Since the death of Madison Holleran, questions are being asked as to what may have prompted the 19 year old University of Penn freshman student to take her life. New revelations point to the fact that Holleran found herself under extreme duress at the school.
In fact so omnipresent was the duress that Madison Holleran felt that her father, James Holleran had suggested that she could either stay home or transfer over Christmas.
Of note was the strain of the workload Holleran found herself dealing with and the highly charged air of competitiveness the school mandated of its students.
Told Madison Holleran’s beleaguered father, James: ‘There was a lot more pressure in the classroom at Penn,’
‘She wasn’t normal happy Madison. Now she had worries and stress.’
Over the Christmas holidays the tormented teen told she was experiencing suicidal thoughts and feeling bouts of conflict over her progress at the school. Until University of Penn, Holleran had been an exemplary student as well as track and field athlete with state records.
Reiterated James Holleran: ‘We knew she needed help,’
‘She knew she needed help. She had lost confidence in academics and she also lost confidence in her track abilities.’
On the day that Holleran jumped to her death, her father texted her that morning encouraging her to see a therapist for some anti-depressants, and she said she would.
Yet just hours later, she took her life. She left her parents a note and gifts for her family on top of the parking garage before she jumped. Her family would not detail the contents of the note.
Despite the rigors of attending University of Penn, Madison’s father has adamantly declined to blame the school for his daughter’s suicide. Nevertheless one is inclined to wonder to what degree the culture of unrelenting excellence and the seeking of high standards may bring undue pressure to alumni?
Told family friend Bob Weckworth: ‘People talked to her within hours of her act of suicide and there were no red flags, warning signs, nothing,’
“This kid didn’t have a boyfriend. There were no drug issues. There were no mental health issues in her background. It was just the last two, three weeks where they saw a change in her,’
‘Something snapped.’
‘She got a 3.5 her first semester, and I think just the high expectations that she put on herself was that that’s just not acceptable.
‘She was not happy at Penn, but the parents had told her then, ‘Don’t go back. We’ll transfer. We’ll look at other schools. There’s no reason to go back, it’s OK,’’
Madison’s funeral will be held today and her family have asked well-wishers to donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in lieu of flowers.
For confidential support in the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255.
For confidential support call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see www.samaritans.org.
Madison Holleran suicide note: ‘I was locked in.’
Why was Madison Holleran ashamed to admit mental illness?
Madison Holleran funeral. Was she on anti depressants?
Why did Madison Holleran kill herself? Too perfect?
Madison Holleran father: ‘My daughter needed help.’
Why did Madison Holleran commit suicide?
Honey her grades were perfectly FINE , she was still on an A average (3.5 is 90 average) and she ahd a 4.0 gpa in highschool.. CHECK YOUR FACTS
She was unable to logically, and rationally think about the fact that she was going to do well in life, regardless of her 3.5 in politics, philosophy, and economics. It’s sad when attractive, fit, and “well-off” women kill themselves because they have a mental issue. I blame her parents, society, and I blame her for not seeking help when she needed it the most. By the time she reached out for help, it was too late. Another hot girl bites the dust, and that my friends, is the sad part.
Whaaaaaat? I am a genius, like, my IQ is like, 210, I am smarter than like, Faust, Einstein, Hawking, and Gates combined. AND I am an Olympic deca-athlete, AND a supermodel, AND, like, a professional singer and musician, AND I volunteer A LOT, AND, like I can drink A LOT without looking drunk, AND I am a pilot, too AND I can do everything better than, like, you.
spoken with vocal fry at the end of each sentence by UPenn 16
what is with the vocal fry????????? you weren’t born talking that way. Stop it!!! NOW!!!! You are raping my ears with the vocal fry!!!
Do you have a cold, college student? college student replies, “No, that is just my vocal frrrryyyyy, ahhhhh, so hungover, like” and i have to go on facebook and post more selfies of myself, I have so many responsibilities, ahhhhhh……..(vocal fry included)
haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
are you trying to be a Kartrashian????
WHAT is with the vocal fry??
Some American college students are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying, they are all so sheep-like
“OMG… I am, like, such a sheep, I even change the way I talk, so I, like, can sound like everyne else, like.” again vocal fry at end
“I am such a procrastinator, I have to study for my orgo exam, like I am such a procrastinator” again spoken with vocal frye tones
typical college student “OMG…I was like, so wasted last night”……(spoken with vocal frye)
Madison’s life should be used as a cautionary tale for all young semi-privileged kids. If you get too wrapped up in your own image and abilities, you lose touch with reality, become depressed, and as a result lose hope and and may want to en your life.
I don’t want my kid to go to college and get drunk every weekend. I don’t like what I see at these “universities”, it makes me really sick. Any advice?
Madison is simply a product of our dysfunctional society. Nothing unusual unfortunately. I am trying to figure out how to raise a kid with good values and coping skills in a very broken society. Maybe I should move to Finland or Hong Kong?
I am just curious as to how many young people, well, people under 30 attended daycare on a regular basis as children. Did your mothers stay home and raise you, or were you in daycare for a large part of the time? I think that is also a big problem with our society. I know, I know, I sound so old fashioned and maybe a little misogynistic, but I think the lack of a stable family unit is also an enormous problem.
Immigration has ruined this country, the US would be fine if we had just ended immigration in the early 1900s. I honestly believe this is a cause of the declining values in our country. We have no real American culture. We are all too different from each other, which breeds hostility, anger, and depression. Sorry if that is not “PC”, but it is true. Look at all the countries ahead if us in education, they are all more homogenous cultures. The US has been ruined by excessive immigration.
Just look at the inequalities of our public schools. Someone from an affluent public school is going to have a huge advantage over someone in a less affluent public school. It is common sense. Wake up!!! Kids from less affluent areas don’t have much of a chance. Are you blind, or just ignorant?
Let us stop judging a person we did not know. I agree billions of people have a “harder” life than Madison had. However, Madison may have had a really skewed view if her reality, and/or reality in general. Is that mental illness. Maybe? Is that a reason to kill oneself? Obviously Madison saw no other option, sadly. She obviously lacked coping skills, which is very common amongst kids her age. That being said, I don’t believe someone who lacks coping skill, in addition to having situational depression/anxiety is clinically depressed. Colleges these days are ridiculous. I would NEVER want to be a college student in this day and age. It just seems like an ongoing show, and I am unsure what is causing thus type of mentality. Is it because we are inundated with “celebrities” ? Could it be this that is warping our view of reality? Is it because kids are basically raised by daycare and nannies while parents are busy earning the almighty? Something is really wrong, it wasn’t always like this, I am old enough to remember. Kids today, in general, do seem to be weaker, physically and mentally. Getting drunk every weekend, or even more frequently, it is disgusting. Many young people appear to have zero values, was it how you were raised? Or simply peer pressure? Kids should read journals of American Civil War soldiers who were 18 years old and volunteered to fight for the Union, they were role models. Leaving their families, many never to return, but did so with alacrity and pride. They had a purpose in lifeP, they had values. I sound very old probably, but what the hell is happening to our society? I think it started changing in the 80s, and now it it a world that I dread raising children in, I cannot relate to young people at all.
I think you meant below, not above, but the point stands. Penn and Princeton basically provide full tuition for anyone with even a remote difficulty in paying. If you can get in, it’s literally impossible now to not to be able to afford to go.
You think you know all about her. In reality, you don’t know her at all. I hope you are able to resolve your own insecurities.
She was obviously just ‘weird’ which is common with highly intelligent people who go to ivy league schools. She had it all but people with high IQ’s are often just odd balls. This is a sad story but killing yourself over a 3.5 is completely abnormal.
Your are jealous pieces of shit. Shes in an Ivy League school because she had the aptitude to be there. Shes a track star and “fit” because she worked hard for it. There are millions of rich kids that dont get selected to Ivy League schools, likewise for outstanding athletes. As a matter of fact Penn and Princeton are the two most generous schools in the country when it comes to finances. Covering the tuition of students above the 250k income bracket. Do your research idiot. The girl was talented and beautiful, may she RIP.
This is so incredibly messed up. You are a jealous, judgmental, heartless piece of shit.
What the fuck is wrong with you (both of you)?
Being tormented by some sort of depression is “a life [you’d] dream of having”? Seriously? Who cares what this girl had when growing up? She was incredibly sad, for whatever reason, and the fact you are incapable of sympathizing is simply horrible.
To the poster who said she killed herself because she didn’t meet her expectations, are you truly naive enough to believe that was the sole reason? People don’t kill themselves simply because they didn’t meet their expectations; this is a gross oversimplification. She was depressed, something that all the money, loving family, and good looks cannot fix. As a current UPenn student, I want to say to you that you are an absolute disgrace to our school.
Except at UPenn the average GPA is somewhere around a 3.3, and it is indeed very rigorous. Then again, as a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics major, most likely she was not taking the hard core science, engineering, and math courses that explain why some of us have lower GPAs. Still, as a student who goes to UPenn, I really don’t feel sorry for her. There’s so many of us who come from broken homes and poor families, and we don’t kill ourselves when we don’t meet our expectations. Instead we just keep trying.
this girl was obviously from a rich family, had BOTH a mother and father in her life, was going to an ivy league school… was in shape and fit… was obviously bought nice clothes and other things… sorry but i just do not feel bad… this girl had a life i’d DREAM of having and the pressure to succeed makes her kill herself?? well then i shouldve killed myself last year! it’s one thing to be just rich and get whatever you want, but its another thing to have an obviously loving father and family. this girl was probably spoiled as all hell and wasn’t getting what she wanted from school so she flipped out. she was in danger of becoming imperfect and having to live with the fact that she simply couldn’t handle the workload of an ivy league school. well, daddy’s money can get you into a selective school, but it can’t really buy you good grades