Wednesday night saw us attending a bustling affair at Ivanka Trump’s jewelry store all the way on the Upper East side where we saw more diamonds, sparkles and lively personalities that we’d seen in a while. Sandwiched between an assortment of nubile fashionistas (yes that was Adrien Field …again) and the lovely folk that they hang with there was one precocious fellow who was luxuriating in it all. He had the biggest grin one could see and I suspect for good reason- enter the newest enfant terrible on the fashion scene Colin Megaro who in his one year plus foray into the fashion styling world (with his company Planet Style Concierge) has been making lots of heads wag, diamond caressed heads may we add too.
Already featured by the likes of Instyle Magazine, a couple of MTV Europe spots (why are the Europeans always so ahead of us…?) and slated to appear in the View in the next two weeks we decided to gently pull Colin away from his devout followers (they were practically making out with him – stylistically anyway…) so we could pose him some questions:
SCV: Hello dear, first of all let us congratulate you in your new venture with the Trump dynasty. Could you tell us how it all came about?
CM: A client of mine was so taken by the work I was doing with them they decided to introduce me to Fayes Rizk, one of the principals at the Ivanka Trump jewelry store and we all decided it would be a good idea if I started adding the Ivanka Trump jewelry line as an extension to the styling and accessorizing of our clientele.
SCV: I’m curious – what inspires you when you dress your clientele?
CM: It’s all about glamour. I want to bring back Hollywood glamour to NY. I want my clients to feel glamorous when they head out and to radiate sexuality, panache and old school glamour.
SCV: Why glamour?
CM: Who doesn’t want to be glamorous? It ‘s the feeling of a better me. I would like to see gentlemen once again in pristine tuxedos and exuding uber confidence, and the ladies to always be fierce.
SCV: So how does the styling actually work?
CM: I meet with the client and we discuss everything about their lifestyle, where they like to congregate, where they like to play, what they value and it’s my job to interpret all of this in my simulation of a new them- one that takes in what they currently own in their wardrobe, how we can newly arrange things and what we can add to the ensemble given current trends as they occur.
SCV: That implies quite a lot of imagination. Can one surmise you are a creative chap?
CM: Yes, I like to think so.
SCV: How do you physically pull off a new look for someone?
CM: It’s intuitive. As well as culturally influenced.
SCV: Do the clients sometimes shy away from your ideas?
CM: Yes. Those are the ones that you have to break slowly, get them acquainted with what’s out there, what complements them and how they can combine what they already own with some new pieces or just a re imagination of some the pieces they already have.. Essentially you have to take the client out of their comfort zone and show them they too can look fabulous.
SCV: Well perhaps you can groom this Scallywag one day?
And without having a chance to respond our dear Colin Megaro was once again mobbed by the newest influx of well wishers. Oh well one day I’m going to try a fedora hat…
Congratulations Colin!
For more photos please go to our photo gallery.
The Ivanka Trump jewellery store is really cool i have never been there but i listen about it alot. i always wanted to be there. jewellery collection there is just amazing . anyways nice article and nice pictures also great information in question answer format. thanks..!