Nothing makes me want to kill myself more than watching rich people enjoy water slides on their yachts. I thought I was lucky when my vacation consisted of spotting Kate Moss and instagraming photos of my pina coladas beach side but now, after viewing the pics below, I feel more depressed and poverty stricken than I ever have felt in my entire life.
What did these young ones do in their past lives to justify such a lifestyle? And what was I? A mass murderer?
I feel completely jipped by life. I see no Ferrari in my front yard or Bentley in my drive-way (and rightly so because I honestly am a terrible driver, but that’s besides the point) no keys to my own ready to go fashion company (why bother interning for Anna Wintour when you can hire your own interns) and certainly no revolving summer expense account for me and my friends when we drop a cool $40 000 on the good shit.
At least once I’d like to try that so I can understand first hand how ridiculous the rush is. Then again who needs rushes when you can just stick your head out of a fast moving car….
But really…think about it: How can life be so kind to few and so very unkind to many? Do we not ALL deserve to ride elephants while wearing Hermes?
Also, if you are the guy in the passenger seat of the Ferrari please call me. I’m kind of obsessed with you. If you aren’t this guy but know this guy, please tell him to call me – it’s the least you can do to help those less fortunate. Even if I know it’s just a dream, I’m quite game for a sample of summer that I always knew I deserved. Not that being born into money really has anything to do with what’s good bad right or fair….
Snotty kids of rich kids of instagram react to criticism dished out at them.
OP sounds jelly