Social media has claimed to have identified the Charleston shooter as 21 year old Dylann Storm Roof, as claims that the FBI has now identified the South Carolina man responsible for the death of nine churchgoers, including Reverend Clementa Pinckney.
Dylann Roof boasted planning massacre: I am looking to kill a bunch of people
Dylann Storm Roof drug addict and proud racist.
Who is Dylann Roof? Got a shotgun for his 21st birthday
Charleston White Gunman still at large: ‘I have to do it. You rape our women’
A bevy of images has now appeared on social media appearing to match the man who was arrested earlier on drugs charges this year with that of the man caught on surveillance tape.
The man was last seen in a getaway car, a 2000 Hyundai Elantra.
The suspect who remains on the loose has been described as a white male, 21 years old, slender/small build, gray sweat shirt, blue jeans and clean shaven. The suspect is considered armed and dangerous.
A report via NBC documented a survivor’s cousin telling that the shooter had entered the church asking for Reverend Clementa Pinckney and took part in an hour long bible reading.
Soon after the reading ended at 9pm the shooter began shooting at attendees, by then already killing two individuals when they took to reloading their gun.
It is at this moment one of the attendees sought to dissuade the shooter who before reloading and shooting at five more individuals, turned and told the attendee: ‘I have to do it, you rxpe our women and have taken over our country and you have to go.’

To date, Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen has described the Emanuel A.M.E. Church shooting as a hate crime.
Told Police Chief Mullen: ‘This is clearly a tragedy in the City of Charleston,’
‘We are all praying and our hearts go out to the victims and their families as well as this entire community…When officers arrived they found a number of victims inside and we had also individuals who were transported to the MUSC emergency trauma center. As the investigation continued we were able to determine that there were eight deceased individuals inside of the church.’
According to Mullen, one victim was transported to MUSC where they later died.
‘We have investigators that are out tracking, leads are coming in and we will continue to do that until we find this individual who carried out this crime tonight and bring him to justice,’
‘This is a tragedy that no community should have to experience. It is senseless, it is unfathomable that somebody in today’s society would walk into a church when people are having a prayer meeting and take their lives.’
Well technically speaking it is a hate crime is when you target a race or religion. It does not matter the reason. Also his comments of “You people rape our woman and commit crimes” (or something along those lines) definitely means it’s more then just a political statement. He was personally driven and hated blacks.
Social media has claimed to have identified the Charleston shooter as 21 year old Dylann Storm Roof, as claims that the FBI has now identified the South Carolina man responsible for the death of nine churchgoers, including Reverend Clementa Pinckney.
Charleston White Gunman still at large: ‘I have to do it. You rape our women’
A bevy of images has now appeared on social media appearing to match the man who was arrested earlier on drugs charges this year with that of the man caught on surveillance tape.
The man was last seen in a getaway car, a 2000 Hyundai Elantra.
The suspect who remains on the loose has been described as a white male, 21 years old, slender/small build, gray sweat shirt, blue jeans and clean shaven. The suspect is considered armed and dangerous.
A report via NBC documented a survivor’s cousin telling that the shooter had entered the church asking for Reverend Clementa Pinckney and took part in an hour long bible reading.
Soon after the reading ended at 9pm the shooter began shooting at attendees, by then already killing two individuals when they took to reloading their gun.
Read more: https://scallywagandvagabond.com/2015/06/dylann-storm-roof-charleston-shooter/#ixzz3dQc2QXX2
hate crime? I would call this a political assassination or you could even go so far as a crime against humanity since he was targeting blacks as a political target.