Sumaya Thomas, North Liberty, Iowa woman arrested over false 911 call to get out of meeting date she had just met on online dating app.
Maybe she should’ve just ghosted him…? Or better still politely call him to let him know she had changed her mind… but one 18 year old had grander, bolder plans in store.
An Iowa woman who reportedly got ‘cold feet’ about meeting a prospective date she had met on an online dating app was arrested after cops say she reported the man was threatening to assault her, leading to the man being detained for over an hour.
Sumaya Thomas, 18, of North Liberty, according to a criminal complaint allegedly called 911 just after midnight on June 16 to report that her abusive ex-boyfriend was texting her, threatening to hit, punch, kick and stab her. The woman also allegedly reported that she was pregnant with the man’s baby.
However, officers found the man leaving the scene, who reportedly told officers he had only just met Thomas about a week ago on a dating app. They then changed from talking via the app to exchanging text messages.
The man showed police the text conversation, which officers said corroborated his story, KCRG reported.
But there was more to come.
When officers interviews Thomas, they said she reported having known the man for two years and that she was pregnant with his baby, and that he had been abusive to her and wouldn’t leave her alone.
Kids, does this sound like your ex girlfriend, or your own dating nightmare story from hell?
After a third interview, police said Thomas admitted to making the false reports because she got cold feet before meeting him and no longer wanted to.
During the interview, Thomas reportedly told police she didn’t think officers would help, so she made up the events.
The man was detained for more than an hour due to the false accusations.
Thomas was booked and later released from the Johnson County Jail on two misdemeanor false reporting charges including False Report of Indictable Offense to Public Entity, and one count of False Report – 911 call.