Amy Brogdon Anderson Mississippi veterinarian mom told 8yr old daughter to give her the gun used in slayings of two cops as questions are now asked what led to the mother checking into Motel 6 in Bay St. Louis known for transients and alleged rampant drug use.
Veterinarian Amy Brogdon Anderson‘s 8-year-old daughter handed her the gun she used to ambush two Mississippi police officers, according to an exclusive report.
‘Momma told me to give her the gun, so I gave her the gun,’ the eight year old girl told a fellow guest at the Motel 6 in Bay St. Louis leading up to the slaying of the two officers with Bay St. Louis police department.
The girl according to the dailymail said she had witnessed her mother shoot down the cops in cold blood, ‘Momma shot the cops and momma was shot. Her eyes are open and she is breathing a little bit.’
Amy Anderson gunned down Sergeant Steven Robin and Officer Branden Estorffe early Wednesday morning in the parking lot of the motel where rooms cost $70 a night.
It has since been determined the mother of three was shot and killed by one of the officers in the melee. It had originally been thought that the mother had turned the weapon on herself after fatally shooting the two officers.
Vet mom checks into Motel 6 in the dead of night
Anderson only checked into the motel at 2:35am. Another guest told the dailymail he saw her in the lobby with her daughter and a dog. ‘She was acting normal,’ he said.
But was she? And what had brought her to the seedy motel generally rented out by transients, drug addicts and ‘working girls?’
Yet within an hour, Anderson was packing up her room to leave after asking the front desk clerk to call cops because ‘someone was following her.’
Robin, 34, and Estorffe, 23, were responding to that request and conducting a welfare check on Anderson.
By the time the two officers arrived around 3:30am, Anderson had backed her Toyota SUV in front of room 117 where she was staying and started loading items into the car.
The guest, who asked not to be identified, said she was sitting outside her room about 50 feet away from Anderson’s room, when she noticed Anderson was packing items from her room into her SUV.
The cops pulled their two patrol cars in front of Anderson’s vehicle and got out and started to make conversation with her in the room. The talks lasted for around 30 minutes.

‘Momma told me people are trying to kill us.’
Then Anderson and her daughter made their way to her vehicle. Her 8-year-old daughter was sitting in the front passenger seat and the driver’s side door was opened.
‘I heard her tell police that she wanted to leave. The cops told her she couldn’t leave until they had finished their investigation.’
At that point the motel guest said she heard some screaming from the woman and decided to go back inside her room.
Within seconds the motel guest said several shots rang out, two of the shots she said were simultaneous. Another guest told the dailymail that he heard yelling and screaming and a women’s voice saying, ‘get off me, get off me’ before he heard several gunshots.
After hearing the gunshots, the guest came back outside to complete silence.
Following the commotion, Anderson’s daughter who was soaked in her mother’s and officers blood asked the guest: ‘Are you going to hurt me? Momma told me people are trying to kill us.’

What brought the paranoid mom to Motel 6?
After reassuring her that she wasn’t going to harm her the girl walked toward the guest.
Within minutes. the motel guest said. The motel was swarming with police.
The guest said she asked the girl what happened, the girl repeated the words: ‘Momma told me people are trying to kill us.’
She then kept asking the guest if her mother would be all right. ‘Is momma going to be OK,’ she said.
The guest asked her where her father was, she said she had a brother and sister and they were with her father in Madison, Mississippi.
The reason for Anderson’s fatal outburst and her visit to a motel just 30 minutes from her home in Ocean Springs, Mississippi remain unknown and has shocked friends who knew her as a compassionate veterinarian who had started a new job at the Lakeview animal hospital just a month before she died.
But there might be clues, albeit yet to be substantiated.
Wrote a commentator on scallywagandvagabond’s Facebook wall: ‘The hotel Amy Anderson was staying at is a Tweaker Motel 6. I made reservations when I was traveling to the coast. The motel has no elevator. The room was filthy. Dirt on floor, in toilet. Used bandage on ac unit. I Walked in. I walked out…to another hotel.
‘The guy on the balcony was pacing back and forth, moving his jaw uncontrollably from side to side. Motel 6 in Bay St Louis is a meth motel. Why was Amy Anderson there? Why did she think she was being followed?

What actually goes on at Motel 6?
‘I think Amy Anderson’s toxicology report will tell the whole story. If so, her child has been living in hell. Oh yeah, shut that motel 6 4 meth heads in Bay St Louis down. Surely the cops knew they were not riding up to the Hilton.
‘Surely,, if I am from out of town and could tell in my 5 min assessment????? In short,. Never turn your head from a meth head….even if they are white, female, and have a degree. Meth heads are dangerous.’
An August 2 report told of two individuals in nearby Letourneau Road, Vicksburg being arrested in two separate events by Warren County Sheriff Deputies for possession of methamphetamine.
But there were more pressing issues at hand. One friend told the dailymail that the veterinarian mom she was going through a personal crisis that all came to a head on Tuesday, the day before she died.
‘There was a call made Tuesday to 911 to go check on her because she had a gun and was delusional and paranoid,’ the friend told the tabloid.
The friend said Anderson’s family were advised to call 911 to help her the friend said.
‘And they did go check on her. It turns out that was the wrong decision
‘So you may want to see why after they’d been asked for help by a friend and her mom, because Amy was in crisis, why they determined to leave her there with the gun and her daughter.’
Of note Amy Anderson didn’t have a criminal record, with her Facebook page showing happy family photos of vacations and dogs. A family life that seemingly had devolved and which may have pushed the mother to the brink.
According to her Facebook profile, she had just started working a new job at a regional animal hospital in October.
Authorities have yet to release a toxicology report which would indicate if the mother was under the influence at the time of the slayings.