The Whole Foods Drama. Coming to terms with Corporate Greed part deux.
Have you ever wanted to know how the food industry works? Wanted to know what ails food worker employees, the secrets they keep from you when you buy your ‘organic’ peanut butter and other treats? Wanted to know how these save the planet type companies mistreat and under pay their employees and yet get to have you as loyal customers? How they get them to come in to work on their day off….
Then let’s all sit back and read this epic fuck you letter to corporate America that one very disgruntled employee sent off to everyone in the company this past Friday afternoon and see what the lesson and moral of today’s disillusioned employee holds for us…
Everything from shrinking pizza, over cooked toppings, embarrassing t-shirts employees are forced to wear, abusive customers, disparate smoking rules for new and old employees, and a whole bunch of other grievances that the author obviously thought over and over about for the 5 or 6 years that they worked there before they finally called it a day this past Friday.
Who knows, maybe you’ll end up resigning from your corporate job after you’ve read this letter, but just remember if you do, there’s always a needy desperate unemployed person desperate to take your hell from you.
And of course after you’ve read the resignation letter, there’s personnel’s response letter too, which we’re sure you will find amusing, and a trifle sad. Surely there must be hope for American employees? Or maybe there just isn’t …
Let the shit hissing begin forthwith…
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Dear Whole Foods Market,
My experience at Whole Foods was like an increasingly sped up fall down a really long hill. That got rockier with every metre. And eventually, just really spiky … With fire, acid and Nickleback music. I was hired about five or six years ago. I appreciated and respected what the company said it’s philosophies were at that time. The “core values” essentially. However, it didn’t take long to realize what complete and utter bullshit they are:
Oh, you don’t recycle properly? (Caring about our communities and our environment)
Oh, you throw out enough food to feed a lot of hungry university students. (Caring about our communities and our environment)
Oh, you’re asking me to put latex gloves on the sales floor so customers can throw a pair out for every handful of gummy bears they take? (Caring about our communities and our environment)
Oh, you’ve installed massive television screens all over the store, sucking up energy and polluting the environment with tacky advertisements. (Caring about our communities and our environment, Supporting team member happiness and excellence)
Oh, you waste an absurd amount of energy, ink and paper in your offices for useless bureaucratic nonsense. (Caring about our communities and our environment, Supporting team member happiness and excellence, )
Oh, you just write off 10-20% of the product that you buy for your bulk department because the bins look nice. (Caring about our communities and our environment).
Oh, you sometimes intentionally order too much just to guarantee a full shelf, knowing full well the product will most likely be thrown out? (Caring about our communities and our environment)
Oh, you don’t actually audit or evaluate each product you sell? (Caring about our communities and our environment, We sell the highest quality natural and organic products available)
Oh, you force team members to come in to work, on their day off, once a month, at 7 in the morning, knowing a lot of them live an hour away and the TTC isn’t completely running that early in the morning and then force feed them useless updates on the company and embarrassingly artificial pep talks ([Redacted] once compared Whole Foods Market to religion… had to throw that in there. That was definitely a “Did she really just say that moment.”)? (Supporting team member happiness and excellence, Caring about our communities and our environment)/
Oh, you buy poorly made, ugly t-shirts for your employees that will just be thrown in the trash and pretend they’re gifts when they’re really just advertising tools?(Supporting team member happiness and excellence, Caring about our communities and our environment)
Oh, the food here is really quite awful on average? Almost everything that prepared foods makes is terrible. The pizza used to be pretty good but the slices have shrunk, the toppings are sparser and it’s usually extremely overcooked. The sandwiches are
letter and rebuttal letter continue until page 3.
Whole foods was nothing more than a brand that took advantage of media hype. Their ID sales are shrinking period over period. The true colors have shown and its all downhill from here. Ditch the stock. Mark my words.
Nice try. The Whole Foods fad is over though. People are waking up to realize its an illusion. A company taking advantage of media hype. If you have stock, sell it.
In closing I work in arroyo Pasadena as the produce educator if you have any questions regarding what I have said I would love to educate you on so many things you have wrong thanks.
Listen to all of those that discount whole foods market inc. I have been there for 5 years and have never had any kind issues what’s so ever, in addition it has been by far the best company I have ever worked for. Moreover we have been time & time again the best company’s to work for since 2007-2011 and have been on the fortune 500 numerous time through profits and growth .
I’m so sick of people and ex employees downing this great company fr 1 your ex employees for a reason and 2 if your or of those stubborn arrogant people that don’t agree with our core values and what we do with our products , and supposedly that we treat our team members which is great I might add then clearly you are not educated on retail and have no backing on what your saying half of you dissing whole foods are conventional shoppers Ralph’s Von’s albertsons stores that tha can give a lick about what they are selling you
I am an abused long term customer who has just awakened from the manipulation and propaganda that Whole foods spins.
This year, over 50% of the Items that I purchased from Whole Foods were bad: moldy, stale, rotten, undercooked over cooked, and tasteless.
When they first opened up, 98% of their produce, baked goods, and prepared foods were wonderful. Alas, in recent times, the quality has decreased considerably.
I made the mistake of returning much of the spoiled, moldy, expired, and bug infested items to “Customer Service.”
Like Wal-Mart, Whole Foods will cut off an individual customer’s ability to address grievances after what they consider numerous returns or complaints even with receipts.
The deception of Whole foods staff being positive, kind hearted, and concerned with 100% customer satisfaction is revealed when you confront them with the ugly truth. Their true colors are shown when you don’t buy into their sticky sweet illusions.
Whole Foods management and “team leaders” have also shown me their loathsome natures filled with contempt which is defended with character assassination and manipulation.