Home Scandal and Gossip How? Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive while...

How? Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive while mom went out partying

Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive
Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive: pictured similar rat that run rampant in the area.
Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive
Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive: pictured similar rat that run rampant in the area.

Giant rats eat three month old Johannesburg baby girl alive while mom went out drinking: A community is up in arms after a child is gnawed to death.

A three month old baby girl has been eaten alive by giant rats after the child’s mother left her home alone to go out partying.

The incident led to the infant being ‘devoured’ by rodents as she lay on a bed with neighbors now demanding that the baby girl’s mother ‘rot in jail.’

The incident according to a report via the dailymail happened in the town of Katlehong in South Africa’s Johannesburg.

Notice of the incident came after the 26 year old mother returned later that evening to find hr baby ‘gnawed’ to death. 

The mother in turn was arrested and charged with child neglect.

Spared in the assault was the 3 month old baby girl’s twin brother, Lucky who had been taken out along with their mother during an all night drinking binge.

Told a neighbor: The baby could only have died a painful death. The infant’s tongue, eyes and fingers had all been eaten.

‘Besides the missing body parts, the remains of her body had bites and wounds all over that were inflicted by the sharp teeth of the rats. This woman must rot in jail.

‘She does not deserve to be a mother.’

Told, Noluthando Mtshali, daughter of the mother’s landlady: ‘The only thing this woman likes is going out partying in the local shebeens.

‘I just could not bring myself to go in and see what happened to this poor child.

‘She has been a tenant since the beginning of the year and her twins were both in hospital last week but we do not know why they had been taken to hospital.

‘Witnesses said it was not the first time she had left the twins on their own but it was the first time she had left only one child.’

Adding: ‘When people were asking where the other child was, she would say it was in her sister’s care.

‘She came back in the early hours of the morning with a new boyfriend and they tried to break into the shack since she had lost the key and they found the baby girl dead.

‘They were claiming that the child was burnt.’

Reiterated the mother’s landlady, Mama Sesi Mtshali: ‘We have lots of rats in the area. She leaves the children alone all night long and they cry themselves to sleep. She would not say she left the baby alone.’

The surviving twin is now in the care of his 28-year-old father and his new girlfriend.

Responding to the incident, the father said: ‘My ex-girlfriend gave birth to twins a boy and a girl and on Friday she took the boy and left the girl in the shack.

‘When she came back the following morning at about 6.30am the baby girl was dead.’

And his girlfriend said: ‘The mother always comes here drunk and locks the infants inside alone. 

‘When Lucky came to us he looked like he had not eaten for days but he is fine now.’

Corroborating the mother’s arrest, Captain Mega Ndobe, from Katlehong police confirmed that the mother had gone out drinking.

She said: ‘I can confirm the little girl died after being eaten by rats. The mother has been arrested and is facing charges of child negligence and the case will be heard in court next year.’

It is not the first time children have been eaten by rats in South African townships.

In 2011 Lunathi Dwadwa, three, was killed and eaten in a shack outside Cape Town in 2011 as she slept on the floor beside her parents.

When her mother discovered her lifeless body, she saw that her daughter’s eyes had been gouged out.

Told Bukiswa Dwadwa, 27 at the time: ‘I can’t forget how ugly my child looked after her eyes were ripped out.

‘She was eaten from her eyebrows to her cheeks, her other eye was hanging by a piece of flesh.’

Her father Mncedisi Mokoena said police told him: ‘Nothing could have done that but rats.’

The same year another infant was eaten alive in a shack in Soweto while her mum was out with friends.

The month before grandmother Nomathemba Joyi, 77, died when giant rats chewed off her face as she slept. 

At present it isn’t necessarily understood whether there had been prior notice of errant behavior on the mother’s behalf and why for that matter the twin’s father didn’t take more proactive actions to engender his children’s safety….

Lunathi Dwadwa
In 2011, baby Lunathi Dwadwa was eaten alive by rats in Cape Town. Picture: Supplied Source:Supplied