Home Gawker GuestofaGuest.com Continues Artistic Rip Off, Joins The Social CIA Movement to be...

GuestofaGuest.com Continues Artistic Rip Off, Joins The Social CIA Movement to be a Homing Device on your persona;



A few years ago some creative entrepreneurial artists in Williamsburg had this crafty idea of tracking The “Famegame” in this town. Their perspective was novel and playful idea to track connections between societal players who were largely public figures, if not highly visible already, at least socially and philanthropically.  I met these guys. They were the kind of guys who appreciate the art of life with a healthy perspective.  They got some backing by a woman who knows a thing or two about the internet in Tatiana Platt, a former AOL Executive married to Architect/designer Campion Platt.

Cityfile came along and narrowed the focus on the comings and goings of the Top 2000, profiling the famous. Cityfile was scooped up by Gawker.

Then there is the curious case of GuestofaGuest.com which seemed to imply they were an outsider/journalistically playful eye on the scene. Backed by a frustrated Facebooker and a Holly GoNightly who was trying to position herself as the next Tinsley Mortimer, on the scene so to speak. That which  was reported on their pages became about inserting themselves into the stories that they covered, leveraging the editor to reality fame while she posed as America’s Next Top Socialite..

For the most part Famegame and Cityfile were documenting public figures, celebrities and the over exposed socially. Now it appears that GuestofaGuest, shortly after a re-design of their site to look almost exactly like Gawker, wants to go a similar route of Famegame, Cityfile and perhaps even Facebook,  by soliciting the personal information of anyone of even marginal relevance so should anyone google you they can easily find your bio, your date and place of birth and even your resume or employment history along with every drunken shot of you spending the Best 2K Ever Spent at some club on 27th street.

Before you go ahead with this you ought to think: “As a private individual, do I want a search of me to drive traffic to this one website where I may not have control of what I look like to the outside world, rather than my LinkedIn profile or my personal website?Do you want future employers to find you here? I know from time to time, a client, a friend or someone who does not want to be online in any capacity will ask us to take down and we try to do so promptly, although we make an extra effort not to take photos in the first place of people who do not want to be documented.

So now, I am just wondering, Does GuestofaGuest.com want to be Famegame, Cityfile, Gawker, Facebook or something else entirely? Are they conducting a CENSUS? Will new members receive a chip installation in their skin that will serve as a homing device to track your whereabouts?

Seriously what’s next for these Social Troubador’s? Is there a point where one can be overly socially networked and tracked to your detriment by a website who’s content is largely derivative, aggregated from the copyrighted works of others with the GofaG emblazoned over these questionably “original”  works of others, and signatory by lines under press releases supplied by publicists?


Editor & Founder
Society Editor, Social Life Magazine(Hamptons)
e-mail: [email protected]
AIM: ChrisLondonNY
web: www.manhattansociety.com

photos: www.societyimages.com
blog: www.christopherlondonblog.com
twitter: LondonInNY



  1. Ugh, don’t you hate it when people reference Orwell who clearly have never read 1984? War is Peace, this is not. Calm down.

  2. Scallywag, you really give Rachelle a lot of credit- she’s really not that smart. She’s just filling out her social rolodex…

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