Alec Baldwin now accuses the media of stalking him
Alec Baldwin and his fiance now take turns mocking stalker on twitter.
He said, she said. But really who’s telling the truth?
It has been reported this morning via the NY Post that actor Alec Baldwin‘s stalker, French-Canadian actress, Genevieve Sabourin and he were romantically involved and that the actor had taken her out to dinner a couple of times in 2011. That said, when Sabourin found out that her prince charming was now engaged to gorgeous 28 year old Hilaria Thomas, a yoga instructor, the actress just flipped. She was desperate to get her ‘lover’ back and get the actor to see the light of day…
nypost: “[Sabourin] said [she and Alex] had sex and she wanted to have his baby,” one law-enforcement source said.
Another source added, “She’s claiming that she and Alec were lovers.’’
The French-speaking suspect bombarded Baldwin with English-language e-mails, including one April 4 in which she wrote, “I need to start my new life, with my new name . . . in my new country help me my newly [sic] husband, you!”
That same day, she added in another e-mail, “Please Alec come and pick me up now. I am less than 10 min away from you tonight. Say I do to me.’’
But unfortunately for the budding actress who according to IMBD has not had a playing role since 2007, Baldwin was in no hurry to go anywhere. That however didn’t stop the actress from sending another missive, that they would be married and she would become ‘Genevieve Baldwin.’
The actor for his part has remained steadfast to his story that he had only taken out Sabourin for ‘business’ purposes and that he had no physical interaction with Sabourin whom he wanted to help re launch her career.
That of course does not correspond to what Sabourin’s lawyer, Julie Sender had to say at her client’s arraingnment yesterday, whom was later released that day on her own recognizance and warned to stay away from the actor.
Offered Sender: “They met. They had dinner. They had a mutual relationship, with texts, e-mails going in both directions,”
Sender went on to assert that the pair had a 2 year relationship.

But after some ‘business’ type dinners things apparently got a little hairy. Soon after their last dinner the actor found himself being solicited with hundreds of phone calls,emails professing her love (what else?) for the actor and her determination that the two should have a life together and of course a baby.
Since then the aspiring actress had attempted to show up to the actor’s Hampton’s residence uninivited and then once again Sunday night as she sought counsel with the actor at his Manhattan apartment before a chagrined Baldwin took matters into his own hands and called cops on his ‘fateful’ lover.
Such are the minor inconveniences of real life celebrity actors and aspiring actors who easily shift from reality, fantasy, hyper reality and of course the skid marks of many of a tabloid paper. One of the better roles these two ‘would be’ lovers (actors) could have imagined. One can only speculate if Hollywood will come calling….?
Alec Baldwin stalker said to be bit part wannabe actress infatuated with the actor.
Stunning Blonde Canadian actress arrested after stalking actor Alec Baldwin.