Home Pop Culture Oh really? Server calls 3 women dining ‘fat girls’ on tip receipt.

Oh really? Server calls 3 women dining ‘fat girls’ on tip receipt.

Cameo Club Casino, which owns Chilly D’s
Cameo Club Casino, which owns Chilly D’s
Cameo Club Casino, which owns Chilly D’s
Cameo Club Casino, which owns Chilly D’s

Servers bereft of manners…

There is a wonderful cardinal rule that those who choose to work in the service industry ought to think closely paying attention to, ‘the customer is always right.’ Even if they aren’t right. They’re still right. At least that has always been the conventional thinking. Call it manners, call it repeat business, call it good will or just call it for what it is, a deference to the customer even if they infuriate you the server.

Not so at one particular restaurant, at Chilly’s D’s Sports Lounge (hmm not the most enticing eating venue one can imagine but nonetheless….) in Stockton, California where three female diners, Christine Duran, Christina Huerta and Isabel Robles had the ignominy of having the words ‘fat girls‘ scribbled on their check after dining their this past Thursday.

nydailynews: “I got the bill, and I was like ‘Why does the receipt say ‘fat girls’?’” Duran told News 10.

Her friends refused to believe her.

“I was laughing at her, and she was like ‘I’m serious.’ I’m like ‘No, it does not say fat girls. Let me see it,’” Huerta said.

The women confronted their waiter, who denied any involvement. He said the slur was likely entered by Jeff, the server who had taken their order.

Christine Duran, Christina Huerta and Isabel Robles
Christine Duran, Christina Huerta and Isabel Robles

The fracas led to the women demanding to see the manager who offered the women a 100% 25% reduction off their bill which only provoked more outrage.

“He had like a smirk on his face, like if it was funny, but he was trying not to laugh,” Huerta said. “He was like ‘Well, I can do 50 percent,’ and we were just like ‘Are you serious?’”

Hmm, so much for manners and a pleasant dining experience.

Offered owner Jimmy Seimers: “I just want to tell them that we’re sincerely sorry for that and that we’ll do everything in our power to make sure that this never happens to anyone ever again.”

Jeff who had since come forward and admitted to typing in the insult has as of now found his indelible self suspended (really perhaps lucky he wasn’t plain fired).

fat girls
fat girls

Nevertheless one does have to wonder what business of the server or those at the restaurant what weight, color, religion or even sexual preference, if we are to continue exploring the things that could possibly offend anyone has in decrying patrons of a restaurant. Of course the sad reality is the women ought to lose some weight if health is their concern. And then again if health was really their concern they’d probably would not have dined at a fast food venue in the first place, but at least in a civil society one ought to respect other’s choices no matter how much it pleases or offends them. Let’s hope the chilly dogs were at least delicious…

In the end the offended parties were given a full refund, and an apology issued on the restaurants Facebook page. Not that they will of course ever return…