs that is not free or has not been donated.

  2. Five thousand a month? Uh no. They actually posted before this story ever started that the only thing insurance WASN’T paying for was the food at about $500 a month. And if that kid wasn’t hurt, they’d have to feed her anyway. She is getting free surgery and a free prosthetic eye. Now they are talking about buying vans (the dad) and going to Disney World. this isn’t about her..it was about getting a bucket full of cash for what had ALREADY proven to be a totally irresponsible family.

  3. They will and have turned her away already. The insurance company refuses to pay for the feeding tube and formula at $5k a month. The hospital can turn her away if her life is not in immediate danger. I wished everything were that easy but its not, especially when the main concern of some hospitals is money and not the patient

  4. That’s what insurance is for- to cover the medical expenses, thats what ST Jude’s children’s hospital, Shriner’s children’s hospital is for, there are no hospitals in this country that will turn away a kid from necessary medical and surgery just because the parents are deadbeat losers.

  5. Scammers! thankfully they won’t get that $135,000 tax-free windfall from gofundme from the idiots who sent money- the page was yanked, the family yanked the facebook page too- that’s very telling for sure!

  6. People who harassed the KFC employees need to take a good long look in the mirror. Even if this story wasn’t a hoax, that does not excuse harassing the KFC employees.

  7. So what will happen to Victoria’s family? There needs to be consequences. Not only was the donations received deceitfully, KFC employees at multiple locations were verbally abused, spit upon, had soda thrown back at them and certainly not least, death threats. At the VERY MINIMUM, an apology from her family to KFC employees.

  8. Very sad people love the negative atmosphere of the alleged hoax, but no more than a handful of us have dismissed the drama and are trying to ensure that the girl gets the proper medical treatment she needs. People should think about what their drama is doing to the girl that has already been to hell and back from the dog attack.

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