Amari Crite, Momence High School basketball player collapses, dies during game in mystery health condition as cause of death remains unknown.
A community is in mourning after a high school basketball player died after collapsing during a game in Illinois last week.
Amari Crite, 14 year old freshman at Momence High School was playing on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 25, as her team was facing off the Tri-Point Chargers when she suddenly collapsed. Despite efforts to revive the 9th grader, the teen never regained consciousness.
The girl’s cause of death continued to remain a mystery, with the Kankakee County Coroner’s Office investigating the girl’s cause of death, the Daily Journal reported.
Mystery cause of death?
Many in the community took to social media to share their condolences and support for the family. ‘Our heartfelt condolences go out to the loved ones of the Crite Family as they cope with the loss of a daughter, sister, & friend,’ the Momence Junior Redskins Association said in a Facebook post. ‘We ask that you all keep the family in your thoughts & prayers.’
Shannon Anderson, superintendent of the school district in Momence south of Chicago, released a statement Friday morning about the tragedy.
‘We are deeply saddened to confirm the heartbreaking news of the passing of one of our 9th-grade students,’ Anderson wrote.
‘Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends affected by this tragic loss.’

Mental health counseling
The high school will be making mental health counselors available to students, the superintendent said, WBBM reported. Momence is about 55 miles south of Chicago.
A fundraiser for funeral costs had to date raised more than $48,000.
The fundraiser elicited the following eye opening response from one donor:
‘As a former coach, who had a player collapse on the court (luckily she recovered just fine), I will never forget the fear instilled in me from that unforgettable moment & neither will the other players.
‘Watching a player leave in an ambulance, or worse a hearse, can’t be unseen. My family & I are praying for her family, coach, teammates, & school districts.’