David and Louise Turpin cadaver dogs to be called in to check for possible dead bodies and to conduct DNA testings to make sure 13 California siblings are related.
California, ‘House of Horror’ investigators are now considering bringing in corpse-sniffing dogs for fear that there might be other children that may have not made it out alive in David and Louise Turpin’s, Murrieta house.
A report via Crime Watch Daily told of Riverside County Sheriff’s Homicide Detectives wanting to see if there are other children that may not have survived with cadaver dogs will being used.
Authorities may also want to order DNA testing on the 13 Turpin siblings, seven adults and six children to confirm that they are related.
Those 13 siblings, recovering in local hospitals, are facing a long road to recovery.
Since arresting the Turpins last Sunday, January 14, authorities said they have learned the children were confined to the house, chained to furniture, starved and often deprived the use of a toilet. Some of the children were so detached they didn’t understand the concept of a police officer or medicine.

California 13 siblings rehabilitation:
‘You don’t need to learn what a police officer is from going to school, you learn that from just being out in the world,’ said Patricia Costales, chief executive of The Guidance Center, a Long Beach, California-based nonprofit that provides mental health therapy to thousands of children via the dailymail.
‘To not even know something like that really speaks to how incredibly controlled their environment was. They’re going to experience a culture shock even apart from the trauma they have undergone,’ said Costales, a licensed clinical social worker and therapist who has treated kidnap victims, some held for years.
The Turpin siblings will likely need years of therapy, psychological experts said, adding that if possible it would be best to keep them together.
‘Their brains are still adapting, they’re still forming, they’re still developing their understanding of the world,’ she said of the younger children. ‘But someone who has experienced these things for 20-some years of their life will have a lot of learning to do about what relationships are like, what the world is like, how they’re supposed to be treated.’
But despite the trauma they’ve been through, the therapists say human beings are surprisingly resilient and, with years of work, many if not all of the children could eventually be able to lead normal lives. Or maybe not.
Prosecutors are due to return to court on Wednesday to seek an order barring the parents from contacting their children with phone calls or letters from the jail where they are being held.
Appearing in court on Thursday, the couple were formally booked with a total of 75 felony charges and face 94 years to life in prison if convicted on charges including torture, child abuse and false imprisonment.
Both David and Louise, pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
The Turpins were remanded to next appear in court, February 23rd.
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