Apalachee school shooting victims revealed with four fatalities at the hands of Colt Gray, 14 year old gunman, including teachers, Richard Aspinwall and Christina Irimie and students, Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo along with other survivors.
Authorities have revealed the identities of the four individuals, two teachers and two students shot and killed at the hands of a 14 year old Georgia school gunman.
Alleged fatal victims at the hands of Colt Gray, 14 during a school mass shooting in Apalachee High School on Wednesday included: Mason Schermerhorn, 14, an autistic teen student, fellow classmate, Christian Angulo, 14, along with coach and math teacher, Richard Aspinwall and fellow teacher, Christina Irimie.
Jah’Quih Pledger, a health and physical education teacher, was injured in the shooting at Apalachee High School.
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A special education math teacher, David Phenix, survived the onslaught with gunshot wounds to his hip and foot according to the man’s daughter, Katie Phenix, identified as one of the first victims of the tragic shooting at Apalachee High School.
Officials have yet to officially identify the two teachers, and two students killed, save for the two already identified on social media. Officials noted that Gray did not appear to specifically target his victims as the 14 year old randomly went about shooting.
It is unclear how the 14-year-old gunman got a hold of the weapon used in the attack, with authorities to date declining to say what kind of firearm was used.
A junior at the school, Lyela Sayerath, said she was sitting next to Colt Gray in algebra class minutes before the teen returning outside the classroom door and firing off 10-15 gunshots, before moving onto another classroom.
It wasn’t until he was surrounded by responding police that Gray surrendered himself, Georgia’s Bureau of Investigation said, with the teen ‘volunteering’ information as he now faces countless murder charges and is to be tried as an adult.
Wednesday’s shooting is the deadliest of the 45 school shootings so far this calendar year, according to Gun Violence Archive. It is one of 11 school shootings with four or more deaths since 2008.